Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2121: Happy Tea House

Qin double looked at the front, this is a place where there is no shop in front of the village, but in front of them, there is a wooden house with a plaque hanging on the outside of the wooden house. :

“Happy Tea House!”

Qin doubled his mouth and pumped it. He also saw the teahouse for the first time. And that trace of magic is leaked out of this tea house.

This tea house has already concealed the magical spirit very well. Qin double believes that if he does not have the magic, he has a natural sense of magic, and he will not perceive it.

The piano hesitated for a moment and finally walked toward the tea house. Since the discovery of the Mozu, the Qin double could not pretend not to see and leave.

Hidden in the Terran, there is a tea house here, there is no conspiracy, the piano double does not believe.

“Is it for four people?”

"wake up!"

The piano and the gods know the sound, and the voice is like the Hong Zhong Da Lu in the ears of the three people, and instantly wakes up the three people. At the moment of waking up, the three men looked at them with vigilance, but did not find the slightest danger. They couldn’t help but look at the Qinshuang. Wei Qingju just wanted to speak, and the voice of the Qinshen came from the ear:

"Don't be surprised, as usual. The tea house in front has a demon."

Wei Qingjue’s three people are not in the same heart, but they are all experienced people, and there is no change on the surface. Moreover, there was no doubt about the Qin double. The three men followed the piano pair and walked to the front of the happy tea house. The piano double reached out and pushed the wooden door and walked in.

There was some dim inside, the area was small, except for the counter, there were only four tables. The four people of the piano came to a table at the window and sat down to look at the counter.

There was a white-haired old man who was sleeping on the counter, and a snoring came out.

Qin double took out a fairy crystal and threw it at the counter.


The old man was so scared that he looked up and jumped up. Then I saw the fairy crystal on the counter, and then I saw the piano double four people.

"The guest officer waits!"

The old man reached out and expertly took the fairy crystal up, and then he was busy in the counter. He quickly drank a pot of tea, walked over, and put the teapot on his face. On the table.

"Objective slow use!"

Qin Xuan's mystery will be explored into the teapot, there is no mystery, very ordinary tea, and the tea cup buckled on the table was explored with mystery, and no mystery was found. You must know that there is very little mystery that can be used to grasp the mystery. What's more, Qin is still a master of Xiandan. If there is any mystery, it is impossible to win the piano.

When I saw everything safe, Qin Qin laughed: "Everyone has a cup of tea and rest for a while."

The piano double-ended the teapot, sipping tea for everyone, and then chatting while chatting about their own experiences. Wei Qingjue and others were carefully perceived in the dark, but they still did not perceive a trace of magic, and they could not reveal their doubts to the piano. Qin double gave them a look of alert, and then talked and laughed.

The footsteps sounded outside the door, and the eyes of the four people were not able to look at the door. Only the old man in the shopkeeper was still on the counter and fell asleep.

The door was dark and two people came in. A middle age, a teenager.

The eyes of the piano are slightly glimpsed, because the two men have a familiar feeling to the piano, but they are sure that they have never seen these two people. Then I jumped in my heart.

These two people are too much like Xu Mo!

Do not!

Strictly speaking, it is the young man who is too similar. He has nine points and a similar murder. It is like when Xu Mo is young. Naturally, he also thinks with Xu Luoxue, but he is not as tall and mighty as the snow, but it shows a kind of ambiguity. . The middle-aged man is only about 50% similar to Xu Mo.

"These two are Xu family!"

In the moment of the heart, Qin double determines the origin of the other party, but does not know who the other two are. In the past, she did not ask Xu Kaiyun, and Xu Kaiyun rarely talked about Xu. However, from the appearance of this boy, Qin double can conclude that he must have a very close relationship with Xu Mo.


The middle-aged man slammed twice on the counter, and the old man looked up again and smiled on his face:

“Objectively wait!”

The middle-aged man nodded and took the boy to sit on the table adjacent to the four sons of the piano. The boy nodded to the piano pair and others, and the piano and other people smiled and nodded, then they each looked away.

Soon, the old man sent the tea up. The teenager picked up the teapot and sipped tea for the middle-aged and himself. The middle-aged did not drink. The young man did not drink when he saw the middle-aged, and he did not drink. The middle-aged man looked at the juvenile:

"Falling, you have been out for three years, we should go back."

The teenager showed a hint of helplessness: "Zhen Shu, what is this honing? Under your protection, I have no chance to experience life and death. I originally thought of sneaking out, but I did not expect to be discovered by my father. You are accompanying me."

Zhen Shu smiled and said: "The patriarch is also good for you. Your cultivation is too low. Your older brother is doing this repair, but you don't want to sneak out like you, but also sue the patriarch, the patriarch sends people to protect, only Go out and grind. Your big brother is not now called the first person in the spirit world?"

"Falling, the patriarch is his father. If he is really surnamed Xu, then it is Xu Luoyin, is it the son of Xu Mo, the younger brother of Xu Luoxue?"

The piano doubles up and listens.

Xu Luoyin’s face burst into a bright smile: “I just don’t want to be like the big brother. He is too old. I am so young, it’s a great time between mountains and rivers. How many people are comfortable?

He will be the patriarch of the Xu family in the future, so every move must be in accordance with the rules. What I want is great care, great freedom, no need to behave. ”

Shocked at the corner of his mouth, he smiled. When he saw it, he knew that he had become accustomed to Xu’s saying. He looked at the old man who was sitting in the counter, and his head was snoring little by little, whispering:

"Falling, since more than a year ago, after the Mozu attacked the Purple City, the Purple Star became more dangerous. Many of the Devils did not leave after the World War, but sneaked into the Purple Star. Over the past year, we have traveled all over the place, heard and saw many outstanding monks in the Terran and many great potential heroes, who died in the hands of the Mozu monks. And recently I felt that we have been stared. It’s up.”

Xu Luoyin hesitated: "Recently we have not killed five of the Mozu? Should we follow the Mozu should be killed?"


I am very grateful to the rainy night for the snow (1000), the blue magic stone (800), Zhao Yilin Zijing (500), the Oriental Pu Zhao (200), a gust of james (200), seaphay (100), the heart clear (100) Reward!



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