Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2134: Half moon town

Countless Haoran Heavenly Road flows in the heart of Qinshuang, flows into the Taoist heart, and flows into Confucianism and Xiaoru.

Inside the town demon tower.

The old eyes of Lingling Town penetrated the town demon tower and looked at the little Confucianism in the heart of the Tao.

"Master, wait for Xiaoru to understand the profound reason absorbed from the heavens, I am afraid that your Confucianism and Taoism will be the first to enter the king of the king."


There was a wave of volatility in the body of the Fire and Phoenix, and the piano was a big joy.

The fire is awakened

Under the washing of the awe-inspiring spirit, the sacred knowledge of the prisoner wrapped in the phosphorus fire was destroyed by the arrogance, and the fire finally completely refining the phosphorus fire.

Inside the Tianziyuan.

An Shicong felt a sigh in the body, and then the snarl of the prisoner came from consciousness:

"An Shicong, I want you to kill the piano and kill the Weiyang"

Qin double opened his eyes and saw Xu Mo standing in front of him. Xu Mo smiled:

"Congratulations to Xiaoyou"

"Gongxiong Qin Xiaoyou" Ren Gaolin and others also congratulated.

Qin said in a two-way manner around the ceremony: "Thank you for your predecessors to protect the law"

"You can afford it" Xu said by default: "You saved the entire purple star of the human race."

“Premier praised”

Xu Mo looked at the piano and said: "I will take you back to the Purple City."

Qin double shook his head: "Do not bother with the seniors, the younger generation still wants to experience a few outsiders."

When the words fell, I looked at Wei Qingjue, Guan Yu and Hou Ji.

Wei Qingjue snorted and yelled at the Qinshen: "Qin double, I don't want to be with you, you can kill too much, I will go back to the Purple City. And I need to retreat for a while."

"Oh" Qin double's face was stagnation, his eyes looked at Guan Yu, and Guan Guan's eyes fell on Wei Qingjue's body.

Don't ask

Where is Wei Qingjue going, where will Guanxi go?

There is nothing lost in the heart of the piano. It’s not bad to be alone. It’s better to hide your secrets. Otherwise, I don’t know if Wei Qingjue’s unconstrained person will find out how secret he is. Then he murmured to Xu Mo:

"Predecessors, can you bother the seniors to bring back some of their companions?"

"Little things, who are there?"

Qin Shuang will be Wei Qingjue, Guan Yu, waiting for the land, and even Xu Shengyin pulled to the front of Xu Mo, and divided his own resources, crashed into a storage ring, handed to the waiting channel:

"These resources are enough for you to make a while."

At this point, Xu Luoyin is standing honestly in front of Xu Mo. Xu Mo's big sleeves were rolled up, and Xu Xuyin was rolled up. Wei Qingjue, Guan Yu and Hou Di, and then the half-step fairy king went across the air and disappeared.

Qinqin in the surrounding Tianmangcheng monks have not reacted before, one step.


Half moon town.

Three hundred miles away from Tianmang City, it is called Half Moon Town because it has a crescent-shaped lake.

Half-moon town is not small, there are more than 5,000 households and more than 30,000 people.

Crescent Lake.

Some children are playing, and there are people on the lake who are fishing by boat. The ship is not an ordinary ship, but a fairy. The fish in the lake are also fierce and unusual, and the fishing monks are not easy.

In the fields, there are still people who are farming.

In the square, there are monks practicing.


The double-pounded piano double suddenly stopped his figure and stood in the air, looking down.

In the square below, a monk is practicing with a group of children of school age, and the practice of cultivation makes the sense of familiarity appear in the heart of the piano. Although Qinqin has been slightly different in the military practice in the Warriors, he has some ideas. The piano doubled down the clouds and fell outside the town, walking towards the town.

Someone saw that the piano double fell from the sky. There were two young people walking away from the town, and they stopped and marched toward the piano:

"Where is the fairy come?"

"When you travel, you want to stay in your place for a while, you can rent a house." Qin double smiles.

Opposite to the two, I can perceive the horror of the piano, and respectfully bow to the piano:

"Fairy please come with me."

The piano nodded twice and followed the two people. The two men were only in the fairy season. The knowledge of Qin double has spread and found that the repair of more than 30,000 people in the whole town is very low. The highest one is the nine-day Xuan Xian, even a fairy.


A town, no fairy is also normal.

However, even the nine-day Xuanxian has only nine, and the highest is only the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian. There are also very few Da Luo Jin Xian and Luo Tian Shang Xian. The two add up, there are no more than fifty. The vast majority of monks are a fairy. This makes the Qin double who stayed in Tianzicheng for a long time, very uncomfortable. Originally she thought that the monks on the purple star were very powerful. I did not expect that there would be such a weak town.

His eyes glanced around and the environment was beautiful.

On the left is a lush mountain range, on the right is a half-moon lake, the town is between the mountain and the lake.


The piano double wrinkled and frowned. The concentration of Xianyuan gas here is very general. In the view of Qinshuang, here is the worst place in Xianzhi, wherever she has been to.


Even so, the singularity here is much stronger than the ink star of the Zhongxing domain, and it should not be so low.

In this way, the cause of this is definitely not a problem of the cultivation environment.

The two young men led the piano to the front of a big house. This big house is the largest house except the half-month town hall. It is the place where the half-month town mayor lives.

Two young people came outside the house, and Christine said: "The mayor, there are guests visiting."

At the door, a middle-aged monk came out. This is a peak of the Great Luo Jinxian. When I saw the piano double, my eyes were miniature. I felt that the piano body had a strong breath, and immediately shook hands:

"This fairy please"

"It's working"

Qin double followed the mayor into the room and someone was on tea. The two people introduced each other. Qin Double learned that the mayor in front of him was called Liu Chuanwu. Although Qin Double wanted to know the situation of the town, but when he arrived here, the two sides were unfamiliar and could not help but rush to ask:

"The mayor, I traveled the world, and occasionally comprehend. So I want to stay here for a while, but I can rent it separately from the hospital."

Liu Chuanwu smiled and shook his head: "There is no single hospital for free. Fairies should also know that there are more than one town like us, and they will build a house. However, this is not a big deal. More, it is more land, the fairy can choose a piece of land, we will cover you one, that is, less than one day, at sunset, the fairy must be allowed to live."

Monthly ticket

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