Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2149: enter

The eyes of the people gathered on the bear of the earth. Under the drive of the piano, the bear of the earth entered the arch and disappeared.

When the bear of the earth entered the arch, the piano double locked his brow.

"What's wrong?" The old lady couldn't help but see the change in the look of the piano.

"I lost contact with the bear of the earth!"

The five monks were silent. They couldn't figure out if this was true. It really lost contact, or Qin double deliberately said so. The piano eyes swept through the crowd:

"Not as good as we go in, I am willing to start."

Five people look at each other and their feelings are helpless. At this time, even let Liu Chuanwu and the nine elders go advanced. When they don't come out, the ending is the same, they still don't know anything about the secret.

"Alright!" Five people nodded.

"The sovereign, let me be advanced." Liu Chuanwu suddenly said.

"The sovereign, we are advanced!" The nine elders also said.

The double pendulum swings: "The situation is unknown, you are guarding outside."

Liu Chuanwu and the nine elders were worried, but they did not dare to violate the order of Qin. Qin double will return the Yangshen and the Yuanshen.

Know the sea.

The Xuanwu Yuanshen moved the fingertips, and the Taiyue Moonlight worn on the head released the Baoguang, and rushed out of the sea, wearing it on the head of the Qinshuang, spilling out the moon, and shrouded the piano. In the moonlight.

Five nine-day Xuanxian peaks have also garrisoned the defensive fairy, which is not the old-fashioned nine-day Xuanxian, which has been mixed for too long. The fairyware that everyone has sacrificed is the best. Qin binoculars look to five humanities:


"Yeah!" Five people nodded.

Qin double looked at Liu Chuanwu and the nine elders: "You are guarding here. If you have a monk who is not capable of enemies, you don't need to stop, let them come in. For one does not know. It is not worthwhile to have the treasure of the treasure damaged."

"Yes!" Liu Chuanwu and the nine elders were in a hurry, and they were concerned: "The sovereigns take care!"

The piano nodded and stepped toward the arch, and the figure disappeared into the eyes of everyone. The five monks also followed suit, followed by them.

Qin double stood on a platform at this time, this platform is so hovering in the air, about a hundred meters. Standing in front of her, the bear of the earth, seeing the doubles coming in, and walking to the double-sided front of the piano, they did not move. Five monks appeared behind him and looked at them with amazement.

At this time, where the six of them were, they were a void, and they were all empty, only the platform under their feet. This platform is so violently suspended in the void. Behind them is the arch.

The piano doubled around the platform and finally stopped at the edge of the platform directly opposite the arch. There was a light strip, about one meter wide, pale gold, and squatting forward, not knowing where to go.

Qin Shuang's gaze patrolled back and forth between the light and the void. After a little thought, he took out a fist-sized ore and threw it toward the void.


The ore became a powder in an instant, and the double and five monks' faces were slightly changed. Qin double spread the mystery to the void, suddenly felt a strong strangulation, shredded her mystery, could not help but snorted.

"The piano master, what happened?" asked the old woman.

"The force of the force in the void, can actually smash the mystery." Qin double spit out a breath.

"Oh..." The crowd couldn't help but **** a cold breath.

Qin double took out another ore and threw it toward the pale gold light belt. The ore fell on the light belt, rolled twice, and stayed on the light belt. Everyone’s eyes were bright, and then they were worried because they didn’t know where the band would take them.

Is the destination of the light belt a treasure, or is it dangerous?

The piano doubles the mind and moves, the bear of the earth walks toward the light, and embarks on a light golden light belt.

The piano double followed, and set foot on the light belt, feeling a little under the foot, a very strange feeling. Just stepping on the thin silk, the light belt is still up and down when it is subjected to the gravity of the piano double, giving a feeling that it will break at any time.

Only since he came here, Qin Double did not want to retreat, and then followed the bear of the earth along the winding pale golden light belt, and went to the front.

When passing the ore, the piano doubled out and grabbed the ore. Under the feet of the light belt, there was no sound coming out, and there was silence around them, only to hear the breath of these people. The five people behind him were also guarded by the doubles.

I didn't know how long it took to walk. According to their calculations, they have been on this strip for a month. But the void is still the void, the light belt is still the light belt.

There is no end to the void, and there is no end to the light belt.

Only the boundless silence!

Looking back, I can't see the platform, I don't even see the arch, only a light golden light band lingers in the void.

"Sister C, you are a master of the road, do you think we are caught in the law?" Yun Xianzi asked softly.

The old woman shook her head and said: "I have already probed it. There are two possibilities. One is that there is no formation, the other is that the formation is too advanced, I can't see it. In short, I can't do anything."

The pair of pianos in front of them also locked their brows. She also probed many times and found no traces of the formation.

However, after the arch, there was such a sudden world of a void, and there was an endless band of light. It was really difficult for the piano to understand, and the heart was also a little uneasy.

"Zong Zongzhu, what do you find?" The middle-aged monk doubled the piano.

"No!" Qin double shakes his head.

“Can we not always go on like this?” Another middle-aged monk’s face showed a bit of irritability: “When is this going, when is it?”

"Do you have any good ideas?" Qin said faintly.

"I... we can discuss it."


The piano double stopped and turned to look at the five people behind him. Five people also stopped and leaned over and could see each other. Piano double opening:

"As far as the current situation is concerned, there are only two roads for us. One is to continue and the other is to return. I decided to go on. What advice do you have?"

"But, if there is no end to this light belt?" The middle-aged monk said.

The piano double pulls down the eyelids and does not sound.

The heart of this person is already in chaos, and there is no constructive opinion at all. No wonder that it is impossible to break through the fairy king and be stuck in this realm.


Seeking a monthly ticket!



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