Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2159: Ancient dish

Qin double closed his eyes and began to get rid of the harvest of the soul.

A burst of severe pain came, so that the body of the piano double began to twitch, large drops of sweat dripping down, one by one memory, one by one heavenly sentiment, was smashed by the piano. The realm of the sun is falling.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

Fifteen days.

Qin double eyes pale and opened her eyes, she has already smashed all the memories of the soul ball, and the realm of Yang Shen fell back to the fifth floor of Xianjun. The soul becomes pure again and fits perfectly with the body of the piano.

Taking a medicinal medicine, the piano double began to recover. After half a day, Qin double returned to its peak and opened his eyes again.

There was a glimmer of joy in the eyes. After the piano double succeeded in the memory of the soul ball, Qin double felt that his mind was much stronger.

"Prepare the disciples for inheritance!"

Qin Qinshen sneaked into the storage ring, wanted to take out the blank jade, but the gods were a meal. She saw the ancient dish thrown in the corner. Then she ignored it and took out a jade. The foundation of the Danfu Array that you have compiled yourself is copied in a blank jade.

In the half-day time, she placed a pile of jade slips in front of her. When she copied the last jade slip, they gathered the jade slips together, collected the storage ring, and saw the storage ring. The ancient dish. After thinking about it, I took the ancient plate out, took out a fairy crystal, and placed it in the center of the ancient plate.


The ancient dish turned and assembled into a big nose pig. Qin double looked at it and couldn't help but smile happily, reaching out and licking its big nose.

The big nose pig suddenly stopped, then turned to the storage box that opened the lid, and walked toward the storage box, went to the storage box, lifted the two front legs, thinking I have to climb up, but every time I slide down, I can see the piano giggling.

However, after the face of the piano double changed, the explorer grabbed a soul ball from the storage box, and the big nose pig immediately turned the direction and walked over to the piano. The piano eyes flashed a bit, and the soul ball in the hand reached the front of the big nose pig.


The big nose pig opened his mouth and bit it on the soul ball, and then the piano double heard the inhalation sound. The soul ball dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye. When it was less than a moment, it was sucked out by the big nose pig.

Qin double looked at the big nose pig with amazement, and there was a thought in his heart.

“Does this big nose pig still have a soul in it? Can it **** the soul ball and grow up?”


In the two thick nostrils of the big nose pig, two gases were suddenly ejected, and they were sprayed on the body of the piano. The piano double can clearly feel that something has entered his body, and has not waited for her. Beginning to check, the **** of the soul in the soul space opened his mouth and sucked.

The thing that rushed into the double body of the piano was sucked into the mouth by the **** of the sun. In the heart of the piano, I was shocked and hurriedly felt the **** of the sun. Then there was an inexplicable color between the eyebrows.

The inexplicable thing that was absorbed by the gods in the mouth of the gods turned out to be the power of pure soul.

There is no trace of memory, the power of pure soul. It is to have a soul that not only erases his main consciousness, but also erases all his memories, refining all the impurities and turning into the power of a truly pure soul.

The power of this pure soul, for the Yangshen, undoubtedly increases the excellent nutrients of the realm, although it can not quickly improve the realm of the gods through the memory of the soul ball. However, if it is absorbed, it will certainly enhance the realm of the sun.

"This ancient dish...and this effect?"

The piano looked at the big nose pig that was walking at this time and was walking towards the storage box. The heart was full of surprises.


Refining the pure soul that was eaten by the big nose pigs and ejected from the nostrils, the transformation of the metaphysical power of the Yangshen was accelerated.

What is this waiting for?

The piano doubled out the soul ball one by one, and placed it in front of the big nose pig. The big nose pig kept sucking the soul ball, and then the big nose kept spurting toward the piano. The pure soul energy is quickly absorbed and refining by the sun god.

About a quarter of an hour, the big nose pigs consumed a top grade, and they changed back to an ancient dish. Qin double immediately put in a top grade Xianjing, the big nose pig is back, continue to **** the soul ball...

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

When the last soul ball was transformed into a pure soul by the big nose pig, and it was absorbed by the piano, the face of the piano double could not be disguised.

At this time, her Yangshen has been transformed into a mysterious power. More than the Xuanwu Yuanshen. She perceives the power of the sun. The operation of Wei Yang’s teachings to her, I feel that the seven scorpions in the body of the gods are accelerating toward the center.

Qin double suddenly slammed, stopped the running method, thought for a moment, feeling that until his own Yangs are transformed into the power of mysterious, and then gather seven 魄, the effect will be better.

Qin double is not very anxious to gather the seven scorpions, and decided to put them down temporarily.

Looking at the big nose pig that had become an ancient dish, carefully put it into the storage ring, the eyebrows suddenly picked, and she suddenly remembered the creatures in the dark world.

There are no traces of power in the dark world, and some are energy that can enhance the gods and souls. The creatures there are different from the creatures in the spirit world, and they have a strong soul power.

"I don't know if this ancient dish can directly absorb the dark secluded creatures and transform it into a pure soul."

Qin double couldn't sit still, and when he thought about it, he came out from the town demon tower, and then extended his left index finger to the air.

A black dot appeared in front of the piano double, and the black spot quickly enlarged, turning into a black curtain, swallowing the double.

Qinqin opened his eyes, his head was still awkward, looking towards the surroundings, a darkness.

Shaking his head and walking towards the beach. Shortly after walking, Qin double stopped, and at her feet, a crab with a big palm was crawling over. There is a mouth on the shell of the crab, and a powerful song is being sung at this time.

The piano double took out the ancient plate and placed a fairy crystal on the ancient plate.


The ancient dish built a big-nosed pig, and the big-nose pig was not taking care of the crab at all, just walking around. When the piano doubled out, he took the crab and took the crab in front of the big nose pig. The big nose pig was blocked by the crab and hit with a big nose. There was no bite at all.


Seeking a monthly ticket!



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