Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2146: Heart fear

Now the Qinshen's Yuanshen cultivation has reached the five layers of Xianjun, and the gods that are branded on the Xianjun waterline have been able to completely control the silky waterline.

The transparent and invisible Xianjun waterline, in the moment when the old man just fell on the high platform, the trace of the Xianjun waterline spurred his eyebrows, and the power of the Xianjun waterline was well controlled by the Qinshuang, only It is the old man who has shrouded.

Except for the old man, no one can feel the power of Xianjun, even on the high platform. But the old man fell into the threat of death in an instant. He couldn't see the trace of the Xianjun waterline, but he felt it. He felt that as soon as the piano doubled his mind, he would fall immediately.

People are more and more afraid of death, let alone cultivated to the peak of Xuantian in nine days?

He stood there stiffly, and he didn't dare to move. It was only an instant, his forehead was covered with sweat, and the vest was soaked with sweat.

"Ginger absolutely, continue!" Qin said faintly.


Ginger looked at the piano double and looked at the old man with a strange look. At this time, he understood in his heart that the white-browed old man must have been restrained by his own lord. Otherwise, how could the white-browed old man’s face look fearful and sweaty?

At this time, Jiang is full of pride in his heart, full of worship for Qin Double, and his spirits are different. Looking down, Langsheng continues to talk about the rules of the sect.

The old man looked at the piano double eyes full of fear, his lips moved, but did not dare to speak.

The human heart begins to fear, and it is also a rule!

At this time, he knew that if he dared to speak, he would interrupt the sects of the sects and read the rules of the sect. This is a serious provocation. Will be killed by others on this high platform.

At this time, the old-fashioned old man regretted his heart and stood there in trepidation. He did not dare to move, and his eyes looked at the piano pair from time to time, and he remembered:

"Is this woman a fairy?"

Crescent Lake.

The five people face each other, they do not understand very much, the imposing white eyebrows, after rushing to the high platform, how can it be like a puppet, motionless?

In less than half-time, the face of five people is a change.

The white-browed old man is facing the piano double, facing away from the Crescent Lake. Five people on the Crescent Lake saw the old-fashioned vest quickly soaked in sweat.

This shows what?

This shows that white eyebrows are threatened by life!

That woman...

The eyes of the five people could not help but gather on the piano on the high platform. They dared not use the gods to explore, and they could only sense with a keen sense.

It is the fifth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian!

However, at this time, five people did not dare to make any mistakes. Five people looked at each other and the gods communicated.

"It seems that the woman on the high platform is not simple."

"It's not easy, it's also the fifth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian?"

"How to explain the current white eyebrow?"

"What secrets should she have, or a fairy, maybe a fairy."

The eyes of five people are all bright, and the greed of the heart rises.

"No matter what means she has, in her realm, releasing the secret law that can threaten the white eyebrows, or urging the fairy treasure that can threaten the white eyebrows, it must be consumed very much, I am afraid it can only be released once. We might as well kill her. Anyway, half-moon town There is also no background, it is **** that has risen from the mainland of the military."

"Yes! And we want to explore this moon lake treasure, we need people to explore the road. As long as the woman is killed, the monks of the whole half-month town are the ones who give us a way to explore."

"They are now setting up Zongmen. If we shoot the woman, I am afraid that the monks of the whole half-month town will work hard with us."

"What about the garbage? How about the Yunxianzi to deal with the nine garbage elders in Half Moon Town, no problem?"

"No problem!" Yun Xianzi nodded gently.

"Hey, do you have no problem dealing with the remaining tens of thousands of months of town monks?"

"No problem!" The old woman nodded. "Those people are ants in front of me, and people are useless."

"We are three women who kill the high platform, two friends, dare not?"

"What is this dare?" The two monks said: "The woman has dealt with the white eyebrows. I am afraid that there is no room for us to deal with us. She is the meat on the chopping board."

"Then we are doing it now?"

"Let's go check it out!" Yun Xianzi said first: "Since they set up the Zongmen, we can go to the ceremony. This is also a glory for them. Then discuss with them, can not fight first, if not The lord is interested, sending people to take the initiative to explore the road for us, then wait until it is inside. I think that woman will not give up the opportunity to enter the secret."

The remaining four people couldn’t help but nod. After entering the secrets, they could look at the opportunity to avoid tens of thousands of people in the half-moon town. Although they don’t care about tens of thousands of people, they are less troubled.

"Good! That's it!"

"let's go!"

When five people stepped in the sky, their bodies crossed the sky and landed under the high platform. They stood there quietly and made a look of courtesy.

About ten interest, Jiang never finished the sect of the sect, and gave a ceremonial ritual to the piano and flew down the platform. Qin double stepped to the center of the high platform, looking at the monk below, condensed:

"The last item of the founding ceremony of Zongmen, sacred to heaven."

The nine elders will carry the sacrifices to the stage, but they will see the double pendulum swing:

"These sacrifices are gone, now we have better sacrifices!"


When the double voice of the piano fell, it inspired the Xianjun waterline. The head of the white-browed old man was instantly shattered, and the blood in his neck was sprayed like a fountain. When the piano double sleeves waved, the white-browed gods were put into the big sleeves and thrown into the town demon tower, so that the Lingling Town used its infusion of tea.

The monks under the high stage were all a glimpse, and then the town’s monks were excited to worship in the middle of the month.

"See the Lord!"

"The sovereign is mighty!"


In the half-moon town, these monks, because they have no inheritance, are inferior, often insulting, and what they can do is to endure.


They saw the strength of their lords today!

No one is willing to endure humiliation, and anyone is willing to be willing to enmity. It’s just half a month in the past, no one dares to do this. Today's Qin double brought shock to them.

Standing on the side of the five nine-day Xuanxian Peak, it is also a dull face. Originally, they thought that Qin double had only one chance to threaten them, so they would not be sent, but warned them by threatening their white eyebrows. But did not think that the piano double keeps the white eyebrow, just for the last sacrifice!

Too embarrassing!

Did not put us in the eyes!


Why didn't we dare to start with him immediately?


Seeking a monthly ticket!



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