Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2164: Outstanding news

Naturally, I will talk about the scene of the half-step Xianwang collision that broke out in the void, and also talked about the soul of the people who inspired the human race. In particular, everyone is grateful to the person who plays the soul of the song. Just no one mentioned the piano double. Qin double knows that this incident was concealed by the half-step Xian Wang. And almost no one in Tianmang City knows himself. Naturally, no one knows the soul of the person he plays.

After thinking a little, my heart will be lost.

This is the protection of those half-step kings. If they spread out, perhaps the demon will not deliberately assassinate themselves. However, once you have the chance to meet yourself, you will definitely make a killer and kill yourself.

In the heart, Xu Mo’s half-step Xian Wang gave birth to a grateful heart and admiration.

Don't look at these families in the same time, they are intriguing each other, but as long as it involves the problems of the human race, they can always make the best choice.

It is precisely because of this that the weak people can pass on to this day!

When the food is ready, everyone will stop talking, but concentrate on eating, silently refining the fragrant meat, bigmouth fish, simmered corn rice and monkey wine.

After more than an hour, the communication was resumed. Naturally, I will not talk about Xu Nianzu and talk about the full moon banquet after a few days.

Suddenly, everyone's bracelets vibrated. There is only one possibility for this situation, and that is what announcement was issued by Tianziyuan. Everyone puts the gods into the bracelet, and then the look is fretting.

It turned out that Tianziyuan announced the pre-selection time and prizes of Tianzicheng Dawei.

Tianzicheng Dabu is a big match of thirty-four families, Tianziyuan, scattered repair alliance, Danfu Array, and Qinqi calligraphy and painting. Each party has five people. Before the big ratio, each party will first hold a pre-selection within the power of one side and select the five strongest people.

The pre-selection of the Tianzi Academy will be held today, until June 1st next year, the prizes are very rich. Qin Double just looked at the first sight and was attracted by the first prize.

Ten flying snowflakes!

This is really important for her!

Flying snowflake can not only be used as a main medicine to prepare Fei Xuedan, can be used as an auxiliary medicine to prepare Tianxuan Dan, and can also be used as an auxiliary medicine, with nine-turn Jinlian as the main medicine, and prepare nine-turn Jinlian Dan. Although the magnitude of the growth of Xuan Zhili is not as good as Tianxian Dan, it is not much worse.

The rules for pre-selection quotas are very simple and can be contested from now on.

The method is to go to the peak of arrogance.

And it must be one by one, not the next level.

In other words, if the current Qin double wants to compete for this quota, you must go to Tianjiao Peak. The Tianjiao Peak circled around the mountain, with a total of 10,000 caves. That is to say, with 10,000 monks, the piano must go up from the first cave. So it was given a year.

The same is true of the monks on the Tianjiao Peak. For example, the 1,000th monk must first challenge the 999th monk and win the victory before he can continue to challenge the 908th monk.

And the rules of the challenge are all in accordance with the rules of the Sky Purple City.

What is the big ratio rule of Tianzicheng?

The first rule is the battle between life and death.

That is to say, death is allowed, there will be no protection of Xianjun, and death will die. If you are disabled, you will be disabled. Of course, if you can escape in time and then admit defeat, you can survive.

Only this will make the monks cautiously challenge.

Don't look at Tianziyuan with hundreds of thousands of monks. Do you dare to challenge the Tianjiao Peak?

Not to mention the Ding District, it is the C District, Area B, I am afraid that there are not a few dare to challenge, it is the A District, dare not to challenge.

The most important thing is that instead of challenging the 10,000th place and winning, you will be able to participate in the Big Purple City. You have to challenge all the way, the worst defeated the fifth place in Tianjiao Peak, in order to enter the five-person quota.

Just imagine.

It is only 365 days a year. There are 10,000 monks in Tianjiao Peak. On average, I have to challenge 27 people. This is almost an impossible task. Do you really think that the monks on the peak of Tianjiao are all ants, and you will die when you go to one finger?

I don’t know how to challenge, I just want to find death.

Moreover, in order to avoid being challenged endlessly, the monks on the arrogant peak will definitely apply the hot hand and kill the challenger, and will never be disabled.

The monks of the entire Tianziyuan knew almost in their hearts that this quota was for the 10,000 people on the peak of Tianjiao...

Do not!

That 10,000 people can't do it. It is to prepare for the one hundred people on the list of the hundred pirates. It is the mutual struggle between the one hundred days of arrogance. There is nothing at all about them.

What they can do is to watch the battles of the Tianjiao and understand them.

This is a feast of Tianziyuan, the most lively year in Tianziyuan.

The second rule is that the two sides of the war are not allowed to wear any defensive fairy, that is, the whiteboard to fight, which undoubtedly increases the danger of death. Let some people who want to opportunistically take care of the challenges.

This rule is fair. If there is a monk wearing the best defensive fairy, how can this be played?

Standing still and letting you fight, it is enough for you to play for a long time. To know that the participation in the Tianzicheng Dabu, the highest repair can only be a half step Xianjun. The best defensive fairy has been able to withstand the attack of Xianjun.

The attacking fairy is allowed to be used, but the uniform grade can only use the next product. In other words, in the piece of fairy, let everyone stand on the unified starting line.

During the battle, you are not allowed to take immortality.

In the process of fighting, you can release the symbol, the flag, the battle.

However, the flag, the battle, and the symbol of the monk’s release must be made by the monks themselves. Otherwise, you buy a group of masters, the peaks of the Fu, the battle, how to fight this?

So, how do you decide that the plaque and the ruling are made by the monk himself?

This requires the monks to go to the League and the League in advance to assess and qualify.

If you qualify for certification, it is just a master of the fairy, and the fairy that you sacrificed is a master-level symbol, obviously it is not your own. Will be severely punished.

As for the chess and calligraphy, there is no need to authenticate.

All of this makes the ratio as fair as possible, showing the true strength of the monk.

"Qin Shimei, do you have any thoughts?" Fuyue Yue looked at the Qin double asked.

Qin double has an idea, and the ten flying snowflakes must be obtained. But when she thought of challenging 10,000 monks, her heart was eager to try.

To challenge this 10,000 monks, you should be able to consolidate your realm and then you can break through.


Ten thousand monks challenged 10,000 games, and the piano did not have to lick a tooth.


Seeking a monthly ticket!



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