Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2137: Soaring

Stepping on the afterglow of the evening, Qin double returned to his room, and when he missed his heart, he entered the town demon tower. Then go directly to the alchemy room.

I practiced an hour, let my heart state not be waved, and then repeatedly reviewed the refining method of Tian Xuan Dan. So after two more hours, Qin double began to refine Tian Xuan Dan.

The first furnace, refining nine Tian Xuan Dan, are the next product Dan. In the second furnace, nine Zhongpindan were refining, the third furnace was refining nine top grades, the fourth furnace was refining nine superbs, and the fifth furnace was refining nine denim grades. .

In this way, the five flying snowflakes are used up, and the piano double stops the alchemy. Take out a lower product, Tian Xuan Dan, and Tian Xiandan breaks down in the body. The energy is directed toward the heart, and the sea and soul space are flowing away.

Qin double immediately puts the **** of the sun and the four great gods back. The power of the gods of the gods and the four gods began to rise at an extremely fast speed, and the power of the spirit of the spirit was also quickly recovered.

After the refining of the nine descendants of Tianxuan, the power of the gods of the gods and the four great gods rose to about 13 percent, and the spirit has completely restored the power of mystery.

Qin double began to refine the middle of the product Tian Xuan Dan, nine Chinese Tian Tian Xuan Dan refining, Yang God and the four Yuanshen's mysterious power increased to 18 percent of the appearance, and the spirit of the mysterious power has Start to cure to one thousandth of the appearance.

After the piano double refining the nine top-grade Tian Xuan Dan, the mysterious power of Yangshen and the four great gods increased to 27 percent, and the spiritual power of the spirit solidified nearly two-thousandths.

When Qin double refining nine of the best Tian Xuan Dan, the mysterious power of the Yangshen and the four great gods increased to 33%, and the spiritual power of the spirit solidified more than three thousandths.

When Qin double refining nine Danwu-class Tian Xuan Dan, the mysterious power of Yangshen and the four great gods jumped to about forty-five percent, that is, Yangshen and the four great gods. Already 40% has been transformed into a mysterious power, and the solidification of the spirit has jumped to about five thousandths.

"Call..." Qin double spit out a sigh of relief, opened his eyes and whispered: "It seems that I have to find the flying snow as soon as possible. The next time I am alchemy, I will be able to refine the Danyun-level elixir. At that time, I will Improve faster."

When Xuanxu scanned the body, he felt that he had left some impurities in his body. This is what the medicine has left. Today's Qinshuang has rarely taken medicinal herbs. They are all extracted from Xianyuanli in the town's demon tower. This time, they took thirty-five Tianxuandan, and some impurities were deposited in the body.

"There is a thunder room in Tianziyuan. When you return to Tianziyuan, go to the thunder room and temper these impurities."

Qin double put the Xuanwu Yuanshen into the icicle forest to comprehend the law, and the Yangshen and the four great gods are all within the heart of the heart, sitting on the shoulders of the spirit, with three rules on the head. There are more than 10,000 rules of filaments such as Xuanwu, Yangshen and the three great gods to use the law of induction.

Qin double left the alchemy room, standing on the mountain peak, looking at the mountain under the clouds, the heart moved, he called:

"Old town!"

The old man in the town instantly appeared in front of the piano.

"the host!"

"Old town, will you make meatballs?"

"No!" Zhen Lao shook his head.

"I teach you!"

Qinqin eagerly took out the body of a monster, took the old man to the refining room, cut off a piece of monster meat, then picked up two fists and licked, and soon put the piece of monster meat It became a meat mud, and the old town took some apricots. Divide a fairy apricot meat into four portions, each of which is wrapped in a sacred animal mud, and the group becomes a meatball. Soon, the sacred meat and meat are all made into meatballs.

From the fairyware of the old town, I found out that an alchemy furnace was placed on the ground fire and cooked the meatballs. Pick up a ball and put it in your mouth to chew.

A **** force spread out from the meatballs. When the apricot meat in the meatballs was eaten, there was another scent of scent.

The piano nodded twice, and this qi and blood power and Xianyuanqi are suitable for children.

"Old town, have you learned?"

"Simple!" The old town.

"Do something for me."

"it is good!"

Qin double left the refining room, entered the control room, controlled the body with the spirit, and began to make the symbol.

On the third morning of the outside world, Qin double came out from the town demon tower, came to the lake and walked by the lake. On this day, a lot of children gathered around the piano, staring at the doubles with a pair of big eyes, and the piano was swept away. There were more than 500 children between the ages of three and five. I am afraid that the whole town is at this age. The children are coming. I must have known the things of the five children yesterday, and I looked forward to waiting for the piano pair. When the doubles came out, they all came round.

Qin’s face showed a friendly smile and looked at her five children, the five children who were yesterday.

Qin double took out a piece of meatballs and handed it to five children. The five children were puzzled. Why not the yesterday's fairy apricot?

What is this meat calling?


The other children looked at the five children enviously. The five children looked at each other and were attracted by the scent of meatballs. They swallowed a sip of water and ate it. Then the eyes slammed and slammed toward the piano. A ritual:

"Thank you sister!"

I ran out of the crowd, came to the open area, and cultivated. Qin double took out a piece of meatballs and distributed it to each child. At this time, some adults also came over and saw the piano double distributed meatballs. Liu Chuanwu came over and looked at the meat that Qinshuang was distributing. On the meatballs. Qin double handed Liu Chuanwu a meatball:

"Try it!"

Liu Chuanwu threw the meatballs into his mouth and chewed a few times. There was a hint of joy in his eyes:

"Fairy, your beast is not low in meat grade! It is also wrapped in apricot meat."

“Yeah!” Qin nodded. “These children can only eat one meatball a day.”

"Thank you for the fairy, these children have blessed you."

At this time, Qin double finished the last meatball and waved his hand: "It's all gadgets, it's nothing. I have some monster meat here, I invite you to dinner today."

In the past day, Qin double was close to the neighbors. At dusk, Qin double returned to his room and entered the room of the town demon tower to start the game.

On the fourth day, Qin double distributed meatballs to the children by the lake. The adults around this time were much less. Liu Chuanwu smiled and stood beside the Qinshuang. When the children dispersed and practiced, Liu Chuanwu said:

"Fairy, are you here for the treasure?"

"Treasure?" Qin double look: "You have treasure here?"

Her sorrow, Liu Chuanwu’s look is also a glimpse: “Is the fairy not for the treasure?”


Seeking a monthly ticket!

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