Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2151: Rule collision


The flame giant followed the fire and quickly drifted toward the piano double. The big body did not sound much.

The piano doubled up and a water charm was presented to the giant flame giant.


If the river is pouring, the galaxy is hanging upside down, and a long river-like water is pouring over the flame giant. The flame on the flame giant is constantly extinguished, and the body is getting smaller as the flame goes out.

However, when the flame giant narrowed to about three feet, no matter how fierce the water is, the flame giant did not shrink, but instead gave an angry roar to the piano.

The piano double sacrificed the ice charm in the other hand, and the inverted water instantly turned into an iceberg, and the flame giant was frozen inside.

Qin double walked past the iceberg and guided in a direction under the guidance of the fire. She is not going fast, and flying in such a dangerous place is an adventure.

Slightly frowning, she feels that her consumption is very fast, and she needs to constantly send the force to the lunar eclipse. This shows a problem, that is, the threat to her here exceeds the degree that the lunar eclipse can resist. It is necessary to continuously infuse a large amount of force to maintain the resistance of the lunar eclipse to the flame.


There was a broken sound behind him, and then the buzz of the mist. Qin Shuang’s face showed helplessness, and she knew that the flame giant had broken ice.

Qin doubled his footsteps and turned around. Sure enough, the iceberg has been smashed, and the chopped ice is turning into steam at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the steam, the figure of the flame giant becomes blurred.

The rising water vapor rushed to the sides, and the three-foot-high flame giant came out of the water and snarled at the piano. The roaring voice just rang, and then poured down the river-like water potential. Then it was frozen in an iceberg. The piano doubles and continues to follow the direction of the fire.


The sound of the flame swaying, the piano double is a huge change of face, she saw two flame giants floating from her front, each flame giant holding a huge flame knife in the hands.

"Hey..." came the sound of the iceberg breaking.

The piano double wrinkled his brows, and he took out a stack of fairy charms. This time it was not just a water charm, or an ice charm. It was a fairy charm that was randomly picked up by the piano. These fairy charms were all before the Qin double in the town. When the demon tower raises the system to the peak of the master, the refinement of the immortal, the power is very strong.

She can't fight with these flame giants, and the lunar eclipse is constantly extracting the power of her body. It is conceivable that in such a place, if the power is not good, the protection of the lunar eclipse will be lost. The result.


A piece of Zhang Fu was sacrificed by the Qin, and all kinds of Dafa were opened and open, and the endless power was boiling. The three flame giants were annihilated by the fairy, and the piano spit out a sigh of relief and continued to move forward.


The more she follows the direction of the fire guide, the higher the temperature of the flame, and the faster the speed of the lunar eclipse.


The flame around the double is changing shape, turning into a handle flame gun, dense and pointed to the double. However, the piano double was at a loss, and the eyes became lost and lost.


The dense flame gun spurred toward the piano, and from all sides, there was no dead angle to block the double, but the piano double did not respond at this time.


The intensive flame gun bombardment on the moonlight released by the lunar eclipse, so that the piano double wakes up from the moment of loss, the hands are flying again and again, a stack of fairy charms spurting out around the piano, bursting out various The way.

The double forehead of the piano double oozes cold sweat!

"This endless sea of ​​fire still contains illusion! It can make me lost!"


Every flame around it turned into a three-legged golden eagle, and slammed it toward the piano. At this time, the piano pair was caught in the endless three-legged Jinwu surrounded by the three-legged Jinwu, who couldn’t help but dive toward the piano, hovering, wrapping around...

Qin double has already felt the temperature of the lunar eclipse worn on his head, which surprised the piano. This means that the lunar month has reached its limit, and some can't resist the attacks of these three-legged Jinwu.

The string of the double is constantly being sacrificed, but the brow is thicker and tighter. Her character is limited, and there is always time to throw light. And even if you don’t throw it, it’s not the way. It can only prevent the attack of the three-legged Jinwu, but it cannot fundamentally eliminate these three-legged Jinwu. The three-legged gold-wool seems to be endless.

The look of Qin Double was slightly dignified. At this time, I couldn’t take care of anything else. According to the guidance of the fire, I began to fly.


The three-legged Jinwu is getting denser and denser. On the ground, around the body, in the air, all are three-legged Jinwu burning with flames. These three-legged Jinwu not only rushed to her, wanted to lick her with her mouth, and wanted to catch him with her claws. She even spit the flame at her. The flame was so hot that even the air was burning.

Both the Xianfu and Yuanli of Qinqin are consumed in a large amount, and the temperature of the Yinyue Moon on the head is constantly rising. The piano double still did not see the end of the flame.

"This way, you can't die!"

Qinqin has already locked his brows deep and turned his mind quickly. Suddenly, the heart moved, and the inner vision was heart.

In the heart of the road.

The spirit stands in the center of the heart, and there are three locks on her head. The law is chained around the circle. Around the spirit, more than 10,000 silky rules, like a vortex, circle around the spirit and exude the ultimate. Frozen.

"These ice laws..."

In the heart of the piano, if she wants to push the three-legged chain, I am afraid it will consume her great power. But what if it is the slender rule thread?

Although she can't control it now, she can't push the rule thread, because she doesn't make those rules, and those laws don't belong to her at all.

However, she can't push it, but she can throw the ruled thread out!

I don’t know what happens in this piece of fire after the rules are thrown out.

That is the collision of ice and fire!

When the piano doubled his mind, he spread the knowledge to the vortex of the law, shrouded a thin line of rules, and threw a heart.


Those rules have a fine line of the heart of the piano, and the piano double immediately feels that the surrounding temperature has dropped. The thin line rules hover in the air, and soon a piece of snowflake is formed, and a three-legged Jinwu collided and the violent explosion sounded continuously.

Thank you very much for seaphay (100), Bai Zibing (100), and a gust of james (100)!


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