Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2153: Spiritual light

The five monks were awakened from the shock, and they sacrificed their own brilliance, releasing their own Tao, and blasting toward the surrounding flames, the three-legged Jinwu, and the flame giant. The piano double is no longer release the fairy charm, the left hand covers the sky big handprint, the right hand wrapped around the Fengquan, will be a flame, the flame giant, three feet Jinwu shattered.

Lost the lamp as the source, the burning flame, the flame giant that rushed in and the three-legged Jinwu who swooped down were weak, and the six men were not low, and under the mad bombardment of six of them, The flames, the flame giants and the three-legged gold-wool are broken, and the piano doubles are constantly wrapping the fire property rules with the mystery and dragging them into the town demon tower. After entering the town demon tower, these fire attribute laws rushed toward the lamp and entered the lamp.

Half an hour or so, when the last three-legged Jinwu was smashed, there was no more flame on the platform, and there was no hot temperature.

Six people did not speak, and each of them spread their knowledge to the whole platform and found that there was no danger anymore. They sat down on their own, and each swallowed the drug, and the news resumed its consumption.

Half a day later.

Six people opened their eyes one after another and looked at each other. The old woman looked to the monk of the surname Kong:

"Kong Daoyou, what did you find?"

The monk of the surname Kong shook his head and said: "No, I have been fighting with the three-legged Jinwu. I can't see the situation around me. The fire is everywhere. When I can see it clearly, I will see you."

"I want to ask." The eyes of the piano are full of doubts: "Do you know how these three-legged Jinwu, and the Flame Giant suddenly suddenly weakened?

Moreover, the feelings given to me before, these flames, the flame giant, the three-legged Jinwu seem endless, simply killing. What is the reason, let them suddenly reduce? ”

Everyone listened and looked at each other. They originally asked the piano pair, but did not expect the piano to take the lead.

Qin double does this to reduce their doubts about themselves. Even so, they still doubt themselves, but they will also doubt each other, Qin double is to disturb everyone's mind.

"Maybe there are treasures here?" Yun Xianzi looked around.

Everyone’s eyes are bright, and Kong’s surname is said: “Let’s find it.”

The crowd dispersed, each looking in a direction, carefully searching. Then everyone exchanged directions, everyone searched very carefully, and the piano is no exception. Once there are other treasures?

However, the result is disappointing to everyone.



At this point, everyone stood on the front edge of the platform, where there was a pale gold band connecting the platform and spreading towards the distance.

"Do we continue?" Qin double condensed: "Maybe after a long time, it is such a platform, and finally nothing."

"Continue!" This time, the monk of the surname Kong is very determined: "It is also what happened on this platform, just a test for us."

Everyone is in the heart!


"Maybe it is a test for us!"

“The more dangerous the test is, the more huge it will be!”

"Maybe here is really our chance to break through Xianjun!"

"Continue!" Everyone has the same voice.

"then continue!"

The piano double turned and took the lead, stepped on the light golden light belt and walked toward the front.

This time everyone has experience, and the conversation is constant along the way. You say it for a while, I will say for a while, so that the atmosphere will always maintain a state of no silence.

This walk was another month. Gradually, everyone did not speak. After talking for a month, the words were finished, and the atmosphere gradually returned to a state of silence.

Qin double shook his head and seemed to want to get rid of the feeling of silence in his mind. At this time, it is the white tiger **** who controls the double body of the piano. Her phoenix god, in the town demon tower, refining the lamp.

At this time, in the icicle forest in the town demon tower.

Xuanwu Yuanshen sat under the icicle and was obeying the law. At the upper end of the icicle, the lamp is fighting the icicles. Next to the lamp, the fire and phoenix gods are sitting cross-legged, and they are constantly branding the gods with the lamp, refining the lamp.

The old town appeared next to her: "Master, I found that the space you are entering now is very strange."

“Weird?” Qin double eyebrows pick: “What do you mean?”

"The time here is static."

“Time is still?”

Qin Qin double hearted, the town demon tower has a time rule, as the difference between the time and the law of discovery, Qin double will not doubt.

"Yes. From the moment you enter the arch, the time is still. No matter how long you stay here, when you go out, time is the moment you enter this space."

"I want to know what is dangerous to me?"

"Danger is not necessarily there. It can only create such a time-stable space. In the era of the Emperor, it is usually used to seal."


“Yes, it’s a seal! It’s a way to seal the passage of the two sessions. This light should be a barrier to further exploration by the monks.

It’s only been a long time. I don’t know how many monks have been here and have been fighting this lamp. This lamp has been damaged very seriously. Otherwise, with the strength of the six of you, you can’t beat this lamp. It has already fallen here. ”

Qin double carefully looked at the lamp: "I see it is not damaged!"

"Broken in the wick."

The piano looks at the wick in both directions. Sure enough, the wick was very damaged and there were many breaks.

"If you want to complete this lamp and let it play its original power, you need to go to the sun, capture the law of the big day, and weave it into a wick to be repaired."

Qinqin smashed his mouth, even if she is now practicing the law of fire attribute, if I want to stay in the sun for a while, I am afraid it will be burned to ash, let alone capture the law of the big day.

"I remembered it." The old man suddenly surprised.

"What do you think of? Is this the lamp?"

"Well! This lamp is the refining light of the Emperor of the Sun."

"Day Emperor?"

"In the most prosperous period of the Emperor's Era, there was an emperor and five emperors. One emperor was the emperor and commanded the Terran. The Five Emperors were the five most powerful men of the Emperor. The Emperor of Heaven is one of them. He used to have a lamp. It is very similar to this, called a refining light."

"What is the effect of the refining light?"

"The soul refining lamp can not only burn everything, but it is also very powerful. It can also refine the soul and refine the sense of self-consciousness in the soul, but it leaves the memory in the soul.


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