Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2125: Hidden

My Qin double has not yet given the habit of handing over the Terran to the Mozu, closing your mouth. ”

"But then you will die."

"To shut up!"

When the piano double snorted, he no longer communicated with Xu Luoyin and fled wildly in the distance.

"Qin double, he is right." Weiyang’s voice passed into the consciousness of Qin Double: "This matter has nothing to do with you."

"You also shut up!" Qin double cold shouted.

"He is Xu Mo and the son of the monk, I want you to kill him." Wei Yang roared in the consciousness of Qin double.

"You command me?"

"No, this is a deal between us."

"Transaction? Our transaction is over."

"No, I still have the method of birth of the soul of heaven not taught to you. As long as you kill the Xuyin, I will pass on the secret of the birth of the soul of heaven."

"You are not waiting to destroy the Xu family and then pass it on to me?"

"No! As soon as you kill the Xuyun, I will pass it on to you immediately. As for the future, we will do other transactions."

"Oh..." Qin double sneered: "I refuse!"

"Why? You don't have the cultivation method of the soul, the cultivation of the soul is empty, after all, you must believe in me, cultivate the soul, it is very important for the monk, there is a chance to be in front of you, why don't you trade?"

“I don’t like it!” Qin said faintly: “No one can force me to do things I don’t like, and you can’t do it. In the beginning, the transaction between us was in accordance with your method, to release the broken space and destroy the secrets. I lost a lot of Xujia guards. I also did it for you, and there was one big ruin of the Xu family. Our trade is limited to this. I don't want to add more transactions.

Since it is a transaction, I want you to be willing. I promised you a threat and won't promise you the second time. I once told you that I will not be your embarrassment. Don't be greedy, you can't make a big difference. You can expose the secrets of my town's demon tower. I will also expose your existence.

Don't tell me that you are not a ghost, you are already fed up, and you don't care about life and death.

You do not care!

I don't care!

What's more, I don't have to die!

You are also a monk. You should know that monks have their own way and have their own heart. I don't want to be eroded by my heart and break the path of cultivation.

Don't force me anymore! ”

After Weiyang was silent, Qin double sighed with relief and continued:

"Yuanyang, your mentality is out of balance. I think you should calm down for a while, don't just think about revenge. Don't go, you still have the prisoner's opponent, and the prisoner knows that you are here with me. I think now I am guarding the prison. It is more practical than your revenge.

You should consider ways to make my repairs as fast as possible. When I am not killed by An ShiCong, you can't live. ”

Suddenly for a moment, sighed a sigh: "You are right, I am impatient. I am somewhat unbalanced now, I have to think about it."

If the words fall, the central government will be silent and will not speak.

"It's really trouble!" Qin double shook his head, and there was a bit of irritability between the eyebrows.

More than two quarters of an hour, the time of the piano double played to the first chapter of the lower part, her speed suddenly increased, and her speed became faster and faster as the timeless music continued to play.

In fact, it is not speed, but a change in time.

After half an hour, the time of the piano double played to the sixth chapter of the lower part, and reached the limit of the double understanding of the piano, playing can not continue.

The piano double stopped, and his face was exhausted. Every time he took the world, he played to the extreme. This made the consumption of the piano double huge, and the time spent playing was equally huge. The most important thing is that the piano double Feeling that I continue to do this, I can't get rid of the demon sage. After all, I am too different from the other's repairs. With her current strength, the thickness of the Yuanli is better than the other party. It is completely consumed in the morning and evening and becomes the lamb to be slaughtered.

Looking at the bottom, I don't know where I fled, constantly changing direction, and she has completely lost. However, because of the constant confusion with the fairy, and with the acceleration of time, let her temporarily get rid of the demon fairy.

"Can't escape anymore!"

The piano double took out five fairy charms, and dropped a drop of blood. The five fairy charms became the appearance of the piano pair and fled in five directions. The piano double sealed the medicine garden, so that Wei Qingjue and others in the medicine garden could not see the outside, and then they moved into the town demon tower, and the town demon tower turned into a dust and fell toward the ground.

Qin double entered the town demon tower, even the gods did not explore, afraid of being chased by the demon sage to explore, sitting cross-legged in the town demon tower began to restore their consumption.

About three quarters later.

The Mozu Sinjun stood in the space where the piano double disappeared, condensed the breath, and looked at the valley not far away. Then quickly left, and after leaving the hundred miles, only five hairs were shaken off, turned into monks, and chased in five directions.

After a quarter and a half, the Mozu monks outside the valley frowned.

Five messages passed by the vellus hair, five piano pairs were killed, it was the immortalization, the real piano double disappeared!

When the Mozu monks read their minds, the figure disappeared into the air.

After half a quarter of an hour, he appeared in a hairy place, and the hair was standing in the air at this time, some awkward. As soon as the body trembled, the monk turned into a bristles and returned to his body. His gods shrouded the surroundings and finally determined that there was no breath of the piano. When the mind is moving, the figure will disappear again.

After more than half an hour, the Mozu returned to the hundred miles away from the hidden place of the piano, and frowned.

"Where are you going?"

"Is it hidden here?"

"She has a space fairy!" The Mozu monk looked like a move: "At the beginning, she took the people who made Xu Luoyin into the space fairy, and should hide in the space fairy at this time, hidden in the lower one. local."

"But there is the old dragon here, it is really troublesome."

The Mozu monk shook his head, his face was helpless and unwilling, standing in the air hesitating.

Inside the town demon tower.

The repair of Qin double has been restored, but the mysterious power of the spirit has not recovered. Qinqin opened his eyes and called:

"Old town."

"Master!" The old town appeared in front of Qin double.

"Can you perceive that the Mozu has left without being discovered by him?"

"No, the perception of a Xianjun peak is very sensitive. Don't say that I am going to perceive him, that is, I don't divulge it. If the demon sage is carefully scanned with the gods, I can find my existence."

"What should I do?" There was a hint of anxiety in the heart of the piano.


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