Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2123: Magic sound

Have a job! ”

At this time, Xu Zhen had a lot of questions about Qin double, but there was no room for choice. The figure rushed toward the opposite Mozu, and moved the sword, pointing to the opposite side, and saw the thousands of swords rushing toward the Mozu monks.

Wan Jianhao!

The opposite Mozu did not think that Xu Zhen would be so simple to shoot, and his figure flew backwards, and he saw him shaking, and his body was shaken off by him.

One by one, it became a demon monk, and it quickly formed a magical array. The Mozu monk laughed and laughed:

"Xu Zhen, look at me and smelt you!"

Xu Zhen's eyes flashed coldly, and he stepped into the magic array in one step. Numerous qijians came out of the body, and they were like dragons in the middle of the circle.


The dense sound was born, and the magic array was not built successfully. It was smashed by Xu Zhen’s Wan Jian, and the Mozu monks showed off their brilliance and flew back to the Mozu monks.

The demon monk's face changed slightly, and his voice roared: "Xu Zhen, breaking my magical power, I am going to kill you."

When the magic gas rolled, I saw the body of the Mozu monk exploding rapidly. It was as tall as a mountain. The hairs on the body became huge like steel guns, and they were interwoven into a black armor. The giant horn of a machete on the head sparkles with the black radiance of Sen.

"Xu Zhen, you are going to die, you are going to die!"

The Mozu monk's hair turned to Xu Zhen, and the thousands of hairs suddenly became thicker and longer, and they were wounded by Xu Zhen.

The monks of the Mozu will be repaired to completely erupt, and the magical atmosphere will cover the sky and cover the sky. It is as terrifying as the end. That root hair is like a giant whip at this time, entangled with Xu Zhen, slashing, puncturing...

There is a faint color in the eyes of the piano. This Mozu monk turned out to be a peak of Xianjun. This has already stood on the high-end level of the whole spiritual world. Besides the half-step fairy king, who else can suppress him?

Standing behind the piano, Xu Shengyin can sense the power that has passed from his side, which is the aftermath of the Demon monk and Xu Zhen. Although it is the aftermath, but Xu Luoyin knows that as long as a trace of this aftermath is on his own body, he will be seriously injured or even fallen.


He stood behind the piano double at this time, but it was calm and calm, and all the aftermath was blocked by the piano. Xu Luoyin looked at the back of Qin Double, and saw her hair flying, her clothes swaying and hunting. It is imaginable that the piano is not as easy as the surface. He has already seen that the clothes on the back of the piano are soaked, showing the pressure on the piano. However, the piano double is like a root, like a root, not moving.

The heart of Xu Luoyin’s heart was touched, and a stranger, at this life and death, stood in front of him and sheltered him from the wind. At this moment, the back of the piano pair was in his vision. , become tall.

The wetness of the back of the piano began to expand rapidly. At first it was just a vest, then the clothes on the back of the back were soaked, and the sweat flew out along the flying of the hair, dripping on the face of Xu’s voice.

At this time, the piano double is very hard, because at this time it is not the oppression of the power, but the aftermath of the two great monks. It’s just this aftermath that makes the piano double hard to resist.

But she knows that she can't retreat. Once she retreats, the Xu Luoyin and others behind her will be hit hard and even fall. Even the chance of fleeing may not be there.


The spirits move with both hands, releasing the space magical power, and the space blade appears around the doubles of the piano. It is a space crack, and as the spiritual road passes quickly, the space cracks piled up in front of the piano are coming. The more the power of the two great monks battled, swallowed into the cracks in space.

Xu Luoyin’s eyes were so surprised that in fact, Wei Qingjue was even more surprised than Xu’s. They know that the piano double is only the fifth peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian, and it is a water and fire property. When is there another space property?

"The Qin Shijie hides deep and deep!" Guan Yu looked at the back of the piano pair with a burning gaze.

Xu Luoyin has been stunned by the continual destruction of the body around the piano, and the space crack that has been born is shocked, swallowing a mouthful of water, and asked Wei Qingjue to the side:

"Big brother, what is this sister doing?"

"The fifth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian!"


At this time, the Mozu monk sipped aloud, and the sound was loud and the space fluctuated.

"not good!"

Xu Zhen's face is white, this is the magic sound, that is, he can resist, the juniors below can not resist the soul of the magic sound.


Xu Zhen sacrificed a long sword, and a sword smashed out of the avenue and pushed it toward the Mozu monk. At the same time, he looked back anxiously at Qinqin and others.

"Xu Zhen, this is a blame for your blockage. Since you can't take the Xuyin, leave it to you."

The Mozu monks sneered at the laughter, and the laughter contained a rumbling magic sound, rolling toward the doubles and so on. During the time, the piano and other people's faces turned red, and the body's blood rushed, and the mind swayed between the lost.

Xu Luoyin looked a condensate, waved and took out a jade, placed in the lips, a whispered into the sky.

Long Fengming!


Just a hundred percent of the time, Xu Luoyin spurted his nose and mouth, and Xiao Sheng stopped.

His repair is too low!

A stream of light blew out from the heart of the piano. It was the guqin born in the heart of the piano. The piano doubled with the left hand, and the clear heart covered five people.


The double nose and mouth of the piano squirted blood, but the fingers did not stop. The fifth **** of Xianjun was able to withstand the magic sound. The pressure of the four people behind her was slightly relieved, one by one. Yuanshen, his face is full of tension.


The air sword was like a dragon, and the Mozu monk was cut off by a third. Xu Zhen erected a thumb and pressed it toward the Mozu monk.

The Mozu monk bowed his head and slammed the corner of his head toward the thumb.


The thumb and the magic horn collided together, stagnating in the air, the layers of the space were broken, and the aftermath struck toward the doubles. The piano has two hands in a row, and a piece of fairy symbol is hidden in front of the five people of the piano, and instantly constructs a symbol. Xu Luoyin was shocked, his hands were hurriedly rushing, and countless fairy symbols spurred out.

That quantity, the quality, let the piano double focus!


The sound of blasting was heard in the ear, and then there was a scream in the air. The horned horn of the Mozu was interrupted by Xu Zhen. The monk monk turned around and ran. Xu Zhen was hesitant. He was afraid of the tiger and the mountain. The demon monk.

Only a moment of hesitation, the Mozu monk has disappeared and escaped without a trace.


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