Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2126: Dragon

"The owner doesn't have to worry about it, even if he finds me and wants to break me, it's impossible."

"But, as a result, the secret of the town demon tower will be exposed."

"Yeah!" the town nodded, and frowned and thought about it.

In the air.

The Mozu Sinjun locked his brows. He didn't understand very well. How could there be a dragon here in the sky purple star, and it didn't hide its own breath, so it was so big and big, isn't the people of the purple star? Let this dragon be here? Xu Mo, those half-step Xian Wang are eating dry rice?

In the end, the Mozu Sinjun still had a decision, carefully spread his own knowledge, and carefully began to scan below.

Inside the valley.

The huge head of the dragon was lifted up. He was sleeping all the time. The monk below Xianjun, as long as he was not close to him within 100 meters, he would not perceive it and would not find it.

The dragon is a very lazy creature, and it is also a unique creature. They don't need to cultivate, just sleep. With the long time, they will slowly awaken the blood in the body and constantly improve their cultivation. Of course, they will also go out and look for treasures, which will speed up their cultivation. However, when they sleep, they will be too lazy to spend energy and monitor the surroundings, just by instinctual perception, perceive everything within 100 meters.

However, when a monk who is comparable to him appears around him, his instincts will perceive a threat. This dragon is a peak of Xianjun, so when another Xianjun peak releases the gods, even if it is cautious, he will instinctively perceive the threat, even if the threat is a little farther away from him.

A huge faucet rose from the valley and emerged from the valley. Two huge dragon eyes looked toward the demon sage in the air. When he saw the Mozu Sinjun, his eyes released vigilance and anger.

"Mozu, what are you doing? This is my territory!"

The double look of the piano in the town demon tower is a glimpse. Although she dare not release her knowledge, but he can hear it loudly outside.

"Resorts? Usually only the Yaozu will be the territory of their own territory. Is there a demon? There is a demon and a demon squad, this demon must be strong. Is it still a purple star? Is this purple star? Is there such a powerful demon?"

Undoubtedly, the Mozu Sinjun traced it, which made the heart of the piano double hanging up and erected his ears to listen.

"Dragons friends, I have no intention of offending, but I am chasing a human monk. After she fled here, she disappeared. I just wanted to find her. After I found her, I left immediately."

"Catch people? Hehe... I don't want people to come here at all. I think you want to grab my Tianxu grass? The Mozu is awkward."


The piano double in the town demon tower is a glimpse.

Tianxuancao is the top Tiandi treasure, which can be born. Nine-turn Jinlian can give birth to the mystery, but the birth of the metaphysical grade is also different.

If a monk can create a mystery with his own sentiments, it is the highest grade, just like a double. The mystery of the birth of foreign objects is worse. The metaphysical grade of the birth of the nine-turn Jinlian is already very high, but the highest is not the nine-turned golden lotus, but the heavenly grass. The mystery of the birth of Tianxuancao is very close to the mystery of the monk's own sentiment.

Qin Qin double minded a move, a glimpse of the gods will enter the medicine garden. Asked to Xu Luoyin:

"Falling, why is there a dragon on the sky purple star?"

"One dragon?" Xu Luoyin looked shocked: "You... ran to Longshan?"

"I don't know, there is a dragon here. I am hiding here now. The Mozu is chasing it. The dragon said that the Mozu wants to grab his Tianxuan grass... Well? They are playing."

The stubbornness and greed of the dragons made him simply unable to listen to the explanations of the monks, and when the monks heard the sacred grass, they also greedy, and the two great monks did not say a few words at all. I will fight.

"Sister Qin, if you can take them and fight to leave, just leave soon. This old dragon is very powerful, and it has been designated as a forbidden place."

"How come? The patriarch of the Xu is appointed to have his own territory in Tianzixing?"

"This is a deal!" Xu Luoyin smiled bitterly: "At the beginning of this old dragon illusion, the human figure came to the sky purple star to travel, he found that there is a sacred grass growing here.

Tianxuancao is a treasure that can be born for the human race, but for the dragons, it is a treasure that can enhance the purity of their blood. The higher the purity of the dragon's blood, the stronger the future achievements. For the Terran, Tianxuancao is only a birth of the mystery. It is not necessarily possible to break through the fairy king in the future. Requires the human monk's perception of the law. But for the dragons, it is different. As long as the purity of the blood is improved, it means that the future will become very broad.

And this old dragon turned out to be the demon star, the eldest son of the dragon patriarch, and the strength has reached the peak of Xianjun. He immediately occupied this place, and showed the body, breathe into the sky. This is to let the half-step fairy king of the family know that he has come here and wants to communicate.

The father and some uncles and uncles drove here. The old dragon actually took a glimpse of the dragon patriarch. The dragon patriarch negotiated with the gods and his family, and eventually exchanged ten dragon sedges for the sky. Xuancao.

For the Terran, the value of the ten dragons is not less than a Tianxuan grass. The dragon grass is made into a dragon, and the same can help the human monks to give birth to the mystery. However, the dragons exchanged ten, and the Terran did not lose.

Therefore, when the father and other people agreed with the dragon patriarch, they would not be able to take the half-step fairy king, but they could not guarantee that the other half-step monks of the Terran came to **** the sacred grass. After all, the purple star was too big. There are too many people of the Terran, and there are always people who are daring to take risks. And there is no guarantee that the Yaozu and the Mozu will have a half-step fairy to snatch. ”

"The dragon patriarch promised this transaction, as long as the father did not take the half-step prince, he did not fear other monks of the Terran. It is the peak of many princes to kill the old dragon, not afraid. The dragon patriarch is half a step Xian Wang, leaving that glimpse of the gods, also has a half-step of the king of the king, so he is not afraid of the human race Xianjun peak killing.

And everyone knows that there is only one strain of Tianxuancao. It is impossible to have a lot of Xianjun peaks to kill. Who will this Tianxuancao give to?


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