Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2150: flame

The middle-aged monk saw the piano double and made clear that he did not care for him. His look could not help but anger, and he heard the old woman open the door:

"Kong Daoyou, you are upset!"

The monk of the surname Kong was a glimpse of his face, and then his face was red, and he took a deep breath and calmed his irritated emotions a little. He stood there no longer speaking.

Silence on the light, not that no one wants to talk, but does not know what to say.

As Qin said, they don't have much choice at all. Or continue on, or return the original way. When the old woman saw no one talking again, she said:

"The piano master is right. We only have two roads at the moment. In this case, we will continue to move forward, or we will return to the original road. We will choose each other. If we want to move on, we will continue with the master. I want to return. I will return by myself. I decided to go ahead with the master."

"I will continue!" Yunxianzi Road.

"I will continue too!"

"I will continue too!"

So there was only the monk who was surnamed Kong, and the monk of the surname Kong took a deep breath:

"Of course I want to continue, but we can't discuss their findings. Maybe we are in a battle?"

"What did you find?" asked the old woman.

The surname of the monk is a red face: "No!"

The old woman swept her eyes over the crowd, and everyone, including the piano pair, shook their heads. The old woman looked at the monk of the surname Kong and shrugged her shoulders.


Qin double turned and continued to walk forward, while walking, while facing Weiyang, Yang Linglong and Zhen Lao asked:

"I haven't seen anything yet?"

"No!" Weiyang took the lead in answering.

“No!” Yang Linglong’s second answer: “However, I feel that this should be a great power to open up a small world.”

“No!” the old town thought and said: “Maybe this space does not belong to you, for some reason, it will appear here.”


Qin double spit out a sigh of relief, she did not see anything about Weiyang, she is not surprised. It is also a strong monk in the spiritual world with limited vision.

But Yang Lingwei is different from the old town.

These two are extraordinary in the eyes, even the two of them have not seen anything, which makes the Qin Shuangqin double heart can not help but nervous.

So I walked for another seven days, walking in this silent silence, and I couldn't see the end, so everyone's heart was very depressed. If you change to a low, or poor mind, I am afraid that it has collapsed.

Even the piano doubles have some emotional fluctuations, and the heart is irritated. If you go on like this, Qin double feels that he will be crazy. Moreover, she has already heard the breathing behind her become heavy. This is a sign that the psychological is going to collapse. I am afraid that the five people behind will not be able to stand this repression.

Qin double took a deep breath and condensed: "Everyone wants something, otherwise it will be crazy."

"Still say something." Yunxianzi Road.

Then Yun Xianzi began to talk about some of the anecdotes she had experienced, and several people also talked about each other and talked about their experiences. The piano pair also occasionally sockets.

With the sound, the atmosphere has eased a lot, and everyone has spoken to ease the pressure in their hearts. So three days have passed, and the double figure in the front of the piano suddenly slammed, and the people behind it did not stop. The Yunxianzi, who was behind the piano, asked:

"The piano master, what happened?"

"Look!" Qin doubled his eyes and looked at the front of the pale golden light.

When I heard the sound of the double piano, the spirit of the five people in the back was a revival, and I turned my eyes to the distance.

In front of them, at the end of the pale gold band, a black dot appeared. In their field of vision, the pale gold band under the foot is getting forward, becoming thinner, and finally like a line. At the end of the line, it seems that a thin line of pale gold is tied to a projectile.

The eyes of all people released light, and the quiet atmosphere suddenly became high. The doubles speeded up and flew forward, followed by five people behind them.

The black spot in the eye is zooming in quickly. Soon, a platform appeared in their eyes, and the platform they saw was very similar when they first came in from the arch.


The first pair of pianos fell on the platform, and the eyes were swept away. The platform was much larger than the first platform they entered from the arches.


The next five people also fell on the platform, the first time to look around.


The field suddenly became fiery, the platform turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the six people of the piano were wrapped in it. They could even hear the sound of the flame burning.

Qin double eyes narrowed, she felt the heat coming in a moment, the surrounding temperature rose rapidly, and the nose smelled a smoke.

The moonlight released by the lunar eclipse blocked the flame from the outside. The piano double raised his right hand, a little blue was generated in her palm, and then pushed forward.


The azure suddenly spreads out and turns into a vast ocean, spreading toward all sides, but it is quickly suppressed by endless flames. The water collides with the fire, and it rises out of dense fog and makes a creaking sound.

"A strong flame!" The piano double frowned and looked around.

A burning flame around it, in addition to the flame, can not be seen on all sides. And the five monks who followed her were gone.

"This is the battle?"

The piano looks the same, and the mystery spreads, trying to explore the situation around.


Suddenly, her knowledge of the vibrations in the sea, the piano double-viewed the sea, they saw the eyebrows from the fire and phoenix gods, the fire blew out, and then turned into a small sword on the head of the fire phoenix god, slanting The ground points in one direction. Constantly humming.

"This is... what did the fire sense and give me directions?"

The piano double walked in the direction indicated by the fire. The lunar moonlight separated the flame. The piano double walked in the flame. The heart couldn’t help but think of the bear of the earth that was so bloody. If there is it, you can explore it for yourself. road. It is a pity that the blood refining symbol has already reached the time limit and dissipated.

The piano double stopped!

She saw a flame giant standing in front, taller than ten feet, burning with flames, holding a flame knife in his hand, as if to hear his own steps, a pair of huge eyes looking forward to her.

Qinqin left and right hands each took out a symbol, in this inexplicable place, Qin double does not want to consume too much, it is best to keep his own state, so she did not intend to personally fight with the flame giant, and It is ready to use the symbol.


Seeking a monthly ticket!



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