Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2163: Come one after another

Ding Xiaoran said: "So, is it that Mu Chong is not an opponent of Qinshuang?"

"Can't say that. Mu Chong, Fu Suiyue and Zhang Zining are the arrogances that can be challenged more and more. Qinshuang wants to overcome the three of them with the current cultivation. It will be very difficult and the hope of success is less than one. However, I think that if the piano is going to be a slap in the face, it should be no big problem to become the fourth. The worst will also break into the top five."

In Ding's eyes, there is a color of regret: "Even if you rush into the top five, you can't help. We still won't take the breakthrough in the Tianzicheng ratio."

"Hey, don't forget, now there is more than a year from the big ratio. Do you think that the girl will not break through in a year or more?"

"Yes!" Ding couldn't help.

"Just..." Haikuotian looked at the double-track in the breakthrough: "This girl has been living in the Ding District quietly. She knows that she doesn't care about her reputation at first glance. She doesn't force her, she may not participate in Dabie. what!"

"How do you force?"

"Since she gave birth to the mystery, she must definitely want to enhance the power of mystery. I remember there are ten flying snowflakes in the treasure chest. With the flying snow as the main medicine, you can refine the flying snow. Flying snow can be born. The quality of the metaphysical is very poor, but the gimmick has already born a mystery, no longer need to be born Xuexue Dan, but can use the flying snow to enhance the transformation of the power of Xuan. She will not refuse the temptation to fly snowflakes. In particular, she is still a master of Xiandan. She has placed ten flying snowflakes to the college's award for the first place."

“The first prize?” Ding Wei was surprised.

"Not bad!" Haikuotian eyes raised, like an old fox: "And immediately spread the news. I think after the girl heard it, she would definitely retreat and try to compete for the first place. I think she only needs to break through. On the seventh floor of Xuantian on the 9th day, there is hope for the first place. If you can break through to the eighth floor, it is estimated that the first place is none other than him. The opportunity is for her, and she will not work hard."

Tianjiao Peak.

Each monk walked out of Dongfu and looked at the direction of the double breakthrough.

Mu Chong stood at the highest point, followed by the years and Zhang Zining.

伏 岁 砸 砸 砸 砸 砸 : : : : : : : : : “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “

Zhang Zining said faintly: "This shows that she has the ability to challenge more and more."

In the past few years, he said: "With the sound of the breakthrough of Qin Shimei, there is absolutely no problem in grabbing a Dongfu in the A-zone. How has she stayed in the Ding District?"

Mu Chong’s voice passed down from the above: “As far as I know, Qin Shimei has been away from Tianziyuan for a long time. This should be that she has just returned. Maybe she will go to the A District after she has finished the breakthrough.”

Zhang Zining’s eyes are bright and bright: “just look at the real strength of Qin Shimei.”

Area A.

Lang Yu's face became ugly, although it is now the eighth peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian, but seeing the sound of the piano double breakthrough, his mind has an intuition, that is, he is not an opponent of Qin double.

An Shicong, standing in front of his own Dongfu, had a glimmer of joy in his eyes. He swept his body and flew toward Dongfu, the piano.

After four hours.

The celestial vortex in the sky gradually dissipated, and the piano double opened his eyes slowly. Slowly spit out a breath, there is a trace of regret in the eyes.

There is no doubt that her perception of the law has increased.


It is only the enhancement of perception, but it cannot capture the law-woven chain between heaven and earth.

"Qin double!" An Shi Cong's voice came from outside Dongfu.

The piano doubled his eyebrows and showed a helpless color on his face. He stood up and came out of the big array. I saw An Shicong standing outside with a smile on his face. When he saw the piano, he went out and bowed to the piano:

“Congratulations to Qin Shimei for further improvement.”

Qin double smiled: "An brother does not have to praise me, you are now the eighth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian, and repaired to be much higher than me."


The three figures fell into the sky, but it was Mu Chong, Fu Ziyue and Zhang Zining. Qi Qi Xiang Qin double hands as a ritual:

“Congratulations to Qin Shimei, repairing further!”

Qinqin hurriedly said: "I have this light, and the three brothers and sisters are far from each other."

"Mr. Qin!"

A group of monks flew in the sky and fell to the front of the piano. To the piano, they have been handing over to the ceremony:

"Congratulations to the piano master breakthrough!"

When the piano eyes swept away, you will see Lang Yu Piao, Wen Yu, Wan Jing, Liu Hanyan, Wen Tu, Xue Weiyang, Han Qing, Yun Cang, Zheng Lun and so on. Among the people, the lowest is the seventh floor of the nine-day Xuanxian.

Like Lang Yu Piao, Wen Yu, Wan Jing, Liu Hanyan, Wen Tu, Han Qing, Xue Weiyang, Yun Cang and Zheng Lun are the eighth layer of Jiu Tian Xuan Xian. Only Lang Yu and Wen Yu are the eighth peak, while others are either medium or medium.

For the cultivation of these few people, it is not surprising that Qin is double. These people are either in a deep background, or they are masters. They belong to Tianjiao's qualifications. In addition, there is no shortage of resources. Now it is normal to have such a place in Tianziyuan. It is normal to enter a period of rapid improvement. Smile and return to court:

"Thank you all the teachers and sisters! It’s just that I have a big gap with you and I have a lot of difference."

Zheng Lun has been practicing in Tianziyuan for more than a year. It is no longer like the Blu-ray star. There is a master Shen Chongguang who has no aura of domain disciples. His character has become much calmer and he has seen many things. Be the first to smile:

"The Qinshi sister said this, I thought that when we left the Blu-ray Stars together, the Qinshi sister was only Da Luo Jinxian. At that time, my younger brother, I was the third layer of the nine-day Xuanxian.

But now?

Although I broke through to the eighth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian, my sister is already the sixth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian. It is estimated that one year later, the repair of the sister will surpass me.

What's more, we all know the true strength of the sisters. Anyway, I know that my eighth day of the nine-day Xuan Xian is not the opponent of the sister. ”

Qin double looked at Zheng Lun with a slight accident. When he saw the goodwill of Zheng Lun’s face, he also understood the attitude of Zheng Lun at this time. It’s a smile to everyone:

"Please, please give me a chance to entertain everyone."

Zhang Zining smirked and said: "Qin Shimei, you entertain us, you must have fragrant meat, simmered corn rice, big mouth fish and monkey wine."

"Right right!" Everyone spoke.

"must have!"

Qin double smiled, then moved the handcuffs, opened a channel of the formation, leading everyone into the cave. Take out the fragrant meat, bigmouth fish and cumin corn, let the flowers too fragrant to cook. The piano pair is placed in the garden with a few tables. After everyone is seated, the piano will take out the monkey wine, and everyone will drink and talk.


Thank you very much for the reward of Bai Zibing (100), Liao Mubai (100), seaphay (100), and Blue Sorcerer Stone (100)!



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