Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2141: Zongmen

Inside the temple.

Liu Chuanwu and nine elders, some are restless. The nine elders walked out of the ancestral hall and looked at the direction of the piano double living:

"How come the piano does not come?"

Far away, the laughter of the children came. Liu Chuanwu’s look changed and he flew up in the air. Then he fell down with a smile:

"Let's go in and wait, Qinqin distributes meatballs to the children by the lake."

"Meatballs?" Nine elders looked at Liu Chuanwu strangely.

Liu Chuanwu said that the things that Qinqin had done these days with the nine elders. The nine elders sat in the chair, but they were also crying and laughing. Had to wait here for the piano double.

After about half an hour, Qin double walked into the door of the temple. Liu Chuanwu and the nine elders have already stood up, and the piano doubles:

"Let everyone wait."



Everyone replied, and then they looked at the piano double. Qinqin dumbfounded, took out the nine jade slips selected by the town, and handed it to everyone:

"Look at these nine exercises first."

When the nine elders reached out each other, they took a practice and left to read. Liu Chuanwu did not have jade, and he was anxious to scratch his head.

Qin double is a smile, took the other nine jade slips selected by the town, and handed it to Liu Chuanwu:

"The mayor, these nine exercises can let the children in the town learn. Compared with the nine exercises, these nine exercises are of higher grade."

Liu Chuanwu took over nine jade slips, but did not read it immediately, but looked forward to the piano double path:

"The nine jade slips that the elders saw, but they can replace the exercises they had previously practiced and continue to cultivate?"

"Yeah!" Qin double smiled and nodded.

Liu Chuanwu’s face showed a mad joy, and then he did not confidently confirm:

Qin double not only smiled: "You will know when you look at them."

At that time, the nine elders were completely the appearance of a foreign tourist. At this time, the slogan of the exercises in front of them was broad, and the hidden heavens changed. There seemed to be a door open to them, and they had their own The ambiguous Taoism of cultivation has a sudden and cheerful feeling at this moment.

With the reading of the exercises, they found that the exercises were progressive, one layer was deeper than one layer, and one layer was richer than the one layer, from simple to complex, and from simple to simple, let them be angry. Both blood and the gods are eager to move.

The practice is flowing in the heart, and it seems that the heavens are flowing and changing, but there are traces to follow. As long as they look for this trajectory, they seem to see the future.

Liu Chuanwu saw the nine elders meditation for a while, and then fluttered and danced for a while, and then they were obsessed with meditation. How could they not know the exercises in these nine jade slips, and they would definitely be able to cultivate the already deep monks?

Qin doubled his shoulder and said: "Give them half an hour of time. At this time, you should look at these exercises first. There should be a bright future for the children of our military mainland."

Liu Chuanwu took a deep breath and calmed down his feelings. Enter the knowledge into the jade, and then indulge in it.

Qin double sat in a chair, closed his eyes and began to merge the Tao.

The time of half an hour soon passed, especially for Liu Chuanwu's ten people, indulging in it, as if it was only a moment. At this time, their minds were greatly shocked, and the heavens in the exercises were extremely magical and mysterious. But at this time, there was a groan in their ears.

"wake up!"

Ten people were awakened, and they looked at the piano pair. They lost their eyes for a while before they woke up from the state of Fangcai. They stood up one by one and bent down deeply toward the piano.

"Thank you for Qinqin!"

The piano double sat very steady and accepted the homage.

There is no doubt that Qin double opened a door to them, and it is likely to open a door to them for a long life.

Qin double can afford this gift.

It’s just that Qin Double did not think about accepting them as apprentices.

"You friends, the name of the piano teacher is not necessary."

Ten people’s faces showed the color of loss, and they heard the truth in succession. This is the case with Xiu Xianjie. They are not at all because the piano is too small to be smaller than them. From the heart, they are against the Qinqin pair as teachers. On the contrary, they are very much expecting Qinqin to accept them as disciples. But now it seems that Qin double does not mean this. Although Liu Chuanwu is only a big Luo Jinxian, but it is not the person who is the mayor, the heart is moving:

" you, will you stay with us for half a month?"

Nine elders listened, their eyes could not be brightened, and they all looked forward to the piano pair. Since Qinqin can pick out these exercises, it proves that Qinshuang’s understanding of Heaven is definitely more than them. Otherwise, it will not be judged that these exercises are suitable for them. If Qinqin can stay in Nanyue Town, they can always ask for advice. However, they have seen rejection from the eyes of Qin double.

With the age and cultivation of Qin double, how can it be trapped in such a place?

Their hearts are lost, the elders are doing the last struggle, and they rushed before the double opening of the piano:

"Qindaoyou, no matter what you say, you have taught us these Taoists. It is already our teacher. Although you refuse to accept us as a disciple, we recognize you as a teacher in our hearts. We also know that we are qualified by our friends. Talent and cultivation, half a month town can not keep you, even if you are willing to stay, we will not stay, it will delay your future. We are all looking forward to, one day, can hear your legend, that is The glory of our military mainland."

"Daoyou won the prize!" Qin double whispered.

"There is no prize!" The elders said seriously: "Daoyou, you have restored the aura in the mainland of the warrior, and blocked the demon and the demon in the demon gate and the magic path, leading the human race to suppress the demon, but always Without sealing the door of the demon and the magic path, the people have a chance to become stronger and stronger, and they have the hope of flying up the spiritual world.

From this point of view, your achievements have exceeded the original Yang Zu. In addition, the practice you have taught is far better than Yang Zu, so I feel that your achievements for the Terran people of the mainland have surpassed Yang Zu in all aspects. However, we are not a family. I mean, it is better for us to set up a sect, you are the lord. We also don't need you to stay in the town of Half Moon. From the time you left these ties, you are worthy of the status of the founder. You can continue to travel around, when you have time, come back and see us. ”

"Qin double, thank you!" Qin double did not open, he heard Yang Ling's voice passed into his consciousness.

Qin Qinshen said: "Why thank you?"

Seeking a monthly ticket!

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