Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2138: Hometown

"The fairy has not heard of the rumors?"

"No! Let's listen."

"To tell the legend of this treasure, it has been more than a thousand years. I don’t know from whom, from whom, there is a treasure in this crescent lake. At the beginning, there were many monks coming to the Crescent Lake. Treasure hunt, our town has sent people to search for many times, but never found a treasure. Later, there are fewer and fewer people coming, but some people come. Now, every few years, there are curious people here. Searching for something, but they are all empty-handed. I thought the fairy came for the treasure."

"No!" Qin double shook his head and said: "I heard it for the first time."

Liu Chuanwu no longer talked about the treasures. Two people chatted a few words, Liu Chuanwu said goodbye, Qin double also left the lake and began to wander around the town, familiar with the people in the town. Everyone in the town, seeing the doubles of the piano, showed a smile, and the behavior of the piano doubled for two days gave them a good impression.


Qin double returned to his home, entered the town demon tower, and continued to control. For three days in a row, the town has been in the tower for several years, and Qin Double finally realized the master of the master.

The fifth day outside.

Qinshuang still distributed a meatball to each child by the lake. Liu Chuanwu still accompanied the piano pair with a smile. He would come to the lake and talk to the piano for a while, and then leave.

This time, when Qin double gave each child a meatball, he did not wait for Liu Chuanwu to open his mouth:

"The mayor, I have visited other places in Half Moon Town. Can I visit some of the town's ancestral halls?"

"of course can!"

Liu Chuanwu just nodded, and there was no mysterious place. He took the piano and walked the largest building in the town.

Before coming to the temple, Liu Chuanwu pushed the door open, and the eyes of Qin double were a slight glimpse. There is a statue in the temple, and the statue is clearly Yang Linglong.


Qin double spit out a breath and finally confirmed that these people are from the mainland. I walked into the ancestral hall, looked up at the statue of Yang Linglong, and told the voice of Yang Ling’s **** inside the exquisite sword:

"Yang seniors, have you seen it? Here are your statues, they are your ancestors."

Yang Lingwei silently said nothing, Qin double no longer communicated with Yang Lingwei, turned to look at Liu Chuanwu:

"Mayor, are you from the mainland of the warrior?"

Liu Chuanwu’s face changed dramatically: “How do you know?”

Qin double looked at the statue and said: "Because I know this statue, she is called Yang Lingwei."


"I am from the mainland of the warrior."

Liu Chuanwu suddenly widened his eyes: "You, you, you... are you from the mainland?"

"Yeah!" Qin doubled his head seriously: "When I came here, I flew in the air and saw the exercises of your children here. I feel familiar. It is like the practice of the military on the mainland. Although it has improved a lot, it still has the shadow of the mainland of the warrior."


Liu Chuanwu slammed out and rushed into the air and flew toward the mountains. Soon, Liu Chuanwu took nine people from the air, it was the only nine nine-day Xuanxian in this town, who walked into the temple, and the nine nine-day Xuanxian’s eyes fell on Qin’s body. The piano double is better than them, and the look is a slap in the face.

"Do you have a friend from the mainland?"


"Do you want to sit down?"

An old man headed for the first time, please take the first place in the piano. The spiritual world is respected by the strength. The piano double is the highest in the middle. It is the first place in the middle, but Qin double refuses to resign. In the end, no one sits in the middle. But sitting on the chairs on both sides.

After the people were seated, Liu Chuanwu introduced the nine people. Liu Chuanwu was the mayor of the town. These nine people were the nine elders of the town. After Liu Chuanwu introduced it, the great elder Wen Bixian looked at the piano and said:

"Qindaoyou, I don't think you are old."

Qin doubled the nod: "Forty has three."


Liu Chuanwu and the nine elders took a breath of cold air. At the age of forty-three, they repaired more than the third elder peak of the nine-day Xuanxian. You know, the elders are now over 10,000 years old.

"So, you are just flying?"

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and said: "I want to ask a question."

"please say."

"The monks in this town are all from the mainland of the warriors?"

The elders sighed a bit: "There are not many monks from the mainland of the warriors. Some of our old guys have soared up from the mainland of the warriors. Most of the people in the town are now flying up from the mainland." The descendants of the monks. There have been no monks who have risen from the mainland of the war for more than 5,000 years."

"You... how come here? Get together again?"

Qin is very strange in the heart, to know that she has risen to the outer star of the Tianlin, and where is this?

Here is the Purple Star, how did these people come here?

And listen to what they mean, the monks who have risen from the mainland of the warriors from generation to generation are gathered here.

"There is a flying pool on the side of Tianmangcheng. We are all flying up from there. We have a number plate in the Tianyue City Flying Hall in half a month. Once the people of our warrior are flying up, the manager of the Flying Hall We will inform us that we will send people to pick up the people who have just come up. In order to fly to the hall, we can inform us in time that our town will be handed over to the Shengsheng Hall for five hundred years, although it has been more than 5,000 years. There are no people who have soared up, but we still pay 500 fines every year, and we are afraid that there will be no place for people who are flying up the mainland."

"People are leaving home!"

Qin Qin can not help but sigh, it is because of this, people who leave their hometown are willing to hold a group to warm. And for the later people, spare no effort.

Five hundred top grades of fairy crystal, for Qin double, even nine cattle and one hair are not counted. However, in the past few days of the observation of the Qin double, five hundred high-grade Xianjing, is not a small number for the half-moon town.

For more than 5,000 years, no one in the mainland of the military has soared up. They just wanted to believe in one, but they still handed in the fairy crystal.

"No!" The elder elder suddenly changed his face: "When you fly up, how did you not inform us about the half-moon town?"

Others are angry, they will not doubt the piano double, because Qin double recognized Yang Linglong. They think that the Flying Hall is negligent.

"I am going to fly to the temple!" Liu Chuanwu stood up: "I have been a squadron on the mainland of our martial arts for five thousand years, and they have been treated like this, letting our mainland monks fall outside?"

Seeking a monthly ticket!

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