Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2133: Haoran

The fire and the phoenix gods returned to their place, and the piano doubled their minds and took the top grade fairy guqin from the storage ring. Sitting cross-legged on the ground, the guqin was placed across the knees.

Wei Qingjue, who was dignified, saw the movement of Qin Double, but there was not much joy in his heart.

He knows that Qinshuang is a master of Xianyin, but he knows that many monks have lost their fighting spirits at this time. He has not heard the monks who can make the lost warriors re-born the fighting spirit. In his view, the piano is only It is doing useless work, it is a kind of unwillingness to let the piano double to make the final struggle.



In the moment when the piano double hands twirled and the sound of the piano sounded, Wei Qingjue’s eyes suddenly stunned. He felt that there was a kind of power in his heart, a kind of power such as the rising sun, which made him fearless. Touching his soul directly, his soul is full of fighting spirit.


The piano sound is centered on the piano and spreads around, covering the entire Tianmang City, and then spreading further away. Every monk in Tianmang City slowly wakes up from the weak, climbs up from the ground, and gradually rises Straight, straight like a gun.

However, Qin Double knows that the scope of his own music spread will only be a very small part of Sky Purple Star, and his heart will rise.

The sound of Long Fengming flutters close to the Tianmang City, and the soul of the Qinshuang collided.

Just in the moment when the two kinds of pianos collided, both Qin and Xu Mo sensed each other's music.

"Long Fengming!" Qin moved in a double heart.

"this is……"

Xu Mo’s face changed, and then the ecstasy color appeared in his eyes. Even if he was a half-step fairy king, at the moment he received the soul of the soul, the fighting spirit in his heart burst at that moment, and there was an impulse to scream in the sky. .

"Scorpio people!"

At this moment, Xu Mo’s heart only has these four words.

"follow me!"

Xu Mo immediately put away the Guqin and shuttled toward Tianzicheng. A personal family half-step fairy king looked wrong, followed closely.

One quarter of an hour.

Twenty-six and a half steps of the king appeared in the sky above Tianmangcheng.

"Qin double!"

Xu Mo looks a glimpse, and many immortals are also a look. These people all know Qinqin. The original Qinshuang was in the examination of Tianziyuan, but it was the seven masters who made a big splash.

On that day, the president of the Purple Academy, Haikuotian, was even more dancing. Maybe this time, the purple city is bigger than that, because the appearance of the piano double will be different.

"This song... hit the soul!" Qingcheng laughed softly.

“Not bad!” Xu Mo’s eyes burst into a surprise: “We help the piano friends spread the sound of the piano to every corner of the sky.”

"it is good!"

The half-step fairy king greeted him, and his body figure fell toward Tianmangcheng. He appeared around the Qinshuang, and Wei Qingjue and others jumped. Xu’s voice was even more open, and he did not know how his father suddenly appeared. it's here?


The gentle power pushes the monks around the piano. Twenty celestial kings occupy the space around the piano. Each person releases the power of the law and sends the soul of the pipa to the purple One corner of the star. At the same time, they are also listening to the soul of the piano.

The monks of the whole purple star gradually gradually came out of the weak emotions. The monks who had been suppressed by the power of the three tribes and the kings were suppressed. They stood up one by one and they seemed to listen. When I got to the cry of the soul, I saw a picture of the unyielding humanity.

In those pictures!

When the sky is broken, the Terran does not fear and despair, but many refiners work together to refine the stone.

The three-legged Jinwu wants to destroy the Terran, and it turns into a high-hanging sky on the 10th. The earth is grilled all over the place, and countless people are burned alive. But the Terran has not yielded, and the great monk shot the three-legged Jinwu one by one.

The plague swept across the world, and the Terran did not go to pray for heaven, but to taste the grass and seek ways to solve the plague...

Scene, one piece...

No doubt no longer tells the unyielding human race, the morale of the Terran!


There is a kind of reluctance in the bones, and there is a kind of resistance in the soul.

It is this unyielding reluctance that it is this kind of fighting-oriented struggle that makes life and strength not as good as the demon's human race.


I don't know who made the first noise, but in an instant, a voice screamed from every corner of the sky purple star, and the sound of all the fighting spirits constantly rang from every corner of the sky purple star!

As if the entire purple star is roaring, these sounds come together, rushing up and shaking the void.

Every monk on the purple star stood up, his waist was quite straight, and his body was full of endless fighting spirit.


The piano doubled up the guqin and stood up.

Xu Mo solemnly looked at the Qin double, and then held his fists in both hands, raised it high, and bowed to the piano. The same is true of the other half-step kings.

"You seniors, can't!"

Qin double hurriedly stopped, but the cultivation was not able to stop the half-step fairy king, and she was surrounded by twenty-and-a-half-step kings, just wanting to avoid it, but it was born to receive this gift. .

Xu Mo and other half-step fairy kings have not straightened up. Behind them, a circle of monks bowed to the piano and bowed, as the same circle spread toward the distance. The monks in the whole purple city bent over and bowed in the direction of the piano.

All the people of the Purple Star, they do not know who inspired their fighting spirit, but they know the direction of the sound, the monks bent down in the direction of the piano, solemnly salute.

Throughout the sky, the purple sky was turbulent, and awe-inspiring qi blew from all corners of the sky purple star to Tianmangcheng. As a road, Yuguang swarmed toward the piano and entered the heart of Qinshuang.

Inside the heart.

Xuan Zhili separated from the two sides, letting out a passage, and rolling into the Confucian book.

The Confucian book has become more and more elite, and the hidden atmosphere is getting richer and richer.

Xiaoru gradually rose from the Confucianism, stood on the Confucian book, carried his hands and looked up. The gaze seemed to penetrate the Taoist heart, penetrated the layers of space, and penetrated the layers of void.

The body of Xiaoru gradually became bigger and higher with the influx of the heart of the rushing heart.

Standing on the ground!

In the eyes of Xu Mo and others, they could not reveal a trace of sorrow. In their eyes, the body of the piano double gradually radiated a ray of jade, and the atmosphere of the heavens and the earth lingered around the double.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

Between heaven and earth, calm gradually recovered.

Qinqin still keeps his eyes closed. At this time, in the heart of the Tao, the little Confucianism has become very huge, but it is still a childlike appearance, but it is full of excitement.

Thank you very much for a gust of wind), elegant and rainy (), Bai Zibing (100), Zenglu (100) reward!


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