Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2131: Small

The town demon tower flew toward the gods, and the Yuanshen, which was being scattered, was taken into the town demon tower, and then rushed into the dragon's abdomen, and the dragon ball in the dragon's abdomen was also taken in. Once again, I flew out of the dragon mouth and returned along the original road.

The body of the piano double returned to the ground quietly, lying in the same place. Look around, look around. The Xu Luoyin on the left is looking at the void with concentration. On the right is Wei Qingjue, just to see the eyes of Wei Qingjue. I saw Wei Qingjue open the mouth and silently placed the mouth:

"where did you go?"

The piano is speechless, everyone is watching the fun, this is more lively!

You may not be able to see it all your life!

This guy didn't even watch, but he paid attention to himself.

The piano doubled his mouth silently: "I haven't gone anywhere, you are blind!"

Wei Qingjue turned a blank eye and continued to swear: "I saw it!"

"Why don't you watch the fun?"

Qin double doubles have not been found nervous, Wei Qingjue did not pretend to be invisible, but directly and Qin double said, it proves that he will not expose the piano double, but this person is a little bit off, in terms of personality is somewhat like Xu Kaiyun So, Qin double asked with a mouth shape.

"What can be seen!" Wei Qingjue snorted: "If you look at it more, it will fight against confidence. It is not good for us. We can understand the battle of Xianjun with our cultivation. Watch these half steps." The battle of the fairy king makes it easy to feel that your own smallness affects your own state of mind."

Qin double thought about it, and could not help but admire Wei Qingjue. Because of the weaving of the law locks, the power of the half-step fairy king, although it has suppressed the piano, will not make the piano feel the fear, nor will it make her feel too small. In particular, the spirit in the heart of the Tao has all been the power of Xuan. In the portal of the eyebrows, there is a complete chain of laws. Although the law chain in the portal does not take care of the piano pair, it also makes the piano double accustomed to the law. Power.

However, others are different.

Nine-day Xuan Xian jumped to the first stage to watch the Xianjun battle really nothing, but watching the half-step Xian Wang, it will affect the state of mind. It will even make the monks have a demon, and it will be difficult to get in the future. However, Wei Qingjue can see this. It can be seen that Wei Qingjue’s state of mind should be very high, or what he has experienced, to make his mind more stable, and at some beginning, he knows how to choose.

Qin Shuang swept his eyes over Guan Yu and Xu Luoyin. When he saw the three people, he had already seen a kind of sensation in the sky. The heart was shocked, the mystery spread and the voice was The three people blew in the ears.

"Don't watch!"

The three people were shocked and closed their eyes. The small feeling on the face was gradually alleviating, but the relief was extremely slow. The piano is over-headed, and the eyes are unpleasant.

"Qing Jue, why don't you remind them?"

Wei Qingjue’s face showed a bitter smile and a mouth-shaped saying: “Boss, do you think that under this kind of suppression, can my gods spread out? Or can I wake them up with sound?”

The piano doubled, and then the heart was lost. Wei Qingjue Yuanshen was suppressed, and he did not give birth to the mystery. I am afraid that the suppressed gods cannot be separated. As for the mouth shouting...

I am afraid that under such suppression, the voice of shouting will not be much. Therefore, Wei Qingjue has been arranging his own mouth and communicating in lip language.

"Boss, where have you been?" Wei Qingjue's eyes are full of curiosity.

"I am going to the dragon outside the city?"

"What are you going to do there?" Wei Qingjue's curiosity is more intense.

Qin doubled a bit, and did not conceal Wei Qingjue: "I went to steal the Dragon Ball of the dragon."

Wei Qingjue suddenly widened his eyes and was shocked. Half-sounding, with a mouth shape:

"Boss, Kaiyun once told me that your courage is too big, I still don't believe it. Now I feel that you...has it been so dead?"

Qin doubled his mouth and said: "No one has found it. Even if the dragon body is finally taken back by the dragons, they will suspect that it has been taken away by the Mozu, and it has something to do with a little nine-day Xuanxian!"

Wei Qingjue opened his mouth, but in the end, no one said anything. It was just the thought that the reason is that many monks would think of it, but...

I am afraid there are not many monks who dare to do this.

The endless powers waved from the distant void, and the dignified color appeared in the eyes of the piano. If these half-step kings are really fighting in the void, this day, the purple star may be in a moment of landslide, the rivers and seas will be inverted. Countless monks will instantly turn into powder.

Because these half-step fairy kings are too tight from the sky purple star, in the eyes of ordinary monks, the half-step fairy kings of the Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu can be filled in the void, turned into a dragon head, and the human face and the skull are away from the sky. The purple star is very far away. In fact, it is very close to the power of the half-step fairy king. Once it collides, it will cause great damage to the sky purple star. This is for the purple star. Said, it can be said that it is a catastrophe.

However, Qin double saw the face made up of the half-step Xianjun of the Terran, but there was no scruples, and there was no sign of weakness.

This is also a very helpless thing for the human family half-step fairy king.

No matter how dangerous the situation is, these big monks, who represent the Terran, cannot show weakness in front of the demon. Otherwise, it will destroy the heart of the Terran, and it will even increase the arrogance of the demon. It is because they cultivated into this realm, and when they saw that they were only half a step, they were able to step into the fairy king and fly to the fairy world. If you show weakness at this time, you will leave a demon.

On the Purple Star, countless monks are cold and sweaty, and every monk knows that once the Battle of the Immortals took place, it was the Terran, the Demon and the Demon King. These people, even Xianjun, have almost no way to live.

Therefore, many monks are looking at the void.

At this time, the conflict between Longshou and Shantou is getting bigger and bigger, depending on the war. The dragon suddenly looked at the human face again:

"Human, return my body to me."

The human face faintly smiled: "Since he fell on the Purple Star of our Terran, it belongs to the Terran. I only ask you, if our Terran died in the Sky Demon Star, will you be able to return to the Terran?"

The dragon's first eyes are like electricity, and the great power can boil towards the human face. The human face shines, such as Wan Jian Qifa, in the void, the eyes collide, the void in the void produces countless cracks like snakes. The piano and other people on the ground feel that this moment has passed very slowly and is suffering.

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