Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2152: a lamp

The strength of the piano double is continuously poured into the lunar eclipse, and then flies according to the instructions of the fire. Those snowflakes are not controlled by the doubles of the piano, not only attacking the three-legged gold, but also attacking the piano. However, the piano double is only one person, and the three-legged gold is everywhere, so the collision between the snow and the three-legged gold is more dense.

And Qin has a discovery, after the collision of the three-legged Jinwu and the snowflake, the two have been broken, and they have never re-combined.

“Is it true that these three-legged Jinwu are also built by law?”

"The ice attribute rule and the fire attribute rule are broken because of the collision, and the law can't be recovered again!"

Qin double is not shocked, this shows that there should be a center of law, but I don't know if it is Xianbao, or the inheritance of a certain power!

Qinshuang constantly uses the mystery to wrap the thin lines of the ice attribute law in the heart, throwing it out of the heart, and the thin lines of those rules are turned into a piece of snow, colliding with the three-legged Jinwu, and then Both disappeared, at the same time, the piano double madly flew according to the guidance of the fire.


The explosion around the sound continued, the collision of ice and fire, the water vapor transpiration filled, and the surrounding conditions were even more difficult to see. Only at this time, the piano double does not need to go to see the surrounding situation. At this time, she has already sacrificed the tower of the people, resisting the attack of the three-legged Jinwu and the snowflake, flying wildly.

Qinqin suddenly stopped and his eyes fell on the ground.

At this time, the fire in the sea is pointing here, and a burst of joyful humming sounds.

There is a light on the ground one meter away from the front of the piano.

A faint red light!

The wick is a three-legged golden eagle. At this time, a dense Mars is continuously ejected from the mouth. The Mars spurts out from its mouth and immediately becomes larger. It turns into a three-legged golden eagle, flying and circling.

"This is Xianbao!" The old voice of the town suddenly sounded.

In the heart of the piano is a joy: "Innate or acquired?"


"How do I charge it?"

"You put it into the heart of the heart, with the suppression of the ice attribute rule, it should be easy to collect, and then constantly branding it, it will be a long process, I don't know when you can fully grasp it."

Qin nodded, and completely refining the town demon tower, but spent countless years. First, the fire and phoenix gods were moved into the Taoist heart, and then a hand was found and the lamp was caught.


The three-legged Jinwu of the wick made a tweet, and even the piano doubled, and the heart could not help but move. It seems that the loss of his own talent is caused by this wick.


Qin double caught the lamp.


The wick ejected a Mars, like a tiny fire dragon, rushing to the piano.


Qin double put the lamp into the heart of the heart, the tiny fire dragon hit the tower of the Emperor, even the tower caused a crack. The town quickly borrowed a few rules to infuse the tower, smashed the slender fire dragon, and then withdrew the law, and the piano doubles instantly dispersed the tower.

The piano double stood in the same place, and the lunar eclipse slowly released the moon, resisting the attack of the three-legged gold and snow. She could feel that she had lost the lamp, and the attack of the three-legged Jinwu was much weaker, and the snowflake was not much. The piano double resisted a lot easier.

Internal vision.

Now in the heart of the road, a piece of snow, a piece of fire.

Half of the glaciers, half of the sea!

The Fire Attributes Rule and the Ice Attribute Rule have actually fought each other for airflow. The rules of the ice attribute have been turned into pieces of snow, and they are constantly falling towards the lamp. And the lamp also continually ejected a three-legged golden eagle, welcoming the snow.


The sound of the explosion sounded in the heart of the road, so that the piano could not help but snorted, nose and nose spurting blood.

"Old town, this is not okay. I will let them toss and die!"

"Then put the lamp in the icicle forest in the town demon tower, the effect may be a lot worse!"

Qin double immediately thought of the move, throwing the lamp inside the heart into the center of the icicle forest in the town demon tower, just above the icicles constructed by the law lock.


The icicle began to grow upwards and wanted to wrap the lamp inside the icicle. And the lamp did not spur the flame, trying to melt the icicle.

The two are in opposition, and they fight together in an instant, and they are deadlocked.


Qin doubled a sigh of relief, temporarily not looking at it, but looking around.

At this time, the silk attribute rule thread thrown outside by the piano double, under the collision with the three-legged Jinwu, has completely broken, one is not left. Just around the piano doubles, there was a three-legged golden eagle, attacking the double.

Now Qinqin already knows that these three-legged Jinwu is a rule of the property of silk, and where is it to let go?

A piece of Fufu sacrificed, smashed a three-legged Jinwu, and then the mystery spread out, wrapped a trace of fire property rules, dragged directly into the town demon tower. She did not dare to drag into the heart, afraid that the uncontrolled ice attribute rule thin line collided with these fire attribute laws, and then both smashed.

The rule of the silk property was dragged into the town demon tower, and immediately flew toward the icicles and flew into the wick of the lamp. Then I fought with the icicles.

After about two quarters of an hour, the flames became less and less, gradually revealing the outline of the platform. The figure of the five people of the Yunxianzi gradually appeared, and everyone was very embarrassed. Hemorrhagic traces on his body.

"The piano master, what happened?"

"What is going on here?"

"I do not know!"

The piano double throws a piece of Zhang Fuyu, and the three-legged Jinwu is shredded, and then the thin line of the enveloping rule is dragged into the town demon tower.

Whether it is the mystery of the piano double, or the law after the three-legged golden smash, it is not seen by five people in the Yunxianzi. They can only see that the three-legged Jinwu, which was smashed by the piano and used it, has never been regenerated, and it has disappeared permanently.

This is not to let them change, but they are suffering. Those three-legged Jinwu simply smashed, smashed one, and soon re-born one, constantly attacking them and making them very embarrassed, but now they see that Qinqin really eliminated three. Full of gold.

Their gaze fell on the symbol of the piano double sacrifice, and the heart was a glimpse.

Xian Fu Zong Shifeng!

This level of fairy charm can kill them. At this time, they remembered the indifference of the piano pair before them. They are not afraid of them.


With so many singers at the peak level of the guru, would they be afraid of them?

"What are you doing standing? Don't you still?"


Seeking a monthly ticket!



. vertex

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