Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2130: Stealing the god

From her side came the voice of Wei Qingjue, because the face was stuck on the ground, the voice was stuffy.

"Boss, will not be related to you?"

"How can it be related to me? Absolutely not!" Qin double vetoed.

"How do you feel that you are a little guilty!" Wei Qingjue voice was muffled.


There was a long shout from the sky purple stars, especially the long whistling sounds in the purple city. The whistling sound rushed into the sky, shattering the thick clouds, spreading rapidly toward the emptiness of the emptiness, and whistling into the sky. The void, the shock and the intertwined, turned into a giant face, the giant face is like a nebula, covering the void, eyes like electricity, looking to the opposite dragon head.

"Human! I am dead to you, I want you to give me a funeral!" The dragon head shouted at the huge face of the Terran.

"Far fare!" The huge face of the Terran is rumbling, and the law spurts: "When you die in the void, it is also killed by the Mozu, what is it for me?"

You have a **** on your body, you dare say you don't know? ”

The sound is rumbling, that is, the distant void can not withstand this kind of agitation. All the monks who are looking at the void are not half-step princes. They all feel a pain in their eyes. They can’t help but close their eyes. The monks below Xianjun feel it. Their own strength, the Yuanshen are all suppressed and can not be moved.

It’s hard to turn over the piano and lie on the ground and look into the air. At this moment, I couldn’t help but close my eyes and get stiff.

The three laws in the Taoist heart can not be locked around the circle of the spirit, a trace of the law from the heart of the piano double, very slowly spread out, so that the rigid body of the piano double loose.

"How much is this half-step fairy king angry?"

Qin Qin double heart, estimated that the half-step demon king on the demon star, and the half-step fairy king on the sky purple star are now involved. Otherwise, it is impossible to give such a great pressure to Tianzixing through the distant void.

"My son was stolen in Tianzixing Tianxuancao! We had a deal at the beginning." The dragon's angry roar.

"Do you know that there is a transaction? The transaction only stipulates that we don't shoot these people. The Mozu kills your son. You dare not go to the Mozu. Do you think we are deceiving?"

"He can't run!"

The dragon snarled and turned to spit a few bytes toward the side of the void.


Then I saw that the void cracked a gap, and the gap spread quickly toward the distance, such as the sword of your emptiness piercing the void.

"Ha ha ha..."

A smirk of laughter sounded from the void, and two figures appeared in the void, the demon and the other Mozu monks who had chased the piano.

Another Mozu monk stretched out a hand and shook it toward the crack of the void that had spread.


The crack in the space of the sword was shattered by the Mozu monk.

Once again, I looked at the sky purple star monk, and my heart could not help but jump.

"It’s another half-step fairy king!"

"Ha ha ha..."

From the distant void, the shock of the space came, and the shock became a burst of ridiculous laughter.

On the magic star, the law of the sky rises to the sky and spreads rapidly toward the void. The laughter is swaying in the void, intertwined into a sly face, and there is a corner on the head.

The Mozu half-step fairy king haha ​​laughed, pulling the demon who had chased the piano doubles, and between them, they retreated into the mouth of the beggar and disappeared.

"Mozu, are you trying to tear up our alliance's agreement with the Terran?" The dragon head shouted at the Mozu.


It’s spectacular!

Qin double looked at the endless void, each like a dragon head of the size of a planet, human face and skull, the soul is shocked.

"Qin double, that dragon just died, you go to see if you can get his god? With a **** of the celestial peak, you can cultivate the tea."

The look of Qin double is a stagnation, and he said to the old town: "Are you sure that I am not going to die?"

The old town stuttered: "That... still... don't go."

At this time, the streets were all lying, and some monks were watching, and everyone’s eyes were looking at the void. In addition to the number of some immortals who can still move, the monks of Xianjun can't move at all. Yuanli and Yuanshen are suppressed to death, that is, those immortals, the actions are not as good as usual.

It is really a demon star, and the half-step fairy king on the Tianmo star and the sky purple star almost release the power of the law. Even if this power is oscillated in a distant void, it is not something that these monks can resist.

The death of the dragon patriarch's son made the dragon patriarch furious, and invited almost all the half-step princes on the celestial star to shoot, and then led almost all the half-step sages of the purple star and the celestial star.

Can't help!

This is the time to reveal your strength, but also a shock to the other side, otherwise it will be seen by the other side, and then invade. Therefore, at this time the law of the void is pervasive, and the endless powers are overwhelming, and the monks on the ground are frightened.

In fact, the piano double can move.

The three rules of the lock in the heart of the Tao let her have the freedom to act, but this freedom is also extremely limited, and the body is still stiff.

At this time, the piano pair is pondering, do you want to go to the dragon to see?

Her heart really moved, a **** of the celestial peak, even if it is dead, but the powerful fairy **** even if it is dead, the rhyme contained in it, and the power of the **** will dissipate extremely Slow, it is the best nutrient for the tea.

“Seeking for the rich and the rich!”

Qinqin once again glanced at the void, then controlled the body with the spirit, released the unearthed attribute Taoism, and when the body sank, it sank into the ground and disappeared.

No one noticed that the piano double suddenly disappeared, and all of them were stiff and hard. After all, only the remaining energy was used to watch the void. Who would pay attention to the surroundings?

Qin double is very slow in the soil, even under the ground, the pressure of the law still makes the piano feel stiff.

"Old town, are you not immune to the law?" asked the piano.


"Then you don't say it early!"

Qin double is very speechless, and when he misses his mind, he enters the town demon tower. At this time, the instrument spirit also understood that he had just wooded, and he turned the town demon tower into a needle shape. Under the ground, the soil was broken and lasing away from the city.

Just to work hard, the town demon tower came to the huge dragon body outside the city, drilled out from the ground, and walked close to the ground, came to the dragon head, the dragon's head was wide open, the town demon tower Then he flew into his mouth and then stabbed him into the sea.

Know the sea.

A small dragon is smashing, that is the dragon's god.


I am very grateful to Le Yanyu (1000), Zhao Yilin Ziyan (500), a gust of james (200), Oriental Pu Zhao (200), seaphay (100), Bai Zibing (100) reward!



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