Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2120: Magic

Only the spirit at this time, the mysterious power left in the body, is not enough to weave a law lock. There are still more than 20,000 rules in the Tao, and they circle around the spirit. Although the two thousand-plus-wire rule still does not belong to the Qin double, but the reduction of 15,000 silk, originally reduced the pressure on the Tao. In addition, after the 15,000-kilth rule is woven into a lock, it belongs to the rule of the double piano. In turn, it suppresses the 20,000-plus-wire rule, so that the piano double feels a lot more comfortable, and the temperature inside the heart does not Then the ultimate cold is cold. It just has a trace of cold, slowly radiating from the heart of the piano.

Xuanwu Yuanshen entered the icicle forest in the town demon tower and realized the law.

The three gods of Yangshen, Huofeng, Baihu and Qinglong sit in the heart of the Tao, although the three-lock and 20,000-plus rules are all ice attribute rules, but the roots are the same. It will not help the gods and gods to understand the rules, but it can help them broaden their horizons and become familiar with the laws.

This is like when the Qin Dynasty's warrior was originally practicing the martial arts, there is a order called the sensation period. That is to increase the sensitivity to the aura. When the intensity of the induction increases to a certain extent, it can be introduced into the body. Nowadays, the same is true. Usually, the **** of the sun and the **** of the gods are not aware of the law. Then there is no possibility to perceive the true law. You can't even perceive the breath, and what rules are you perceiving?

But nowadays, with the law lock and the 20,000-plus-wire rule in front of it, it greatly promotes the familiarity of the gods and the gods. By the time the perceived intensity is raised to a certain extent, the Yangshen and the Yuanshen can return to the sea of ​​knowledge and the soul space to perceive the laws of the spiritual world. This is a shortcut and a shortcut that others do not have.

Two days later.

Wei Qingjue broke through successively and repaired to the tenth floor of Xuantian.

"Ha ha ha..."

The whole Shandong is full of laughter of Wei Qingjue. Both Qin and Houdi opened their eyes and looked at Wei Qingjue silently. Guan Yu is looking at Wei Qingjue with a gentle look.

"Boss, after you return to Tianziyuan, ask me for help. After more than a year, Tianzicheng Dabei, whether or not we are allowed to participate in these preparatory students, I want to brighten their eyes. Let those real schools of Tianziyuan I am kneeling at my feet, hahaha..."

"Have you played my master?" said the faint whisper.

Wei Qingjue’s mad laughter came to an abrupt end, and he looked at the piano pair up and down, and his eyes appeared to be eager to try. Qin double laughed:

"You still have a good time to settle it. Just broke through the tenth floor of Xuantian in the nine days. This repair is everywhere in Tianziyuan. At the very least, the students in Tianjiaofeng Wanjiadong House are all repaired, not to mention. Said the students of the Tianziyuan Baijiao list."


Wei Qingjue also remembered that he had visited Tianziyuan. It seems that this cultivation is really nothing in Tianziyuan. Then clenched his fists:

"How long have they been practicing? How long have I been practicing? Soon I will catch up... No, beyond them."

"remarkably brave!"

Qin nodded, stood up, put away the array, and went to the outside of the Dongfu:

"We will go on foot, which will allow you to precipitate yourself."

The sound echoed in the air, and the shape of the piano pair had fallen on the ground, and it was walking outside Kunshan.

Qinqin has already had a feeling that he has cultivated in the town demon tower. Although there is a difference in time and flow rate, it is really better to comprehend the heavens than outside the town demon tower.

Although the town demon tower also has rules, but compared with the entire spiritual world, it is the difference between heaven and earth, no matter the quality or quantity, the spiritual world is much richer than the town demon tower.

If the heavens of the whole spiritual world are a big river, the heavens in the town demon tower, but it is a scoop from the big river. It is the fusion of the Tao, and it is much easier in the spiritual world than in the town demon tower. Today's town demon tower is more like a medicine garden for Qinshuang. Another role is that when you need to quickly accumulate Xianyuan, it is the best choice for Qinshuang.

Therefore, Qin Shuang decided to walk back to Tianziyuan, and to understand Tiandao in the walk, blending Taoism.

At this time, the four major gods and the yang of the Qin double are fascinated by the law, and it is the spirit that controls the body of the piano. While walking, the spirit began to merge the Tao of the nine-day Xuan Xian. Incorporating a Taoist method into the four elephants, one of the lines enhances the power of the four elephants.

With the five-layered state of Xianjun, walking between the heavens and the earth, gradually the piano double enters between the two objects, and the heaven and earth avenue slowly gathers around the piano, making her speed of the Taoist method more rapid.

Waiting for the land, Wei Qingjue and Guan Yu gradually entered the realm of the two things I forgot. After they ate five blood fruits, they absorbed more than half of them in a short period of time. Other energies and rhymes were scattered in their bodies. They needed to dig slowly and slowly comprehend.

At this time, walking along the side of the piano, while walking and comprehending, they gradually immersed in it.

After walking out of Kunshan, the four people instinctively went in the direction of Tianzicheng, and the four people gradually lingered the feeling of sentiment.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

From time to time, passers-by passed by them, and the monks also perceive that these four people entered a mysterious state of comprehension, and the eyes of four people were full of envy. However, no one bothered four people.

Interrupting the sentiment of the monk, that is the death of the enemy, once you have not killed the sentiment of the monk, it is not endless.

Therefore, unless it is an enemy, no one will disturb the monks in the sentiment. In particular, these four people, three of them are the repairs of the tenth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian, and the white-white dress woman who is only the fifth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian, has a cold atmosphere, and it is not easy to provoke at first glance.

If you want to kill these four people at the same time, it is not Xian Jun who simply does not have this possibility. Therefore, the four people of the piano are walking all the way without any danger.

Walking on the ground, in the spirit world, the feelings come to the fore.

The Qin double in the perception, the sensitivity of the abnormal, and the integration of the three days into the heavens, the spirit not only enhances the fusion of the Tao, but the power of Xuan also recovered by one percent. This makes the control of the body of the piano double, the perception is more acute.

Just before, she perceives a hint of magic.

Qin double is very familiar with the magic, I am afraid that even like the half-step Xian Wang Xu Mo, the perception of magic gas, there is no piano double sharp, this is because the body of the piano has a magic heart.

Qinshuang’s footsteps could not help but open his eyes. The rhythm around him was scattered. The three people behind Wei Qinjue instinctively stopped with the piano, but they did not wake up and still immersed in the sentiment. Among them.


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