Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2173: Full moon feast

"First go to the full moon feast of Xu family. When you have finished the full moon feast, I will immediately go and talk about the real estate you need." Ding Wei smiled.

"Thank you for the two deans." Qin double grateful again.

"Go." Haikuotian smiled.

Qin double stood up, gave a gift again, and left to ask Daofeng.


The piano pair spit out a long breath and felt the pressure on the shoulders suddenly increase.

30 trillion top grade Xianjing, one of the best crystal veins, two top grade veins, three middle crystal veins, three lower crystal veins. This debt is like a mountain, pressing on the body of the piano.

"Put it first! Wait until later."

Qin double shook his head, flew up, returned to his own cave, and entered the town demon tower. I took a shower, changed my clothes, and then said to the old town:

"The old town, you have heard it, is there any way to pay off the debt as soon as possible?"

"With the time flow rate in the town demon tower, I keep refining the medicinal herbs and fairy wares. It is estimated that the celestial crystals will be returned in a hundred years."

"A hundred years? So long?"

"Not long after, we will sell a lot of elixir and Xianjing, which will make the price fall."


Qinqin smashed the temple and said: "Let's talk about it, the scorpion is more than not biting, and the account is too much."

Qin double thoughts, went out of the town demon tower, left his own Dongfu, and flew toward the gate of Tianziyuan. I came to the gate of Tianziyuan and saw Mu Chong. Fuyue and Zhang Zining had already waited at the gate. I will hand over the ceremony:

"Sorry, I am late!"

"It's not too late, we are just arrived."

Three people laughed and then flew into the small world inside the portal.

At dusk.

Four people flew out of the small world and appeared outside the gates of the Tianziyuan. Qin Double Road:

"Go to my place for a night."

"Good!" The three people nodded. Luniandao said: "I have heard that the big array of Qin Shimei's house is so powerful, can we let us feel?"

"This is no problem!"

After a long time, Qin double stood in the Taolin, moved Mu Chong, Fu Ziyue and Zhang Zining out, and all three were extremely embarrassed, one by one pale.

"Qin Shimei, you are too abnormal!" Futian said with gasping.

Zhang Zining also has a heart and soul to say: "It is a big battle that can kill Xianjun."

Mu Chong sat under the tree and closed his eyes. Fu Ziyue and Zhang Zining looked at each other and sat down on the knees. They were only in the ice-creaming array. Although they were very embarrassed, they also gave them some insights.

Qin double also sat down on the knees, but she did not enter the cultivation, but planned the construction of the future Zongmen in her heart.

A night passed.

When the first sun shone, Mu Chong three people woke up one after another. The piano has already prepared the wine for two days, after the four people have finished eating. Qin double asked for a moment to go to the home, and he shook his head and said that he wanted to make a donkey. Wei Qingjue and Guan Yu were still in retreat. Qin Shuang and Mu Chong left the Qin House and fled toward Xu Jiafei. Hua Taixiang also became a handsome boy, behind the piano double.

Xu family.

A variety of luxury flying carriages of various shapes slowly entered the door of Xu Jiahong. On both sides of the Xujiahui main gate, they stood in a row of Xujia Yingbin disciples. At the gate, there are also a few disciples who specialize in leading guests here.

There are always guests coming in, and there are constantly disciples who lead the guests to leave.

The hooves of the pedals are endless, and one after another, the luxury flying carriage enters the door of the Xu family. There are also monks who do not come by a horse-drawn carriage. Every monk is also dressed in a gorgeous style with different temperament. There are also some elders with younger generations, and those younger generations are curiously looking around.

Today's weather is very sunny, the sky is high and the sun is shining, so the whole family is full of joy.

The five people of Qin double slowed down and walked unhurriedly toward the Xu family. Going to the door, each took out the invitation. The leading Xu family disciples took a look at the flowers, but did not say anything. Because he has recognized the piano double. Seeing that the flower is too fragrant behind the piano, I know that it is brought by the piano. Politely said a few to the Qin double, and led several people to follow Qingshi Road.

Mu Chong, a golden robe and a black robe, walked side by side in the middle of the year, Zhang Zining walked on the left in a colorful coat, and the piano doubled in a white dress and walked to the right. The flower was too fragrant and the white robe walked in the double. Beside me.

“Here is the Xu family!” Looking around for the first time: “I am still here for the first time.”

At this time, a woman was parked from the roadside carriage, a red dress, the body exudes a breath that has just broken through, and the temperament is good, not to be eyebrows.

Qin double and the woman's gaze touched, the woman smiled and smiled, nodded to the piano, and saw the Mu Chong and others around the piano, they did not come, but left.

"Qing Hong Lou!" Mu Chong surprised and whispered: "She turned out to be the ninth floor of Xuantian for nine days."

Qin double squinted his eyes, and thirty-four disciples and disciples, after they entered Tianziyuan, have closed their doors. They must have gone out at this time. Everyone should have a leap-forward improvement. They originally made the realm very solid, but they did not choose to break through. With the support of the family, if you want to break through, there will naturally be a leap.

Qin double and others continued to move forward. During the period, they met many people who were familiar with the piano. Some of them greeted the piano and some just nodded. But there is no accident, these monks have a leap-forward improvement.

Qin double thinks of the monks of Tianjiaofeng, can not help but sigh, want to fight with 34 families, Tianziyuan really has a long way to go!

After walking about a hundred steps or so, I saw Xu Kaiyun laughing and welcoming.

"Boss, how come you come?"

Qin double looked up and down Xu Kaiyun, and Yan Yan smiled: "The third floor of Xuantian Xuanxian?"

“Yeah!” Xu Kaiyun nodded. “You also know my situation. Although the family supports me a lot, my repair is not destined to improve.”

Qin nodded twice, to Xu Kaiyun innate five Linggen qualifications, if there is no adventure, repair will not improve quickly.

"I will tell you about this, this is my master brother Mu Chong. This is my second brother, Lunian, this is my third division sister Zhang Zining."

Xu Kaiyun is just polite and polite, but there is not much enthusiasm. Squeezing the flowers around the piano and walking around the piano, chatting about what happened this year, leading a few people forward.

In the process of marching, some monks saw Xu Kaiyun, they stopped and stood on both sides. When Xu Kaiyun walked in front of them, they bent down and gave gifts.


Seeking a monthly ticket!



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