Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2157: return


The man suddenly removed the power, and the whole body was bounced back by the stretched obstacle avoidance, like a projectile.

The light on the ancient mirror dissipated, and the barriers returned to their original appearance. It was quiet all around. The translucent ghosts on the opposite side are scared to go back far away.


The man who was only bounced back flew back, appeared behind the barrier, and fiercely passed through the barrier and looked at the piano.

Qin double quietly looked at the opposite man, analyzing the strength of the other side.

The monk of the surname Kong is a tenth-level peak of the nine-day Xuanxian, but it is turned down by the ancient mirror, and the **** is left. However, the man opposite, but under the illumination of the ancient mirror, still live and jump.

This shows that the man opposite the man must be Xianjun, but I don’t know how many layers of Xianjun?

At this time, Qin double has given up the idea of ​​touching the barrier, and the power of the ancient mirror is really amazing. Only she did not leave, she wants to see what the man will do next to him?

"The master of the piano, we... what to do?" The voice of the old woman sounded next to her.

The man across the barrier opened his mouth and seemed to be screaming in anger, then greedily stared at the piano and turned away.


The piano spit out a sigh of relief and turned around: "Leave here."

The old woman nodded and looked at the ancient mirror hanging in the air with a taboo, followed by the piano pair.

On the way back, there was no illusion. When Qin and the old lady stepped on the pale golden light, both of them were relieved. The old woman sighed again, and the voice was full of depression.

Qin double understood her sigh because the hope was shattered. Originally thought that here can meet the opportunity to break through the immortal, the result is a seal. At this time, the old woman seems to have been affected by the mood, and began to linger after the piano.

"The sect of the piano, the old man is called Yu Wenchang..."

Qin double listened to Yan Wenchang's remarks. This is also a hard-working cultivator. He has risen from the lower bounds. As a piece of meditation, he has been arduously cultivating to the present realm. The hard cultivation process has made her become arrogant and arrogant. A little bit of resources, no means of discount.

It’s just that nowadays, Lao Yuan is less than two hundred years old.

Qin double shook his head and shook his head. It has already reached this life. The most important thing is that Yu Wenchang’s state of mind has collapsed. This kind of state of mind, wanting to break through Xianjun, is impossible.

As time went by, Yan Wenchang did not speak, and he said it for ten days. Many things have been repeated and repeated several times.

Two people walked on the silent light belt. Qinqin knew that the time here was static, and he was too lazy to calculate his time according to his own experience. He kept walking.

Far from seeing a black spot, Qin double knew that it was the platform to get the refining light, but did not speed up, still do not go forward.

Stepping on the platform, the piano double immediately released the power of the soul, and his face was slightly changed.

Sure enough, there are many souls floating on the platform.

It is only these souls that are no longer the shape of the Terran, the Yaozu, or the Mozu. Instead, they are round **** of the size of a fist. It is completely transparent, and the naked eye can't see it at all. The piano double reveals the gods and the metaphysical in turn, and can't see the soul body. Only the power of the soul can perceive them.

"Old town, why are these souls a single bead?"

"They are no longer true souls. The real soul is what you see in the barriers. Such souls can be cultivated. And the souls here are refining by the soul-lights. And a lot of impurities have been refining, leaving only memories.

Therefore, they are called pseudo-souls, or simply called soul balls. What is called does not matter, the key is that it can enhance the strength of the soul, absorb the heavens in memory, but it will also make the soul of the monk messy. ”

"No matter what, I will put these soul **** together first."

Both sides of the piano want to start, but it is a sudden meal. She thought of Weiyang. Weiyang is a soul body. She did not perceive these soul **** here before. It was because the flames of the refining lights were filled with fear. Therefore, in the space of their own glory, they dare not explore the power of a soul. If I start to capture the soul ball now, maybe she will be discovered.

With her soul, swallowing these soul **** will surely leap and powerful. Nowadays, the state of Weiyang has made Qinqin helpless to her. If she is stronger, is it possible to control herself?

The piano doubled his mind and took out the soul glove that was originally purchased in the black market from the storage ring and put it on the left hand. Thinking in the heart, do not know if this soul glove is useful?

After standing for about three nights, I did not hear the voice of Weiyang, nor did I feel that the power of the soul of Weiyang came out from the palm of my hand.

"Should it be useful?"

"Zhu Zongzhu, why don't you leave?" Wen Wenchang asked strangely.

"Going forward, we are leaving. We are looking for something here, maybe we can find something treasure."

Yan Wenchang’s eyes lit up and he nodded. Qin Double Road: "This platform is not big, let's find it separately."

"it is good!"

Yan Wenchang nodded and the two men went in one direction.

Within the soul space.

The sun **** sits on the soul lotus, and his hands continue to produce a trace of soul, and a thin tentacle spread from the body of the sun, spread out from the soul space of the piano double, spread out the piano double In vitro, scouting into the soul of the air, each tentacle touches a soul ball.

In less than ten moments, all soul **** are covered with a soul tentacles.


All the soul **** were taken into the town demon tower in an instant.

"The old town, put these soul **** together, so as not to be known by Weiyang in the future."

"it is good!"

The old town took out a storage box and opened the lid. As the spirit of the town demon tower, it was naturally able to control everything. When they saw these soul **** flow like water, they flowed to the storage box.


The old town covered the lid, and then waved, the storage box disappeared.

The piano pair walked around the platform in a pretentious manner, and then left the platform with Qi Wenchang without any gain, and embarked on a light golden light belt.

Crescent Lake.

Liu Chuanwu and the nine elders looked at the piano and entered the palace door. They just wanted to arrange it. When they guarded the arch, they saw a flash of people in the arch. The figure of Qin Shuang and Yan Wenchang appeared in front of them.

I am very grateful to Zhao Yilin Ziyan (500), seaphay (100), Bai Zibing (100), Bai Zibing (100) for the reward!


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