Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2024: exile

Xu Zhen converges on the momentum and falls to the front of the piano. At this time, Qin double has taken up the guqin and swallowed the medicinal herbs. Xu Zhen looked at the piano double, and his face showed a color of appreciation:

"Little friends, thank you!"

"You're welcome! If you don't have a senior, I have no life, but I have been sheltered by my predecessors."

Xu Zhen shook his head and said: "You just received our connection, and the Mozu is aiming at the sound."


Qin Shuang and Xu Zhen almost simultaneously looked up at the sky and looked at the sky. They saw the direction of the Mozu monk escaping. Two black spots appeared. The two black spots quickly enlarged, accompanied by the devil. The monk’s laughter:

"Xu Zhen, this time you are dead!"

"not good!"

As long as you see the scent of the two Mozus, the two people will know the tenth peak of these two Mozu monks. Xu Zhen immediately flew up and greeted him, and shouted at the same time:

"Little friends, take them away! Begging to protect the sound, Xu family will have a return."


Qin double knows that she is totally cumbersome here, she can be sure that if there is no timely big monk rescue, Xu Zhen is estimated to have fallen. If he wants to escape, even the two Mozu Sinjun peaks will not kill him. However, he was unable to escape, and he was only able to entangle the two demon sages. His tragic results are already imaginable.

At the moment when Qinqin was at large, the Qinglong Yuanshen replaced the spirit. Because the mysterious power left by the spirit is already very thin. At the same time, the white tiger **** played in the heart of the heart.

Close to the horizon!

The shape of the piano pair is a meal. Looking back, I saw four people coming and going. Flying in the forefront is Wei Qingjue, a slightly backward Guanxi, the third is the waiting area, and the last far away is the Xuyin.

"Into the medicine garden!"

The piano doubled out the medicine garden, and the medical garden portal opened. Wei Qingjue and Guan Yu drilled into it, and the waiting place followed. Xu Luoyin did not hesitate at this time, and turned into a streamer into the medicine garden. Qin double put away the moment of the medicine garden, staring at the distance, and seeing the mushroom cloud from time to time, Xu Zhen’s voice came from far away:


The piano doubles the first step, and it’s a long way to go!

The mind was moved, and the fire and phoenix gods were transferred into the town demon tower. As soon as the fire and phoenix gods entered the town demon tower, they went straight to the system and began to make the fairy charm.

Soon, the hands of the piano double grasped four fairy charms, biting their fingers, and dropping a drop of blood on each of the four fairy charms.

After half a quarter of an hour, the piano double will be sacrificed by four fairy charms, and four fairy charms will be turned into four piano pairs. The white clothes fluttering, exuding the breath of the piano doubles, and swept away in four directions. Qinqin continued to flee in the direction of Tianzicheng.

After half an hour.


Such a long distance, already thousands of miles away, Qinqin still can feel the vibration of the space.

"This is..." The double face of the piano changed dramatically: "I blew myself..."

Miles away.

A figure fluttered and flew out, looking at the front with horror. It has turned into a black hole. Just in the moment, their two demons have already occupied an absolute advantage, and they are sure to kill Xu Zhen within the three interest rates.


Xu Zhen suddenly ignored the attack of the monks of the two Mozus, and went straight to the broken horned demon who was injured by Xu Zhen. He hugged him and blew himself!

This is the later Mozu, also suffered injuries!

The face of the Mozu monk changed, and he could feel such a fierce self-explosion that the Terran had come to this side. He converges on the Mozu atmosphere, stepping out and disappearing.

A figure appeared in the double release of the piano, this is the later Mozu, he felt it, his brow wrinkled, where he actually felt the breath of five piano pairs, flying in five directions escape.

The Mozu monks stood in the clouds, and when they shook their bodies, they had five hairs falling down. They each turned into a Mozu monk and chased in five directions.

The Mozu monk stepped out and stood on a thick cloud, sitting cross-legged, sinking and hiding into the clouds.


After half an hour.

Qin double feels that the four characters released by him have dissipated one after another, and the heart is tight. The speed of the four characters is slower than her, but it is almost simultaneously dissipated. This proves that the chasing monk behind, It is definitely not the pursuit of the ontology. I don’t know what kind of supernatural powers to use while catching up. That is to say, the supernatural powers that chase themselves in this direction are coming soon.

The time of playing in the heart of the piano double heart, this time has reached the upper sixth movement, so there is no increase in her speed, and it is impossible to get rid of the pursuit of a peak of Xianjun.


Qinqin kept taking a step around the world, and at the same time took out four characters again, each dripping a drop of blood, and released it. One of the strings of the piano was moved along the direction of the piano, while the piano double It was changed in one direction to flee.

The first time in the hidden and thick clouds of the Mozu monks in the first four batches of the piano doubles, they chased in the direction of the piano double. However, it is still the place where the Mozu incarnation first caught up with the second release of the Qin double. It stopped at the place, some awkward, and did not know to chase in that direction.

After the shackles, the body of the Mozu descended here, and his face was very ugly.


The body trembled, and four hairs were shaken off from the body, and the previous fascination was pursued in five directions.

This time, the piano pair became more cautious. As soon as the four fairy characters were broken, they immediately sacrificed four fairy charms, and then they flew in one direction at random.

"Sister!" The voice of Xu Luoyin came out from the medicine garden: "What is the repair of the Mozu?"

Xu Yunyin in the medicine garden saw that Qinqin constantly released the fairy charm, interfered with the tracking of the Mozu monks, and it was completely a desperate escape. He could feel the consumption of the piano double is very fast, and he could not help but ask.

"Xianjun peak!" Qin doubled back and replied.

The face of Xu Luoyin is a white. He has already learned from the mouth of Houdi and others that Qinqin is only the fifth layer of the nine-day Xuanxian, although he lamented the fifth layer of the nine-day Xuanxian, which is so Fast speed, but also know that Qin double can not escape the pursuit of a Xianjun peak.

"Sister Qin, you let me out." Xu Luoyin's face was firm.


"I can't hurt you. This danger has nothing to do with you. You let me out, and then you leave, after the Mozu Sinjun catches me, he won't chase you again."

I am very grateful to the rainy night for the snow (1000), the ice (1000), the Oriental (400), the jazz (200), the blue magic stone (100), the seaphay (100)!


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