Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2160: sermon

Qin double thought about it, grabbed his fist and slammed it on the back of the crab, and killed the crab. Then staring at the big nose pig, the big nose pig still ignored and swayed in one direction.

Qin double took the big nose pig into the storage ring, and stood in the dark for a while, some speculation.

It seems that this big nose pig can only be interested in the soul without the main consciousness. Is this ancient dish and the soul-removing lamp integrated? Or is it that they were all made by the Emperor of Heaven?

Shaking his head, I don’t want to understand, I don’t want to. Stretch out the index finger of the left hand, aiming a little in the air, a black dot is born, quickly zoom in, engulf the piano double.

The sound came from outside the house, and the eyes came in from the window. Although I only went to the dark corner for a while, but returned to the light from the darkness, it was still pleasant to the heart of the piano.

After a thought, I entered the town demon tower. I came to the icicle forest and looked at the refining soul lamp. Then he shook his head.

I don't know when I can completely refine this refining lamp.

The real acquired fairy treasure possessed by Qin double is actually only one of the town demon towers. Guqin and Confucianism, born in the heart of the Tao, although they have the foundation of Xianbao, and are likely to become innate treasures, but now they are not Xianbao, because there is no law.

When the piano double got the town demon tower, the spirit town always fell into a deep sleep. Therefore, as long as the piano double spends time and energy, it will refine the town demon tower. The old town of Lingling, who is asleep, has no ability to resist.

However, this refining light is different.

It can attack people and prove that the spirit of this refining lamp is not sleeping at all, but it is broken. But even if it is broken, it is also the spirit of Xianbao. If there is no icicle forest fighting with the refining lamp, I am afraid that there is no chance for the piano to refine.

Therefore, although there is a time flow rate of the town demon tower, the piano double can not be determined, how long it takes to refine the refining lamp.

The piano doubles the mind and moves the Yangshen into the heart, sitting on the shoulders of the spirit, and perceiving the law. And she used the spirit to control the body and began to study the array. Nowadays, her alchemy, metrics and refining tools have reached the peak of the masters, and only one item is arranged.

The next day dawn.

Qin double bathed, changed clothes, eat, and then left the town demon tower. For a long time, I have been insisting on eating fragrant meat, bigmouth fish, simmered corn rice and monkey wine, so that the qualifications and talents of Qin double have changed.

When I pushed the door out, I saw a group of people standing quietly outside.

Liu Chuanwu and the nine elders stood at the forefront, standing behind them with the four disciples of the Danfu dynasty. Behind the four disciples, stood countless monks, and almost all the residents in the town came.

For the first time, their lords taught the Danfu Array, so that they were very curious and wanted to hear the true skills of the lord.

All monks have touched some Danfu arrays more or less, and Qinshuang is the first to teach the Danfu array, which must be the basis. Basic knowledge, they can understand.

"See the Lord!"

When I saw the double-pushing door, I walked out. Under the leadership of Liu Chuanwu and the nine elders, Black suppressed a person and gave a gift to the piano.


The sound of the piano is light, but it is clearly transmitted to everyone's ears. His eyes swept over the disciples of the Four Temples and condensed:

"Dan Dian disciple stepped forward."

Liu Chuanwu and the nine elders retreated to the side, and the disciple of Dan Dian walked to the front of Qin Double. The piano is raised with both hands, and each jade flies to the hands of each disciple. Qin double condensation channel:

"This is the basis for your alchemy, now I will explain it to you..."

Qin double started from the very basic, the whole half-monthly silence, such a system, and from shallow to deep, one can understand the explanation, not only to let Dan Dian disciples, but other monks also listened to intoxication. The piano double talked about the Dandian disciple while explaining.

After an hour, Qin double saw a layer of Dan Dian disciples, and there was a confused color in his eyes. They knew that they had begun to understand, but they could see that the disciple, although he could not understand, still In the case of rote memorization, leave it to be understood later, and the eyes will be satisfied.

Most of the other monks have not understood, but their eyes are admired. With their foundation, they can all have a leap-forward understanding. It can be seen how Qinqin’s understanding of alchemy is profound.

Qin double also tells an hour. At this time, only one of the Dian Dian disciples can barely understand. Qin double stopped talking about Dan Dao, let the disciple of Dan Dian retreat, and let the disciple of Fu Dian come forward. After distributing the jade, I began to explain the basis of the journey.

In this way, in order to explain, until the dawn, Qin double has explained the basics of the Danfu Array. I want to end this explanation, leave the town of Half Moon and rush back to Tian Zicheng.

Liu Chuanwu came forward, Shi Lidao: "Sovereign, can you give us a lecture on cultivation?"

Qin double thought about it, then nodded and said: "Yes!"

All the monks of the string moon sang heard, and the spirits were all in full swing, and they looked at the piano pair with a gaze. Qin double began to preach. With the sermon, the piano spits the lotus in both mouths, and the rhythm is like flying, and every monk is so intoxicated.

The piano double talks about three days and three nights.

After the piano closed, the eyes swept over, and the whole town was in silence for the whole half-month. All the string-moon disciples were intoxicated.

The rhythm flies in the air and gradually dissipates.

When the piano double-empty stepped, the figure flew into the air and disappeared into the clouds, disappearing.

It’s a long way to go.

Qin Shuangyi Road rushed in the direction of Tianzicheng, and the spirit controlled the body, and displayed the space magical powers, and the speed was faster. The Yangshen and the three great gods are all aware of the law, and the Fengfeng Yuanshen is constantly refining and refining the soul lamp.

Twenty days later, Qin Shuangfeng appeared in the door of Tianzicheng and walked into Tianzicheng. It was found that today's Tianzicheng was much more lively than usual, and there were many powerful monks. Qin double walked on the streets of Tianzicheng and walked toward the Qin. Thinking about when to visit Xu Mo, how to ask for help to buy a foothold.

You know, she wants to migrate more than 30,000 people, and she can't live in 30,000 people. More than 30,000 monks still need to multiply, so they need a fairly large part. And it is estimated that I have to borrow some Xianjing from Xu Mo.

This person...


Qin double heart is very reluctant to ask for silence, secretly went to bomb the Xu family's secret, although sure, and the results did not cause any harm to the Xu family. However, I knew that my own things, I thought I had saved Xu Xuyin, and I didn’t owe it to my family.

However, it seems that nowadays, it is necessary to owe family members.


I am very grateful to Liao Mubai (100), seaphay (100), Blue Sorcerer (100), Bai Zibing (100) for the reward!



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