Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2174: Mozu now

Mu Chong's eyes flashed, and the clothes appeared to be envious. In the double shackles of the victorious month, it was occasionally flashed a bit unyielding, and Zhang Zining looked calm.

The piano has a double-sided smile. I heard someone behind me talking about her and Mu Chong, and guessing the identity of Qin and so on, will let Xu Kaiyun personally receive. This is not a strange story. This time, the Xu family banquet seats, many monks outside the Purple City have come to congratulate, do not know the piano is also normal.

Far from hearing a loud voice, it sounded uninterrupted.

"The Tianzicheng Wangjia sent a Qingyu lock!"

"Tian Zixing Sujia sent a pair of tassel accounts!"


At the Erdaomen, the Xu family set up a bribe. Each monk will leave his own name and gift here. Xu will remember these monks and gifts and return to the ceremony in the future. After each monk receives a gift, he will be sung by Xu Jiahong, and the voice will reverberate in the air inside and outside Xu.

Mu Chong, Fu Ziyue and Zhang Zining's face are slightly unnatural, because the singers they hear on this road are much more precious than the gifts they prepared.

Qin double is not to mind, she prepared the fairy liquid cream, it is not up, not too high. Not a shame, of course, does not calculate color.

This is enough.

Do you still want to send a gift that shocked Xu’s family?

That is purely thinking more.

With Xu Kaishan coming to the salute, Mu Chong, Fu Ziyue and Zhang Zining gave gifts, and when they were sung, the faces of the three people were slightly red, and their gifts were medium, but they were a bit The child is down.

Qin double's gift was sung, and Mu Chong three people looked at the piano with a slight surprise. They didn't think of the new pair of pianos, but they had such a good thing. However, I think that the piano has a scent of the beast, the bigmouth fish, the corn, and the monkey wine.

And at this time, there was a burst of exclamation behind them.

"How come the Mozu? They are also guests invited by Xu Jia? Is it impossible?"

"This... the Mozu is too crazy, they are not afraid to die here?"


In the repressed voice, with the hatred and killing of the Mozu, spread quickly.

"Zuo Wuhai? Damn! We asked Xu Jia to ask him?" Xu Kaiyun's face became ugly.

Looking at the piano in both directions, I saw two figures under the guidance of a Xu disciple. A handsome, pale-faced, noble-tempered youth with a short horn on his head. Followed by a middle-aged monk next to him, arrogant and restrained.

Both of them looked very calm and seemed to turn a blind eye to the hatred that shot them around them.

At this time, Qin Double and others who have entered the second door are standing on the side of the road. Xu Kaiyun went to the secret passage of the piano to the double:

"The young man is called Zuowuhai. The repair of the seventh floor of the 9th Heaven Xuanxian is the third son of the Mozu half-step fairy king Zuodu. We both met on Baoxing not long ago."

"Qin double." And at this time, a voice rang from behind the piano.

Qin double quickly turned back and smiled in his eyes: "Open the sky, you are back."

The coming person is Xu Kaitian, a blue robes, a square face, a sword and a tiger eye, the whole person looks extremely heroic. Behind him is followed by Xu Kaishan and Xu Qinglian.

"Why don't you come back?" Xu Kaitian smiled and said: "This is a big event for our family. You are the sixth floor of the nine-day Xuanxian?"

Xu Kaitian was amazed and then laughed at himself: "I just broke through the third floor, and the gap between us is getting bigger and bigger."

"With the foundation of Xu family, it is not difficult to improve the cultivation." Qin double smiled.

"The Xu family is profound, but there are many disciples!"

Because of the need to talk, several people slowly retreated to the side, so as not to block the way of others.

"Hui Jia invited the Mozu?" Qin asked curiously.

Xu Kaitian looked at the left Wuhai, which was heading towards the second door in the distance, and there was a gloom in the middle.

"I have not heard of it. I think the patriarch will definitely not invite the Mozu to come. They are not invited."

Qin double thought about it, and nodded and said: "The Mozu has just raided Tianzicheng soon, and hatred has been deeply planted in the hearts of the Terran. I think the patriarch will also take the world by big, and invite the magic at this time. Family. And if it is invited by the Xu chief, the other party only comes to a nine-day Xuan Xian, and can't say it. It seems that they are really unsolicited."

"Is not afraid of dying here?"

"Oh..." Xu Kaitian sighed a sigh: "Since they come, and come here, it is the guest of my family. We will not only entertain but also guarantee their safety."

"I know." Fuyue said with a sigh of relief: "This is an ancient ceremony. But if it is the same realm, it will kill if you kill it. Everyone is a nine-day Xuanxian, can I challenge you at the site of your Xu family? That left Wuhai?"

"Fu Shidi!" Mu Chong looked condensed: "Here is the Xu family, the Mozu also came to visit the Xu family, we still keep silent."

After years, he bit his bite and smacked the gang, but he stopped talking. The binocular eyes looked toward the two demons who were getting more and more. Between the left Wuhai walking, an extravagant, if there is not a short corner on the head, it is absolutely impossible to see that he is a demon, but it is like a family of the human family.

The monk next to him, although not exposed to the slightest breath, but the walking room gives a strong pressure.

"In any case, Zuo Wuhai's mind is quite powerful!"

Qin double can not help but praise. The rest of the people did not want to nod, and they were able to maintain such a demeanor in the Xu family, and it was inevitable that they would feel a sense of sympathy.

"Let's go." Qin double turned and went.

Everyone turned around and walked along Qingshi Road without going through the road. After about a kilometer walk, there was an open door on the head.

On both sides of the gate, standing with Xu’s disciples, when they saw the guests coming forward, they leaned over and bowed.

Qin Shuang and others walked into the gate, and the inside was suddenly open. It was a very huge garden. The Lingguo trees were forested and there were blooming flowers everywhere. In this huge garden, there have been countless seats at this time, and many guests have sat in their chairs and laughed at each other.

Not many people pay attention to the piano and a few people, and their eyes were swept away. They found that only a few young people in the piano, many people took back their eyes. Of course, there are also many young monks who know Qinqin, such as Ren Pingsheng and other Tianzicheng Tianjiao. However, they only nodded far away and did not take the initiative. On this occasion, they also hold their own restraint, because they represent not their own, but their family.


Seeking a monthly ticket!



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