Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2140: Practice

Everyone looked at Qin Shuang's eyes and became respected. There is no doubt that Qin is the first master on the mainland of the warrior, and the leader of the war against the demon. And now only forty-three years old, it is the fifth peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian. From that point of view, Qin double's performance far exceeds them, even in their psychology, I feel that Qin double's actions have exceeded Yang Linglong, who they regard as ancestors.

"You seniors..."

The elders repeatedly waved: "Qin double, don't call us a predecessor, your cultivation is higher than ours, you can foresee that in the near future, you will be far higher than us, we are still peers, call You can do it."

Qin double did not insist, nodded: "The elders, I see the monks in the town are not high, how can this be the cultivation environment of the purple star?"

The elders smiled bitterly: "It’s not because of the practice. The people of us are all at the bottom of the monks. They don’t know how many generations they have. The skills and methods that can be purchased are also low-level. How can it be high!"

"Sure enough!"

Qin double nodded and thought about it: "Go back and sort out the work of each monk's cultivation. I will see tomorrow. Can you give them a training based on the practice of their cultivation? High quality exercises."

"Do you have high-quality exercises?" Liu Chuanwu and nine elders are excited.

"You go to statistics first, and then I will study and study."

"You don't have to go to statistics. There are only nine kinds of exercises for everyone in Half Moon Town. Because we have obtained the exercises for countless generations, only these nine are relatively high, so we unified the monks from Half Moon Town from these nine exercises. Choose a practice that suits you."

"What are the nine?"

"I have it here!" Liu Chuanwu immediately took out nine jade slips and handed them to Qinshuang. The piano double took over the jade slip and received the storage ring:

"Get here today, tomorrow we will meet in the temple."

"Good, trouble friends."

"No trouble, we are from the same continent, it is a fellow."

"Yes, it is a fellow!"

Ten people excitedly and Qin doubled their remarks, and the piano walked across the courtyard in two directions. Looking at the back of the piano double disappeared, Liu Chuanwu whispered:

"The elders, do you say that the piano will have a high-quality work of various attributes?"

"She can grow into such a realm in just a few decades, and she must have her own adventures. There should be some exercises, and the grade should be higher than what we are practicing now. I don't know if we can not abolish our originals. In the case of the practice of cultivation, you can continue to practice.

In other words, it is very difficult for her to give us the exercises that are equivalent to the exercises we have now cultivated to improve and improve. ”

"Yeah!" The two elders also sighed: "This requires a large cultivation practice, from which we can select the exercises that are suitable for us to practice. Qinqin is just a person, how can I have so many exercises. And are there still properties?"

"Even if there is only one, you can do it!" The three elders said with hope: "No matter who is suitable for cultivation, this is our chance for the half-moon town."

"There is another way." The four elders said: "That is the piano has incomparable wisdom, can modify and enhance our exercises."

Other elders, including Liu Chuanwu, turned a blind eye.

"How is that possible?"

"I just said one possibility, I didn't believe it!" The four elders shrugged.

When Qin Double entered the town demon tower, he sat on the ground and read nine jade slips one by one. After reading it, he could not help but sigh. The exercises recorded in these nine jade slips are not the lowest exercises in the spiritual world. Did not reach the Chinese product, which is the former work in the lower product. With this method of practice, it is possible to cultivate to the nine-day Xuan Xian. The qualifications and understanding of these nine elders are also extraordinary.

She handed the nine jade slips to the old town, let the old man read it, and found a high-quality work method that could be replaced in her huge library of exercises. It should be known that Qinqin can collect and copy a large number of exercises, which are copied in a jade, such as the recent copying in the Tianziyuan Library, which is handed over to the old treasure house in the town. Among them. And she also began to leave her in the blood to search for her inheritance.

Forty-two days later.

On the ground in front of the piano, there are fourteen jade slips. Nine of the fourteen jade slips are suitable for those who have already cultivated a deep monk and continue to practice on the basis of the original. It is equivalent to the high-quality work after the improvement. The remaining five jade slips are the top-level exercises of the five attributes of Jinmu Shuihuo. In Qinshuang's view, it is second only to the practice that she is currently practicing.

She did not take out the practice of her cultivation. On the one hand, this is a practice that belongs to the double master of the piano. The practice of the master like this monk is not taught if it is not a disciple. On the other hand, it is even more worrying about Qin double, because until now, she has crossed the river by feeling the stones, and she has not understood the exercises of her cultivation. I don’t know what will happen if I continue to cultivate. How can such a practice be taught at will?

When I opened my eyes, I saw that the old man was standing in front of her, holding a pile of jade slips in his hands. When I saw the piano and looked over, I put the jade on the ground and said:

"Master, I found some, look at you."

The piano doubled a glance, and eighteen jade slips, in turn, looked at the past. Nine jade slips belonged to the equivalent of the improved exercises, which allowed the great elders to practice the repairs of deep people. The remaining nine jade slips are the elders who can't cultivate, but the grade is higher than the nine.

Compared with the ones that I have chosen, the exercises that can be rebuilt by the elders are not much different, and each has its own merits. Qin double can not help but secretly nod, so that the elders can give them more choices. After all, the human body is different, and the perception is different. If you have a choice, you may be able to pick a more suitable one.

And those who practice from scratch, their own five are much higher than the old ones selected by the town.

After all, those exercises copied by Qin double are from the bow tie, and the exercises left by the blood piano are not only from the spiritual world, but also from the fairy world.

"So be it!"

Qin double put the jade simple, and then entered the refining room, began to refine the device, she is ready to upgrade her refiner to the peak of the master.

The sixth day outside.

Qin double finished the meal in the town demon tower, after the shower, this left the town demon tower, Shiranly came to the lake, she could not go directly to the temple, the children in the town ran every day to wait for her hair Meatballs, she also likes to see children's innocent smiles.


Seeking a monthly ticket!

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