Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2142: Heaven and earth vision

"You have re-given the military's vitality in the mainland, giving the military a chance to rise to the mainland's monks. It has left the system and made up for my fault."

Qin double silence, Yang Linglong continued: "Promise them, they need a place that can stand on the spiritual world. This place does not refer to the site. It refers to people.

A person who can be a leader!

Although they live in the town of Half Moon, their souls are nowhere to be gathered because they lack a person who can unite them. They live at the bottom, groaning all day, being bullied. In the future, there will be more and more people flying up the mainland on the mainland. You might as well lay down a river and give a place to practice. ”

"But...this place..."

"You naturally can't live here for a long time, and this place is too broken. Your sect should be built in the Purple City."

"Tianzicheng? Seniors, don't you kidding? Ok, every inch of land in Tianzicheng is a sky-high price, I can't afford it."

"You are a seven-master, can't afford it?"

"Well, even if I can afford it, do you think someone will sell it? The fool will sell it, and there is no fool in Tianzicheng."

"Go to Xu Mo, you saved the Xu Luoyin, Xu family should have a return."

"This is not good!" Qin double said: "Although I was sure that I would not harm the Xu family's secrets last time, but after all, I started to work with Xu. The people who cultivated the Tao, pay attention to the heart. I will save this time. Xu Luoyin is also to make up for the embarrassment of the heart, both sides are clear. If I go to find Xu Mo, I can't go through it."

"It is not for Xu Mobai to give, nor to let Xu Mo draw a part from the Xu family site and sell it to you. Instead, let Xu Mo be a middleman.

Tianzicheng is so big that it is impossible to have only thirty-four families. The thirty-four family is the top family of Tianzicheng, and there must be a second-rate family and a third-rate family.

Last year, the Mozu suddenly attacked Tianzixing in a big way. Even if no family was beaten up, there must be a lot of second-rate. The third-rate family has not been able to maintain the situation in Tianzixing, and there is no need for the family to sell some ethnic groups. As a resource for family revitalization. Maybe some families have already arrived to sell all the ethnic groups and leave Tianzicheng. You must know that even the third-rate family of Tianzicheng left Tianzicheng and is a powerful family. If they sell the land of Tianzicheng, leaving Tianzicheng and going to other places in Tianzixing, they will also become a hegemon.

It’s just that you are not familiar with Tianzicheng and don’t know where to start. Even if you find those families, you will be slaughtered. However, Xu Mo’s appearance is different. In his capacity, you don’t need to make a profit. It’s just fair and reasonable.

Qin double, this is a rare opportunity.

Thirty-four families, I am afraid they are all staring at the families who want to sell their families. If you miss this opportunity, you will not know what year and month to have such an opportunity. ”

Qin double one listens to the heart and moves!

She believes that on the mainland of the apocalyptic warriors, there will be a steady stream of monks flying up. They need a foothold. The first one to fly up is also responsible for establishing a foothold for them. Can't wait for the shock, blue moon and so on, soaring up, have been wandering in the spirit world?

not to mention……

Nowadays, we have found the predecessors who have risen from the mainland of the warriors. If these people are gathered together, many small things do not have to be done by themselves.

Besides, I can't bear to watch these predecessors and future generations in the mainland of the warriors. They have already passed on their inheritance, and if there are conditions, why not give them a better cultivation environment. And he has a lot of inheritance, and it has been a huge regret to be buried.

By establishing a sect, you can put these inheritances into the library, and the monks who have risen up from the mainland of the martial arts will continue to practice in the next generation.


There are also positive valves, and they can also be moved over.

At this point, seeing the appearance of Qin double has been contemplative, Liu Chuanwu and the look of the nine elders are nervous. Since Qinqin is willing to think, it is to show that there is hope. Finally, they saw the piano double raised their eyes, and could not help but hang a heart. I saw the piano double nod:



Liu Chuanwu and the nine elders are all excited. They seem to have seen their younger generations go out of their way and no longer struggle at the bottom.

"In the years to come, we can see that the monks of our warriors have risen in the spiritual world and are no longer suffering from oppression. There is no regret in this life." The elders had wet eyes.

"Don't be excited!" Qin said with a smile: "The mayor..."

"The lord, tell me to spread the martial arts!" Liu Chuanwu immediately began.

Qin Qin is not allowed to smile, this Liu Chuanwu is afraid of returning himself, first settled on the title, and has a decision in his heart, Qin double is not a hesitant person, he nodded:

"Transfer Wu, give the jade in your hands to the nine elders!"

"Lord, please call our name!"

The nine elders have Liu Chuanwu doing the typical example in front, and now they know what they should do.

The double pendulum swings: "Even if I am the lord, you are the elders of the sect, and you are called the elders, no problem."

"Xie Zongzhu!"

The nine elders were overjoyed and once again prayed to Qin Double, this began to see the jade slips that Liu Chuanwu handed over, and Liu Chuanwu also began to see the jade slips handed over by the nine elders. This time they reminded themselves not to immerse themselves in the practice, and there were such big things as Zongmen waiting for them, so they also rushed through it. But even so, their faces are full of surprises.

These nine exercises, although they can not cultivate, but the grade is higher than the exercises that allow them to cultivate, can imagine how brilliant future their future generations will have!


These people were excited to see the old **** sitting in the piano double, just opened the word of the lord, and suddenly felt the shaking of the heavens and the earth, that is, even the temple is bright.

The hearts of the nine elders were shocked, and then they were ecstatic. Did Qinqin create Zongmen, and should it be heaven?

Qin double stepped out of the ancestral hall, Liu Chuanwu and nine elders also followed. At this time the monks of the town came out and looked up at the sky.

Then I saw the colorful rays of the sky appearing in the direction of Tianzicheng, and the map between the heavens and the earth was magnificent.

"this is……"

"The vision of heaven and earth!"

“What happened? Is there such a vision?”

Qin double took out the communication jade, activated the brand of the gods, and soon came the voice of the gods:

"the host!"

"What happened to Tianzicheng?"

Thank you very much for seaphay (100), Bai Zibing (100), and a gust of james (100)!


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