Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2175: Stunned Feng Ming

In the garden filled with flowers, the monks dressed in luxurious robes are gathered together in twos and threes, which is also a rare opportunity for them.

One is communication and the other is networking.

Qin double saw Xu Xuanxue from afar. At this time, there were many young monks around him. He was also talking about laughing and laughing at this time. The heroic wind did not decrease.

Qin double could not help but slightly tilted his head and looked at Xu Kaitian. The characters of these two people are very similar, and they are all heroic people.

On the other side, Ren Pingsheng is another temperament, and there is a lot of monks around him, and there are many female practitioners.

From time to time, some young monks outside the Purple City, introduced themselves to themselves, and there are thirty-four masters in Tianzi City, but they are also enthusiastic. But in that enthusiasm, one can feel an alienation, a kind of alienation.

There was a low voice not far away, but there was a fierce debate. The piano is different from each other, but it is a few Xiandan divisions. Because of the different views of alchemy, there is a fierce dispute there.

There are young disciples of Xu family who are constantly moving through the garden and constantly sending all kinds of food.

Xu Kaiyun and several people led Qin double to a table, and then resigned to Qin double. As an elite disciple of Xu family, they also had to shuttle through the forces of various parties to entertain their monks who are similar in their age. Xu Kaiyun did not leave, accompanied by the piano double seat.

Qin double their table under a spruce tree like an umbrella cover, the sun shines through the leaves, and the mottled shadow falls on the body of Qin and others. Outside the trees, the sun is shining, the contrast between light and dark, so that the piano pair of them are inconspicuous and unobtrusive.

"Xu brother!" Zhang Zining smiled at Xu Kaiyun: "Have you seen the little princess of Xu family? What did you give birth? I also saw for the first time the birth of a vision that would create a vision of heaven and earth."

Everyone listened, and they couldn’t help but look at Xu Kaiyun. Qin is no exception. In the eyes of Xu Kaiyun, there is a favorite color:

"very beautiful."

Everyone can't help but be speechless. Who asks you beautiful and not beautiful?

However, no one asked again. It is rude to ask again. At this time, the garden was quiet, everyone's eyes were gathered at the gate, and they saw that the two demons were coming in.

Zuo Wuhai's face is unchanged, and his feet are still following the guidance of Xu's disciples. They are not ill, and their eyes slowly sweep through the monks in the garden.

At this time, Qin’s eyes did not look to them, but looked behind them, because at this time, three figures came in from outside the gate.

Walking in the middle is a tall, golden-skinned man with occasional flashes of multicolored light on his body, floating on the eighth floor of the nine-day Xuanxian.

Walking alongside him is a tall, middle-aged man who is also restrained, but gives a feeling of facing the ocean. This is not the focus of the Qin double, the piano double attention to the person behind the two people.

A red-haired woman, a red robe. The face and the piano are similar in three points.

"Feng Ming!"

The woman is Feng Ming, and the breath of her body is actually the tenth peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian. The demon and the demon monk calmly look for you to sit down at a table. At this time, Qin Shuang's eyes narrowed, she saw the Xu Luoyin, and went to the two Mozu.

There are sorrows and anger in the eyes of Xu Luoyin. Obviously, he has not come out of the fall of Xu Zhen, and the brows of Qin double are not slightly wrinkled. But then it came loose.

Xu Luoyin’s current cultivation is only Da Luo Jin Xian.


The repair was upgraded, and the fourth floor of Da Luo Jinxian. This repair is even if you want to do something, it will not cause damage to the two devils, but in the Xu family, the two Mozu do not dare to kill the player.

Her attention was placed on Feng Ming's body, and she knew the sound.

"Feng Ming!"

Feng Ming’s look was slightly moving, and he saw the piano double without revealing his eyes. Then he regained his gaze and the voice of the gods said:

"Qin double, you are here too."

"Feng Ming, your cultivation is improving quickly!"

There is bitterness in Feng Ming’s voice: "Qin Shuang, my body was originally made from the bones of our military ancestor Feng Zu, so I cultivated it for a thousand miles. However, I feel it now, the Fengzu of our military mainland. The blood of the ancestors is still lower, and it seems that the ability to push my cultivation to this level has reached its limit. It is impossible to break through Xianjun in the future. Unless it allows me to devour a stronger Fengzu blood."

Qin double thought about it, and there was nothing to do with it. He said, "How come you?"

"I am now a disciple of the Tianxuanxing Fengzuo elite. This time I am accompanying the son of Fengzu, the young man who came here to participate in the full moon banquet of Xu Nianzu."

"What purpose do you have here?"

"I don't know, the young man is called Feng Xiang, the ninth son of Fengzu. The middle-aged is the peak of Xianjun, responsible for protecting Fengxiang. I am here to give errands. What is the purpose, I can't know with my identity. ""

At this time, all the monks in the garden stood up, and a group of people came in from outside the gate. It was Xu Mo who was headed by him, and a noble and graceful woman was holding a baby in his arms.

On the baby's two wrists, each with a bracelet, at this time the two bracelets exude a sinuous treasure, the baby shrouded inside.

This is the protection of the baby, a newborn baby, the qualification is higher, and can not withstand the attention of so many monks. Even if the eyes of these monks are good intentions, the repair of these monks is too high. Not to mention so many eyes, it is the eyes of a nine-day Xuan Xian, which will hurt the soul of the newborn baby.

The whole garden was quiet, and every monk gave alms to Xu Mo. Even the two demons and the three demons are no exception.

Half-step Xian Wang's cultivation, the identity of the first family leader of the spiritual world, no one dares not respect.

Qin double also quickly went to salute.

Only her eyes glanced at the lady holding Xu Nianzu in the process of giving gifts.

"That person should be the singer of the singer, and it is a beautiful woman."

She glanced at the gloves worn by her left hand. In my heart, if I remove the gloves now, let Weiyang see the color coat, I don’t know what the situation is.

Shake his head and smashed the thought of death.

"Welcome all the friends to accept my invitation and come to the full moon banquet of this little girl. I am sorry, I greet some old friends, it is a little late."

I am very grateful to Bai Zibing (500), book friend 20111224021806559 (100), seaphay (100) for the reward!


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