Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2172: 30 trillion

Qin double nodded, she went to the Western District, the Blu-ray Palace is in the West District, does not occupy a small area, all with a space fairy.

The palace can be solved with a space fairy, but the gate is absolutely impossible.

“The North District is even worse!” Ding continued to draw the map and explained: “The North District is a mixture of dragons and snakes. It is a place where scattered and various people live together. The real estate is cut and piecemeal. Don't say that it is not a goal, it is to achieve the purpose, but also a long-lasting thing, it is better to give up."

Qin double nodded again, Ding Hao had drawn the map to the Eastern District: "This is the most concentrated place in the central area except for the central region. Here are some places where the second-rate and third-rate families settled.

The last time the Mozu invasion, the third-rate and second-rate families were destroyed a lot, and now there are several second-rate families and a dozen third-rate families ready to sell all the real estate. It’s just that the family that sells real estate has two points that are not suitable.

One is the price. Although their veins have been shattered, it is also the second-ranked sacred place in Tianzi City, and these places are now starred by 34 families and those with deep roots outside the city. So, the price is very high. If you want to buy a place that can hold a million people, I am afraid that you need 80 trillion top grades, and there is still no real estate. So, I don't recommend you buy it here.

The second is that the real estate of these selling families is not all connected. You want to build a sect, and it is necessary to have a completely connected place. Otherwise, in the scope of your sect, there are one or two more families. What is this? ”

Qin double nodded again, Ding Hao analysis is completely justified.

“So!” Ding Wei pulled the map to the South District Road: “There is only the Southern District, which is mainly a family residence that does not flow into the river. Of course, there are also the original residents of Tianzicheng who live here. However, the main forces Still those families that do not enter the stream.

There are a total of nearly 3,000 families in the Southern District, each of which is different in size and has a different site size. This time the Mozu invasion, the biggest blow to these influent families, for them, is almost a devastating blow.

The reason why it does not flow is because of the gap in all aspects.

The family's comprehensive strength is not enough, and the family's defense is not enough. But these two points have caused them to suffer a devastating blow when the Mozu invasion. Not only do family monks die mostly, but some families even die more than 90%. The family is not enough, so that these small families that do not enter the stream have no ability to rebuild the family, and they are incapable of holding the family territory. And they need to cultivate and need resources, and now the only way they can get resources is to sell the land.

Here, there are too many small family-selling tribes that do not flow into the stream. The original small families that are not influx have changed frequently. Today, this place belongs to the Zhang family, and tomorrow belongs to the Li family, fighting frequently. Nowadays, there are places where large pieces are connected together. And because the crystal veins are broken, there are some in the southern area, the concentration of Xianyuan gas is only ranked third, so the price is much cheaper. According to your request, it is estimated that 30 trillion top grade Xianjing can be taken down. ”

Qin double could not help but grin, 30 trillion...

I have only one trillion more now...

"How many fairy crystals do you have?" Ding Hao’s eyes showed a hint of play.

Qin Qin said: "More than one billion ... and these have to keep the arrangement of the Zongmen..."

There was a strange look in the eyes of Haikuo Tian and Ding Wei, and Ding Wei couldn’t help but open the door:

"You are worth a good price!"

The double look of the piano is even more sorrowful: "This is why the Shen domain owner won the bet and gave it to me."

"The 30 trillion top grade Xianjing, I can lend you." Haikuo Tiandao: "And you can also lend you some veins, no crystal veins, how to build a zongmen! You can slowly return. I know you Every day, I sell a hundred boxes of food. Each box of food is worth 200,000 yuan, and I can earn 20 million yuan in the day. I can repay this loan for more than 4,000 years."

"For four thousand years..."

Qin doubled his mouth and pouted. Is this a house slave for more than four thousand years?


Ding Wei magnified a map of the Southern District: "This place is good. There are a total of 16 small families that don't flow into the river. I can help you talk about it. Not to mention the population of more than one million people, it is three million. The population also lives. There will be no more than 30 trillion top grades in total. I think you are still buying it all. This is a rare opportunity. If you buy all of it here, although the opportunity is flattened, but the reorganization The mountains are very simple for us, I can help you.

Such a large place can reorganize the nine mountain ranges, and the rest of the vast areas can be built with forests, grasslands, mountains and river valleys, etc., which can be designed at will.

Nine mountain ranges require nine veins. As long as nine veins are laid, the concentration of Xianyuan in the entire Zongmen range will increase. As long as the quality of the crystal veins is high, the early cultivation environment can reach the level of the second-rate families in the eastern region.

Tianziyuan can lend you a fine crystal vein, two top crystal veins, three middle crystal veins and three lower crystal veins. These nine veins, in the future you can not repay with Xianjing, must be repaid with crystal veins. ”

The piano double licked his mouth, and at the same time, he also greatly admired Haikuotian and Ding Hao. This is definitely a big deal. This big hand is so dizzy.

As long as I accept the help of the other party, I am afraid that I will not be able to pay it back in the spiritual world. Need to be repaid by the string moon door generations, is the string moon ancestor not a subsidiary of Tianziyuan?

Xianjing said that it would be a big deal for the old town of Lingling to keep refining the alchemy in the town demon tower. It should be able to pay off in decades or ten years. But where does this vein go?

Does that need a chance?

But can you refuse?


I need to build a sect, and I will be shocked in the future. My second brother, Ming Yue, Qin Lie and others will come up and give them a foothold.

Isn't it borrowing?

There are no fairy crystals and crystal veins. In the future, when Tianziyuan needs to contribute its own strength, you can raise the conditions yourself!

If you don't have money, try it!

Do the task in Tianziyuan, and return it!

"Thank you for the two deans!" Qin double thanks.

Haikuo Tian and Ding Hao’s faces all showed smiles, and they looked at each other and understood the meaning of each other.

"Qin double is still too young! As long as she is still in the spiritual world, she will not be able to change this debt for a lifetime. She and her sect will firmly lie on the chariot of Tianziyuan.

As for the piano double will break through the fairy king, flying up the fairy world, it would be better. This person's sentiment has continued to work in the fairy world. ”

I am very grateful to Bai Zibing (500), seaphay (100), and book friends 20111224021806559 (100) for the reward!


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