Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2177: Rolling

The landslide-like roar, the huge powers spread toward the surrounding, and the surrounding defensive shields were crushed and shattered, and the figures could not help but retreat.


There are several Xianjun shots that block the spread of power. The eyes of the people looked to the center.

The tentacles in the air have disappeared, and the Zuowuhai index finger is broken, the blood keeps flowing out, and the face becomes paler.

Xu Luoxue turned to the head and looked at Feng Xiang and said: "Come on!"


Feng Xiang's figure is like a beast, and it slams into Xu Xuexue. Together with Xu Luoxue, both of them are just fierce roads, playing with the wind and the dust.

If it weren't for the glory of the immortal, I am afraid that this beautiful garden was ruined by two people.


Qin double looking at the snow, his own strength is very strong, but the Xu family's Tao is stronger, seeing the piano dizzy. In just twenty-seven strokes, Feng Xiang’s retreat and blood leaked from the corners of his mouth.


The shape of Xu Luoxue is like a wind, and he rushes toward Fengxiang.


Feng Xiang, who was too late to dodge, looked confused. He slammed a fist from his side and collided with Xu’s fist and made a loud noise. Xu Danxue's body shape, Feng Ming's body shape flew out, hit the shield placed on Xianjun, rebounded back, nose and nose spurting blood.

Qinshuang's eyelids jumped, even if Fengming was only a single spiritual root, it was his own fire, but it was also the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian, and he was vulnerable in the face of Xu Luoxue.


The space vibrated, Xu Xuexue picked up two fists and smashed toward Feng Xiang and Feng Ming. The air condensed two big hammer-like fists, smashed the layers of space, and quickly fell toward Feng Xiang and Feng Ming.

A big hand slanted in from the space, but it was the enchantress of the Yaozu, who wanted to block the double fists of Xu Xue. The palm of the hand suddenly smashed in the air, the whole body became stiff, and the cold sweat dripped from the forehead.

Xu Mo’s figure slowly came from the bluestone road in the forest, and an invisible prestige circled around the peak of the demon.

The piano doubles and the big heart jumps. The hovering breeze gives her the ultimate sense of danger. It feels like she just gives a glimpse of it and she will scatter her soul.


Xu Luoxue was in constant shape, and his fists hit the body of Feng Xiang and Feng Ming. Two people flew high and the sound of the bones shattered.

The piano doubled and fisted, and looked at Fengming with a gaze.

Feng Ming and Feng Xiang climbed up from the ground, and Feng Xiang still looked fiercely at the snow, and his eyes were unwilling to be released. Feng Ming is slightly squinting, and it is different.

"Feng Ming, is it okay?" Qin double asked in his heart, the two people shared their minds, and they did not use God to know the sound.

"Nothing!" Feng Ming said in his heart: "I still have the Vientiane you gave me."

When the piano doubles, let go of the heart, as long as Feng Ming finds a chance to take the Vientiane fruit, the injury will soon heal. His eyes swept through the snow, and there was a hint of war in his eyes.

Perceived the spirit of the piano double, Xu Xuan turned his head and looked over, saw the double, the look was slight. I don’t know why Qin double suddenly gave birth to a war, but it’s a slap in the face, looking at Feng Xiang and Zuo Wu Haidao:

"If the purpose of your coming is just to find abuse, now that the purpose has been reached, you can roll."

"Ha ha ha..."

The surrounding Terran monks made a sneer laugh. The demon and the two monks face the face.

Xu Mo has already come over and recovered the pressure. The demon king Xianjun feels a loose, his body shape is not slightly shaken, and he hopes to give birth to fear.

"I need an explanation!"

Xu Mo looked at the demon queen Xianjun peak and said faintly. Originally, he was uncomfortable with the demon and the two families. However, he now sent a gift, and claimed to represent the demon and the two to make a tribute to the ancestors, he is not willing to kill the blood at the full moon banquet of Xu Nianzu. They will not take care of the demon and the two races. As long as they are interested, they will leave after the banquet, and Xu Mo will not pay them.

However, I did not think that the demon had the courage to make trouble?

If it wasn't today, his most beloved Xu Nian's full moon banquet, he had already slapped the demon. The birth of Xu Nianzu, let him see the glory of Xu's future, so he is in a very good mood today, as long as the demon gives him a similar explanation, he does not mind letting them get out.

The demon sage is closed with a closed mouth, but everyone can feel that the space has a subtle volatility between him and Xu Mo, that is, two people are in the exchange of knowledge. Soon, the Mozu Xianjun peak also joined in. About a few dozen times, Xu Mo nodded and said:

"You can leave."

The demon monk bowed to Xu Mo, and then turned and left. At the moment of turning around, Feng Xiang and Zuo Wuhai still stared fiercely at the snow, but they exchanged a lot of snow.

"Feng Ming!" Qin double communicated Feng Ming in his heart: "Try to find out what they exchanged with Xu Mo."

"Yeah!" Feng Ming replied, following Feng Xiang's back, and walked out of the garden gate.

Everyone has resumed talking and laughing, but the content of talking and laughing has more flattery on Xu Xuexue and contempt for the demon. Qin double returned to his seat, while having a chat with Mu Chong and others, and thinking about it, what is the purpose of the demon this time?

Perhaps it is one of the purposes to test the strength of the first day of the Terran arrogance, but it is definitely not the main purpose. The things that can make Xu Mo compromise must not be simple.

"Just don't know if Fengming can detect it."

At this time, Lang Yu floated in the circle of Xu Xuexue and said something. Let Xu Tianxue and other Tianjiao look are all inconspicuous, and look at the Qinshuang inconsistently.

Qin Qin sharply perceives his gaze, and he looks at the past with a slight bias. I saw Xu Luoxue coming towards myself, followed by a dozen days of Zicheng Tianjiao.


Qin double felt some gaze and looked at it slightly. He saw Ren Pingsheng and a dozen Tianjiao also came to himself. She saw Lang Yu drifting beside Xu Xuanxue, and saw Wan Jing and others in front of Ren Pingsheng, and her heart was a bit blank. At this time, Xu Luoxue first came to the front of the Qin double, sitting on the opposite side of the piano double:

"Qin double, I heard that you started to swear by the sky?"

"After losing the Tianziyuan two thousand days of arrogance, Qindao is friendly and good, good strength!" Ren Pingsheng also came to the front of the piano, sitting down in an empty chair.

Xu Luoxue and Ren Pingsheng sat straight, although they did not release the breath, they had an invisible pressure, and they came to oppress the piano.


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