Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2176: conflict

The eyes of the people crossed Xu Mo and looked behind Xu Mo's body. They saw a group of monks behind them. Each monk's body was arrogant and restrained, but it was like Wang Yang, which put tremendous pressure on him.

Qin double saw Haikuotian, and also saw Ding Wei, as well as Ren Gaolin, Qingcheng laugh and other older people. At this time everyone’s face was filled with a kind smile.

Xu Mo is just saying hello to everyone. The monks in the garden are his juniors, and you don't need to be polite. What he really wants to entertain is the people behind him. Therefore, they quickly went to the depths of the garden and disappeared into the field of Qin and others.

Qin Shuang's eyes quickly swept over Xu Nian's body, and there was a shocking color in his eyes.

Xu Nianzu’s body has a colorful flow, which is not only the best of the five spirits, but also seems to have love from heaven and earth.

"Is it different to find the ancestors?" Xu Kaiyun whispered.

"Yeah!" Qin said with envy: "I really love heaven and earth!"

Xu Kaiyun shook his head and whispered: "According to the old generation of the family, this does not seem to be loved by heaven and earth, but the blessing of our ancestors."

"The blessing of the Xu family ancestors?" Qin doubled his mouth: "The ancestor?"

Xu Kaiyun no longer speaks, but raises his finger and points to the sky.

"Xianjie?" Qin double surprised.

"Yeah!" Xu Kaiyun nodded: "So it will be named Xu Nianzu!"


Suddenly a table sounded, and Qin’s eyes looked at the sound, and I saw that Xu Luoyin had stood in front of the Mozu youth Zuowuhai, and shot the table:

"Magic scorpion, what are you doing with us?"

Zuowuhai glanced at Xu Luoyin with a sigh of relief. He sat there and did not move, but suddenly released a defensive shield. The defensive shield quickly expanded and hit the body of Xu Shengyin. Back.

The piano double frowned, and there was a trace of worry in his eyes.

Just before Xu Mo did not give the face of the Mozu and the Yaozu, from appearance to departure, they did not look at the Mozu and the Yaozu. That is very obvious.

When you come, you will come. I will not kill you, but I will not take care of you.

This attitude, presumably will also anger the two monks of the demon, this time, Xu Yunyin to find the trouble of the Mozu, is really not a good time.


Xu Xiaoyin’s face was full of anger, and the other’s contemptuous gaze, which made him fly easily, made his heart drop at this time.


A big hand pressed on the shoulder of Xu Luoyin, and Xu Yun turned his head and looked at it. Not to be called by the trembling voice:

"Big brother..."

Xu Luoxue patted the shoulders of Xu’s voice, then looked at Zuowuhai and said faintly:

"My brother asked you what, what do you do with this magic scorpion?

Zuo Wuhai’s face is a stiff, Xu Yunyin calls his magic scorpion, he can not care, in his view, Xu Luoyin is a child, but Xu Xuexue is different, as Xu Jia Shaozhu, this It is naked to humiliate him.

Qin double looking to Xu Luoxue, Xu Luoxue and Zuowuhai are the repairs of the seventh floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian. Qin Double wants to know, who is stronger?

Since Zuowuhai is the son of a half-step fairy king, the strength will never be as simple as the performance.

Zuowuhai stood up slowly and looked straight at the Xuxuexue:

"I have heard the name of Xu Xuexue for a long time. The first day of the Terran youth is arrogant. I came here this time, but I want to see if this human race youth arrogance is true?"

Xu Luoxue’s face burst into a big smile: "Are you afraid of being killed?"

"That depends on your ability!" Zuo Wuhai gaze over the Terran monks, and his mouth faintly ridiculed: "You don't want to get up? Or is it a small one to come old?"

Xu Luoxue turned to the demon youth not far away: "Feng Xiang, you will not come to see if I am true?"

Feng Xiang snorted: "If you have not been killed by Zuo Wuhai, I would like to do it with you."

The smile on Xu’s face is even more heated: “You two together.”

"What are you talking about?" Feng Xiang and Zuo Wuhai's face showed anger at the same time.

"You guys, I am afraid that I can't play too much!" Xu Luoxue was aggressive at this time.


Zuo Wuhai's face is blue and green, and the magic is surging.

The people around them have retired, that is, the middle-aged Mozu also retreated far away, leaving only Xu Xuanxue and Zuowuhai in the middle. And the surrounding monks have propped up the defensive shields, time and time.

"How is the strength of Zuowuhai?" Qin is a two-way voice of Xu Kaiyun.

"Strong! I am not an opponent." Xu Kaiyun looked bitter: "The last time I almost died in his hands, I managed to escape."

"The konjac, you have too much body impurities, so that this son will forge you."

Xu Luoxue’s face showed a sneer, holding his fist, it was like picking up a sledgehammer and smashing it toward Zuowuhai.


In the air, a huge fist is condensed in an instant, and the hammer is generally smashed toward the left Wuhai. It is really like forging.

Zuowuhai was so angry that his forehead was blue and sturdy, and his palms were palm to the sky, and one palm pushed to Xu Xuanxue.


Two faces appeared in the air, one welcoming the fists of the snow falling, and one snarled toward the snow.


A fist whose face was smashed into the snow was smashed in an instant, and the speed of the fist went down to the left sea. At the same time, Xu Danxue’s other hand clenched his fist, like a hammer, and slammed into the second face.


The Zuowuhai index finger was repeatedly bombed and turned into ten large tentacles, pointing to the snow or thorns, or picking, or wrapping, or winding around...

The ten tentacles are extremely soft and extremely tough, and the Dafa is extremely feminine, as if weaving a net, wanting to cover the snow in the net, tightening and strangling.

The snow fell, but the two fists were like two sledgehammers, and they slammed in an unusual way. The air constantly released a huge fist, which was released to the extreme.

Two fists seem to contain two worlds.

Treasure boxing!

The two monks were just as soft as they were, and they reached the limit and softened to the extreme.

The ten tentacles were finely woven, such as clouds, so that the piano and other people looked very uncomfortable, as if the mind was entangled in silk and covered by dark clouds.

The two fists of Xu Xuexue are like two suns, to dispel the dark clouds, and like two hammers, to smash and bind.

The two people's hands are very fast, just counting the time, they will fight a dozen tricks.


Xu Luoxue suddenly gave a long shout, as if the mind was vented by the dark clouds, his two fists radiated five colors of light.



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