Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2147: communicate with

"Now!" Qin’s voice rang loudly on the high platform: "I want to join the Dan Hall, the Fu Dian, the Dian Dian and the disciples of the temple."

"Treading step..."

A footstep sounded, and one monk came out of the crowd, from teenager to old man, all ages, standing in four teams.

The piano is swept away. Among the four teams, the number of the least is more than 500, and the largest number is nearly 2,000. Then nodded:

"Now you each start the alchemy, the system, the refinery, the array. Take out your strongest skills, I will pick out some of you, called the disciples of the Danfu Array."

As soon as the voice fell, the disciples moved.

Liu Chuanwu had a big capital this time. He took out a lot of resources from the treasury to assess these disciples. The resources for these assessments consumed half of the resources in the warehouse. Liu Chuanwu was really sad, but all this was for the sake of the Zongmen. He also bit his teeth.

Just looking at the five nine-day Xuan Xian, Liu Chuanwu’s heart is full of worries, and he can’t help but know the voice of the piano.

"The sovereign, the five people..."

"Don't care about the five people, just by the five people to assess the psychology of these disciples. Dan Fu Array has a high demand for heart."

Liu Chuanwu agrees with Qin Shuang. If some of these disciples can still keep their minds in this situation, they will be talented in the future.


The five people are all the tenth peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian!

In fact, these six people, including the white eyebrows, have been known to many monks in the towns of the half-moon. These six people have lived in Tianmang City for too long. In the half-moon town, these monks often go to Tianmangcheng and naturally know them. I know that they are the old-fashioned fairy who is stuck in the threshold of Xianjun.

Liu Chuanwu did not see the true strength of Qin double, but learned from the elders that Qin double is only the fifth layer of the nine-day Xuan Xian.

In this way, the remaining tenth of the nine-day Xuanxian tenth layer of the other side can completely slaughter their entire half-month town.

As for Fang Caiqin, he easily killed the white eyebrows. His thoughts are the same as those of the five nine-day Xuanxian peaks. He also feels that Qin double may not be able to make such a blow.

Originally, he and the nine elders also guarded against the five nine-day Xuanxian peaks, but they saw that the Qinshuang had no words. The Lord did not order, and they were not self-motivated. They only secretly tried to prepare for it.

The five nine-day Xuan Xian also woke up from the shock at this time. They looked at each other and exchanged their hands.


Both sides of the piano were able to kill the white-browed decisively and simply hit them. Do you have the ability to easily kill the white eyebrows?

If there is, even if there is only one blow, one of them will die.

Who died?

No one wants to die!

Therefore, for a while, it was deadlocked.

No one wants to shoot the piano first, even the middle-aged monk who had previously planned the plan, did not dare to take the lead in attacking the piano.

What's more, the white-browed eyebrows are not their loved ones. In the past years, they also fought each other because of the chance to compete.

For a time, five people were embarrassed.

So dead for about a quarter of an hour, the old woman took the lead in bowing to the piano on the high platform:

"This Taoist friend, I am waiting to pass by, seeing the Taoist friend establish the Zongmen, come to the ceremony, the Taoist friends will not blame?"

At this point, the Zongmen establishment ceremony has ended, only to assess the time of the disciples. The old woman’s opening is naturally not a provocation. The piano doubled up and stepped forward, and the figure fell in front of five people, with a smile and a courtesy:

“Thank you for the five friends who came to see the ceremony!”

Five people saw that Qin double dared to stand alone in front of them, and their hearts were more cautious. If Qinqin does not rely on it, how dare you stand alone in front of their five nine-day Xuanxian Peak?

However, when I saw the double smile of the piano, the hearts of the five people were also slow. The old lady also smiled:

"Please forgive the Taoist friends. We just happened to be here. We don't know how the friends call it. What is the name of the established Zongmen?"

"In the lower Qin double, the Zongmen is called the string moon."

The old woman smiled and said: "Congratulations to the master of the piano to establish the Tao."

“Congratulations to the master of the piano to establish the Tao.”

The other four people also gave gifts. They all have smiles on their faces, as if they were originally friends of Qinshuang. They came to observe the ceremony, as if they had not killed the eyebrows.

Qin double also smiled and said: "Thank you for your friends."

The old woman did not introduce herself, but went straight to the theme: "The master of the piano, you should also see it, we opened the door of the Crescent Lake treasure..."

"I understand what you mean!" Qin did not wait for the old woman to finish, and said: "If you don't mind, when I check out my disciples, I will go with you to explore the treasure. I will also go ahead for you." Explore the road."

Qin double is so simple, so interesting, but the five people were shocked, can not understand the meaning of the double, for a while, do not know what to say.

“Does the piano pair know all about this treasure?


They have been living here and should have an understanding of the treasure.

In this way, let the piano double advanced, isn't it a chance for her to get the treasure first?

However, do not let her go advanced, what should I do if there is danger? ”

Do not say that the more mixed the rivers and lakes, the more timid the people are, the more they are afraid of death!

For a time, five people were divided into distractions and stuck there. Qin double smiles:

"You don't have to think about it, I have my own means."

"Because you have your own means, we are worried!" The five monks looked at each other and looked ugly.

"Dear friends, I will go see the assessment status of the disciples."

When the words fell, Qin double left five people and slowly walked past the disciples to see the situation of one disciple. The five monks looked at each other and did not worry too much. They also curiously turned their attention to the disciples who were examined one by one, and then they could not help but grin.

At this level, huh, huh...

The piano is not pouted, and the level of these disciples is really unremarkable.

However, Qin double really does not look at the level of these disciples, because she knows that these disciples are not passed down, and the level cannot be high. She looked at the understanding of the Danfu Array in these disciples and found disciples who had insight into the Danfu Array.

Regardless of the level of the Danfu Array made by these disciples, with the guru of the Qinshuang, you can see from the slightest look that you have a natural understanding of the Danfu Array, or say, Dan The symbol array has close relatives.


Seeking a monthly ticket!



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