Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2119: Tea ceremony

Qin double thought about it, a five-line blood fruit can bear the fruits of five attributes. The fruits that I wait for others to eat are all single attributes. Naturally, there are no five elements of blood, but...

"About, does Dan League have no fruit of single attribute? For example, if the core of the golden fruit of Qingjue is planted, will it not grow a tree that is all gold fruit?"

"No!" Guan Yu shook his head: "Dan Meng has tried it naturally, and tried it countless times, but no matter how it is planted, it uses countless methods. The tree planted is not as good as the ordinary fruit tree, and the fruit is still unpalatable."

"I still want to try."

"Then my core is also for you."

Guan Yu handed the fruit of her fruit to the piano. He also silently handed his golden fruit core to the piano pair. When the piano doubled up, he closed his eyes. Wei Qingjue also began to cultivate, and Guan Yu and Houdi also began to digest the effects of the five elements that were not completely digested before, and stabilized the repair of the tenth floor of Xuantian.

Qin double is now communicating with the old town. She gave her four cores and the cores she had just received from Wei Qingjue to the old town.

"Old town, can you plant five blood fruits?"

"The five elements of blood fruit are born naturally. Although there is not necessarily one in the world, it is not artificially planted. However, it is not as good as Guan Yu said. It can only be grown even like ordinary fruit trees. Fairy tree."

"Oh?" In the heart of the piano, one of the joys said: "What kind of fairy tree can I plant?"

"Chat tea!"

“Chat tea?”

“That is to say, using the leaves of this tree to make tea, after the monks drank, they can make themselves more compatible with the heavens and make it easier to understand the heavens.”

"So why not call Gou Tea?"

"Because there is enlightenment tea between heaven and earth, Enlighten Tea can let the monks directly understand the heavens, and the tea is just to make the monks fit the heavens. If you can comprehend, you still need to see the understanding of the monks. In short, this tea is also very Precious, the role of the monk is very large, but still not as good as the tea."

Qin double listens, it is not regrettable, can have a tea, this is already a big chance. What is she most concerned about? It is not the growth of Yuanli, but the state of mind. With the tea, the natural break will be easier.

"The town is old, then you will quickly plant these nuts."

“It’s useless!” Zhen Lao shook his head. “Because you want to plant the tea and let it grow, the nutrients needed are very special, otherwise the Dan League has already been cultivated.”

“What do you need to do nutrients?”

“The tea is also divided into two levels. The first level is the Taoist tea. It is the tea of ​​this grade. The nutrients needed are also the demon of the beast, or the magic of the demon. Nutrients, of course, if you can use the human, demonic, or demon monk's **** to do nutrients, you will grow faster.

This grade of tea is only long leaves, not fruitful. The leaves are made of tea, and the monks drink it, which will fit the heavens and increase the chance of comprehending the heavens.

Another grade is called the law. When you want to reach this level, you need to use the human, the demon or the demon, those monks who understand the rules to do nutrients, that is, to use monks above the king. Yuan Shen came to do nutrients. In this way, tea fruit will be produced. This tea fruit is called the law.

Can not make tea, you can take it directly, you can also refine the road. ”


The piano double sucked a cold air and cultivated the tea tree, which required such high-end nutrients. Think about it, Qin Double Road:

"That... If you don't have these nutrients, don't you die?"

"That won't. It just won't germinate. Once it grows, without these nutrients, it won't die, but it won't grow. So, whether the tea tree can grow to make tea is not a matter of time. It is a question of nutrients."

"Right, I have a lot of rules in my heart, can I help the tea?"

“No! The tea is also very strange. It needs nutrients, not direct absorption.”

"That... just plant it first, give it a nutrient if you have the chance, no chance."

Qin double is no longer discussed with the old town. Consciousness enters the heart of the Tao. When you see the heart, there is a big whirlpool. It is a slender rule that revolves around the spirit. On the head of the spirit, there are two. The law lock is also hovering.

These rules are all from the snow in the secret, very slender. Qin doubled with a metaphysical sweep, more than 36,000 silk. So many laws that do not belong to the Qin double are in the heart of the Tao. They have a lot of pressure on the piano. The whole heart has become a white frost, and the body of the piano has a chill from the inside and the outside.

"You have to weave these rules into a law lock! There is nothing to restore the power of the mysterious. That Jinlian still needs ten months..."

In the heart of the piano, a sudden move, the consciousness entered the town demon tower.

"Old town!"

"Master!" The old man suddenly appeared in front of the piano.

"How do you arrange the six best crystal veins?"

"I have laid them together in a six-in-one array, creating a holy place."

"That... Have you transplanted the nine to Jinlian?"

"The transplant has passed, and the thing in the little holy land made up of three crystal veins has been transplanted."

"Go and see!"

Qin Qin double mind to move, Huofeng Yuanshen entered the town demon tower, and the town old stood on top of a superb vein. At this time, the best crystal pulse has not been seen from the outside, one day outside, inside for a thousand days. The mountain rock has been formed on the best crystal vein. From the outside, it is a mountain range, and it is covered with grass, flowers and trees.

Standing on a mountain range, Qinqin saw six mountains and became a six-in-one. It was surrounded by thousands of miles. There are rivers, hills, forests, grasslands, lakes...

Above a large lake, covered with lotus leaves, the most central is the nine-turned golden lotus.

"The old town, now it takes a long time for the nine-turn Jinlian to mature?"

“Nature does not need it! But it also takes outside time, about five months.”

"Five months, I know."

The Qinshuang Huofeng Yuanshen returned to their place, and consciousness once again entered the Taoist heart and decided to start knitting the law chain. For five months, only the power of the spirit of the spirit is consumed, and there is a god, not afraid of danger.

Ling began to weave the law chain, but these rules are much slimmer. They were woven into a law lock with a rule of 15,000, and the other two laws were linked together. The piano double immediately felt the law. The power of the chain has doubled.


Ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a ticket!



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