Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2158: Try (send collection)


Liu Chuanwu and the nine elders were surprised to see the piano double, do not understand why just entered, they came out again. And only two people, others?

The piano two-way Liu Chuanwu and the nine elders nodded, then looked at the crescent-like double-sided mirror on the arch:

"Hey, don't you, you can put that double mirror off."

There was hesitation in the look of Yan Wenchang, turning his head and looking at the piano double track: "The piano master does not want?"

Qin double shook his head and decided to tell the truth: "I think this seal is a big trouble. This double-sided mirror should let the stronger people hold it in their hands. My strength is not enough to match, it is not good for me. Once it is spread out, Instead, it will lead me to endless troubles."

Yan Wenchang is also a glimpse of the heart, thinking about the moment: "Since the master of the piano is the master of a lord, you should know some powerful monks, and let them be handed over to them by the lyrics."

Qin double thought: "I know the family leader, so I will give this double-sided mirror to the family leader."

Hearing the piano and knowing Xu Mo, Yan Wenchang’s face changed and he turned to the piano:

"Since this is the case, the old man will leave."

" Take care!"

" Take care!"

When Yan Wenchang took the lead, his body shape instantly disappeared on the Crescent Lake.

The piano raised his hand and grabbed the crescent-shaped double-sided mirror on the arch. The air condensed a large hand and grabbed the crescent double-sided mirror and pulled it off the arch.

"Oh la la..."

The arch turned into a lake, and the lake crashed into a wave of waves.

The piano double directly throws the crescent mirror into the storage ring and then goes to the shore:


Inside the temple.

When Qin double told Liu Chuanwu and the nine elders, the secret territory was turned into a seal, sealed the entrance of the government, and Liu Liuwu and the nine elders showed a faint color. When I think about where I live, I have an entrance to the realm of the land. I don't feel the creeps. I am more expecting that Qinshuang can buy a place in Tianzicheng so that they can move over.

"Sister, when are you going back to Zicheng?" The elders looked at the piano double.

"The day after tomorrow!" Qin double stood up and said: "Tomorrow will be the four disciples of the Danfu Array that I have chosen to gather in front of my door. I will teach them some foundation before I leave."


The piano double swings his hand and walks out of the ancestral hall. When he returns to his room, he enters the town demon tower.

Sitting cross-legged on the grass, looking down at the left hand, then extending his right hand and picking up the glove of his left hand. Just after taking off the soul-sitting gloves, the voice of Weiyang roared.

"Qin double, what are you doing? You dare to isolate me..."

Qinqin put the soul glove on his left hand, and the snarl of Weiyang disappeared instantly. There is a smile on the face of Qin double:

"Sure enough!"

When the gods spread out, they saw that the refining soul lamp was still in opposition to the icicles, and the fire and phoenix gods were taking the opportunity to make a mark to the refining lamp, refining little by little. Spiritual light.

"The time flow rate of the town demon tower, the refining and refining soul lamp, should not let me wait for a long time!"

"With the refining light, I have another card!

The Qinglong Yuanshen has the best fairy dragon, the white tiger **** has the best fairy sword silk, the Xuanwu Yuanshen has the best fairy yin lunar scorpion and water thunder beads, and now the fire and phoenix **** also has a refining soul lamp. The original fire sword has the lowest grade, but now the refining soul lamp owned by the Fire Phoenix God is beyond the other three gods. ”

Looking down, I saw the Xuanwu Yuanshen sitting in the icicles of the knees, and the eyes could not be brightened. At this time, the mysterious power of Xuanwu Yuanshen had almost 60%, far beyond the other three gods. And the sun.

Qin double moved the Qinglong Yuanshen and the White Tiger Yuanshen into the Taoist heart, letting them sit on the shoulders of the spirit and understand the law.

I counted the thin lines of the law, leaving less than 10,000 silks, and consumed a lot on the platform of the seal.

Looking up, the detective took a stone and slammed it, and a ray of flame hit the stone.

The flame was smothered on the stone until the stone was burned to ashes. The piano double took back the flame, and the eyes showed a faint color.

This is not easy to get rid of the phosphorus fire. Once it is stained, it is very difficult to get rid of it. And the color of fusion with the fire, not only has the attached attributes, but also the original destruction of the fire, the end is very powerful.

When I think of the prisoner, the phosphorus fire that I got is only a very rare part of the prisoner. Isn’t the prisoner’s immersed phosphorus fire more powerful?

If An Shicong suddenly slams a smear of phosphorus on his body...

"It seems that I will be wary of An Shicong in the future!"

"Old town!"

"Master!" The old town appeared in front of the piano double.

"Give me the soul ball."

"Yes, master!"

When the old man waved his hand, he placed a storage box in front of the piano. The piano double opened the storage box and took out a soul ball from the inside.

"Master, do you want to refine the soul ball?"

"I try. Old town, you can rest assured, I just try."

The old lips of the town moved and eventually closed their mouths.

Qin double looks at the soul ball floating in front of his own eyes. When the mind is moving, the sun **** in the soul space opens and sucks. The soul ball enters the body of the piano and enters the soul space. In the mouth.

Qin double closed his eyes, countless memories emerged, but in an instant, the soul of Qin double has a feeling of pain.


Two months.


Qinqin opened his eyes and showed a happy color in his eyes. This soul ball turned out to be the soul of Xianjun, with his huge memory, the bit of life, the process of cultivation, and the heavenly path he realized.

Just this soul ball, let the soul strength of Qin double reach the sixth floor of Xianjun, and Qin double believes that as long as the understanding of heaven and earth is communicated to the four great gods and spirits, the realm of the four great gods and spirits Will also be upgraded to the sixth floor of Xianjun.


Qinqin spit out a long breath, and the ecstasy in his eyes gradually faded away, gently sighing.

"It's really a temptation to refuse!"

Qin double believes that as long as he will get the soul ball to rejuvenate the Yangshen, let alone break through the immortal, it is a breakthrough to the fairy king, but also just around the corner.

However, she felt that the soul had a trace of impurities and was no longer pure. She believes in the old words of the town, and the old experience of the town, everything that should be said should be true.

This is a shortcut, but it is also a road to destroy itself!


Seeking a monthly ticket!



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