Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2162: breakthrough

"The cellar, Wei Qingjue and Guan Yu are both obtained from the retreat in the Tianshan Mountains. How do you know how to make it?"

"Oh..." Waiting is just laughing.

Qin double shook his head helplessly: "Is there anything in these days?"

“Yes!” Waiting for the scene, he took out an invitation from the storage ring and handed it to the piano. “Come on the cloud, give you invitations.”

Qin double took the invitation and glanced at it. She was invited to attend the feast of Xu Nian's full moon. Then nodded and closed up. Waiting for the ground again:

"An Shicong has been there several times."


Qin double wrinkled his brow, and his heart speculated that An Shicong came to her purpose.

"What else is there?"

"Nothing!" He shook his head.

Qinqin looked at the floor and made half of the cockroaches, his lips moved, but he did not say anything. He left the waiting room and returned to his own house. After a day of rest, Qin double left the piano and was ready to go back. Take a look at Tianziyuan, and take the Huataixiang left in the Tianfuyuan Dongfu to go to the Xu family feast, and also take the Huataixiang to see and see.

In the small world of the Tianziyuan portal, it took a day to shuttle. At dusk, Qin double walked out of the small world and flew to his own Dongfu district in Ding District.

He fell outside the Dongfu and walked into Dongfu. The flowery incense that was bored there was suddenly raised, then he shook his head and excitedly ran to the front of the piano pair.

The piano doubled the big head of the fragrant flower, and came to sit on the swing, while swinging on the swing, asked:

"Too fragrant, what happened to Tianziyuan recently? Has anyone bullied you?"

"Nobody bullies me, I don't usually go out. And many people know that I am your demon pet, but no one provokes me. I have not provoked others."

Nothing happened recently.

Oh, Lang Yupiao, they have already lived in Area A, and they have built the main hall of the Human Road in Area A. However, their days are not good, and they are severely suppressed by the Tiangong, the local government and the Baihua Palace. And it has been conflicting several times. It’s all about human suffering. ”

Qin double did not have the slightest accident.

Since Lang Yufeng established the human path, it is bound to launch an impact on the Tiangong, the local government and the Baihua Palace. The Temple of Heaven, the Prefecture House and the Baihua Palace must also suppress the human path.

The Big Three are enough, will they want to give birth to a giant.

It is also inevitable that human relations will suffer.

Not to mention, the Tiangong, the local government and the Baihua Palace have a lot more than the human body. It is the main palace of the Temple of Heaven, Mu Chong, the land of the government, the Baihua Palace, and the three are living on the Tianjiao Peak. Lang Yu Piao only lived in the A District, and even the foot of the Tianjiao Peak did not touch.

To know that Tianjiao Peak is a 10,000-hole house. Since Lang Yufeng has not settled in Tianjiao Peak, it means that in front of him, at least ten thousand disciples can defeat him.

Mu Chong, Fu Suiyue and Zhang Zining lived at the top of Tianjiao Peak, ranking the top three in the list.

Qin did not intend to compete with them, she did not have the time and energy to fight for those. She will soon be busy. If she really buys a place, she needs to establish a sect, and she will be busy flying.

Qin double looked around, and in the land of the seal, fighting with the soul refining lamp, has already repaired the fifth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian, and it is time to break through. And the breakthrough in Tianziyuan is undoubtedly the safest.

The piano double came down from the swing, sitting on the floor, and thinking about it, the town demon tower appeared in both hands, Qinqin began to extract the rich Xianyuan force in the town demon tower, and hit the sixth floor of the nine-day Xuanxian.

It’s a matter of course!


There was a buzzing sound in the body, and the piano double broke through to the sixth floor of the nine-day Xuanxian. The heavens and the earth gathered wildly and gathered together to form a huge vortex on the head of the Qinshuang. The rhythm of the music was like a pipa, surrounded by the piano. Double hovering.

This moment of breakthrough is undoubtedly the most suitable period for heaven.

The four great gods and the yang gods are all in place, and they perceive the existence of the laws in the heavens.

Gradually, the piano double seems to be infinitely close to a new world from the world of heaven and earth, slowly opening the corner of the veil and seeing a trace of the law.


At this moment, the piano doubles the mind and the law is clearly transmitted.

The piano is instantly immersed in the understanding of the law.

The huge sinus vortex, like a funnel that covers the sky, hangs down in the cave house of the double. The fairy spirit in Tianziyuan frantically rushed toward the Ding District.

The monks who are practicing are awakened, walked out of the Dongfu, and looked toward the fairy vortex.

Haikuo Tian stood in front of Dongfu and looked at the vortex of Xianyuan. His eyes narrowed slightly.


Ding Wei’s figure fell on the side of Haikuotian’s body, his eyes shining and whispering:

"President, I feel the breath of the law."

Haikuotian nodded lightly, looking through the space, looking at the piano double that was breaking through, and lowered the voice:

"How is this gimmick cultivated? How can it be learned in this, can you understand the law?"

"You mean he is just feeling?"

"Crap!" Haikuotian turned a white-eyed road: "Do you still expect her to condense the law? This is already amazing enough.

Do not!

It will scare people!

Although the atmosphere of the law is extremely weak, you must know that the skull is now only the beginning of the sixth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian. With this realm, you can perceive a sacred rule. This is no longer a arrogance, it is a enchanting. ”

"President, should we cover the girl?"

"I have already opened the Tianziyuan big array. The people outside the Tianziyuan are aware of the inside, and in the Tianziyuan, except that I have a half-law chain, you are aware of the law. Other people, the fundamental perception Less than Qin double can now perceive the law.

no need to worry! ”


Ding Hao breathed a sigh of relief, and then there was an excitement in his eyes: "Our Tianziyuan has calculated a true Tianjiao, and it is not a family, it is a series of our college.

Since Qinqin can perceive the law, it shows that she has given birth to the mystery. In this way, there is no bottleneck in breaking through Xianjun. It is the achievement of the king of the fairy, but also has great possibilities. ”

“Oh...” Haikuo Tian also smiled excitedly: “I value her before she achieved Xianjun.”

Ding Yan’s eyes lit up: “Are you telling the big purple city of the year?”

"Not bad!" Haikuotian nodded.

"But..." Ding Hao looked a little regretful: "Her is still too low, and she participates in Tianzicheng Dabei. There are five places on each side. With her cultivation, she can’t enter the top five. what!"

"Repair does not mean strength." Haikuo Tianhe said with a smile: "Do you think that the sixth layer of the nine-day Xuanxian who gave birth to the mystery and perceive the law is powerful, or is it a half-step fairy?"


Seeking a monthly ticket!



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