Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2143: Yue Yuezong

"No... I went out to see!"

Qinqin couldn't help but be speechless. This is definitely the door to the door. He did not make two doors and did not make a squat in the cave. He quickly passed out to hear the surprised voice:

"Master, the sky is full of sunshine, all ... have fallen to the Xu family."

"The sky is falling in the air and the Xu family?"

"Master, you wait, I will go out and ask."

In less than a quarter of an hour, the communication of the jade in the jade is also heard.

"Master, Xu Mosheng!"

"Xim Mosheng?" Qin double suddenly raised his voice.

"No, it was Mrs. Xu who was born, and Xu Mo had a daughter."

In the heart of the piano, the vision of this heaven and earth turned out to be due to the birth of Xu Mo’s daughter. It seems that Xu Mo’s daughter is not allowed to go to the air!

There are some envy in the heart of the piano, people are born, the vision of heaven and earth.

I must wait for Xu Mo to grow up, and the cultivation must be leaps and bounds and become the darling of heaven and earth.

What about yourself?

Crawling, hey!

Shaking his head slightly, turned and walked into the ancestral hall. Liu Chuanwu and the nine elders fascinated and walked into the ancestral hall with the piano. They still didn't know why the Vision of the Heavens happened, and Qin Double did not tell them.

After entering the ancestral hall, Qin Shuang took out the syllabary jade that he had selected in the blood-series inheritance and took it out to Liu Chuanwu and nine elders:

"There are some jade slips for you here, you can choose."

Liu Chuanwu and the nine elders listened, and the heart was not respectful to Qin double. It was just a mystery. What kind of person is she?

Not only is it young, but it is so high, and how many high-quality exercises are there?

After they rushed through the jade, they were shocked and strengthened their belief in the establishment of the Zongmen and the Qin Shuang as the sovereign. The elders prayed to the piano pair:

"Please ask the lord to name the sect."

Qin double thought a little, thinking that if he named Zongmen as the string moon, even if it was flying up from the mainland of the warrior, I don’t know where I am, I heard the word of the string month, there will be Lenovo. ? Maybe you will find it, then you will:

"It's called the string moon."

"I want to follow the sect of the lord!" Liu Chuanwu and the nine elders immediately worshipped.

The elders straightened up and said: "The sovereign, we are the first generation of disciples who can be the first generation of the string, and they are the second generation of disciples, and so on."

When Qinqin listened, he waved: "The nine elders and my peers will be the elders of Zongmen."

"Not right!" The elders said: "If there is no sect of the sect, we are afraid that the cultivation of this life will stop here. The priests of Mengzong teach the exercises, only for me." The teacher is perfect."

"Please enlighten your teacher!" The other eight elders also took part in the ceremony.

Qin double is a simple person. When he sees the nine elders in good faith, he nods:

"That's it."

"See Master!"

Nine elders pay homage. Liu Chuanwu hurriedly sipped tea and sent it to the hands of each elder, and then each elder gave a cup of tea to Qin. The piano gods swept through the nine elders, and each gave them a bottle of medicinal herbs according to their attributes. The nine elders thanked Qinqin with joy and stood aside. Liu Chuanwu hurriedly bowed to the shrine:

"Seeing the ancestors!"

Qin double also gave him a bottle of medicinal herbs, and then said: "From the moment, Chuanwu is the deputy lord of the string month. When I am not there, I am responsible for all matters of the sect."

"Xie Zongzhu!"

"You have built the Zongmen affairs in these two days, and I will leave here in a few days."

"Master, you will stay for a while, and give us some advice." The elders said with hope.

Qin double shook his head: "My other identity is the Academy of Tianziyuan."

“Master is the college of Tianziyuan?”

There are surprises in the eyes of everyone, no wonder Master is so powerful. Who can enter Tianziyuan, which is not Tianjiao?

"Well! So before I became Xianjun, I will practice in Tianziyuan most of the time. And I will go back this time to see if I can buy a piece of land in Tianzicheng. If it succeeds, we will follow me in Tianzicheng. settle down."

Liu Chuanwu and the nine elders have been excited to open their mouths and can't speak.

That is Tianzicheng!

The center of the entire spiritual world, the holy place of cultivation, the place where Tianjiao gathers.

If you can live in Tianzicheng, you will have the skills given by the lord...

Thinking about it, the eyes of the ten people have become paralyzed, and the mouth is the biggest. If there is no ear root blocking, they will all reach the back of the head, and they will laugh like a nightmare.

The piano can't help but look at the face. These people have been living hard for too long, and they don't know if they will be surprised. Immediately broke a drink:

"wake up!"

Ten people were immediately awakened, and when they woke up, their minds turned. The great elders hesitated:

“Master, will anyone in Tianzicheng sell real estate?”

"There should be a chance! Last year, the Mozu raided the Purple City. Many families were seriously damaged. It was almost impossible to maintain. I used to be alone, so I didn't think about it. Now I have to pay attention. Wait for me to go back and ask. ask."

At this time, everyone also remembered that the Devil’s raid on Tianzicheng a year ago could not help but blindly, and then worried:

"But... that needs a lot of fairy crystals..."

"Shen Jing's things don't have to worry about you. If it's not enough, I will find someone to borrow some time."


Ten people couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. One shock was that they could be heard from the tone of Qin Double. Qin Double has a lot of fairy crystals and is rich in body. The second shock is that Qin double can find someone to borrow Xian Jing. You know, this is not a small amount.

It seems that his lord is not only cultivated high, has inheritance, is rich in family, and has a very strong network of contacts!

The cultivation is high, there is inheritance, the family is rich, and the connections are powerful. This is completely able to stand firm.

They were still worried that after the establishment of the Zongmen, they would be suppressed and even destroyed by some forces. It seems that I think more now.

The only downside is that the repair of these disciples is too low!

"We have to work hard to cultivate, and we must urge those juniors to work hard."

"Okay, let's set up the various matters of Zongmen. I will go back first. After everything is ready, let me know."

When the words fell, the piano doubled up and walked outside the hall. The ten people behind are in the same voice:

"Congratulation to the Sovereign!"

Qin two-way walked across the courtyard, she did not discuss with Liu Chuanwu how to build a sect, what do they need, and various welfare and punishment rules. She wants to see if these people will think of this and how will they build?

If these people are doing well, then reuse these people and you can be a shopkeeper. And Zongmen will become his own help. If these people can't, she will summon the adults in the whole town, let everyone discuss and choose the people who can give the heavy responsibility.

When Qinqin returned to his place of residence, he entered the refining room again and upgraded his refining realm.


Seeking a monthly ticket!



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