Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2178: Because I am coming

The back of the piano double left the back of the chair and slowly sat down with a gun. She has now accepted the support of Haikuotian, which is a firm academic school. Her behavior no longer represents her own, but represents Tianziyuan.

If someone else pays for you, you need to pay off.

She believes that at this time in the depths of the garden, those half-step Xian Wang will definitely pay attention to this side. Although they are small characters, they are the arrogance of the younger generation and represent the future.

"Tianzicheng Dabei is the biggest prosperity in the spiritual world. No monk is willing to miss this opportunity if he has the ability. My piano is no exception."

Xu Luoxue and Ren Pingsheng's gaze are miniature. Two people are now the seventh floor of the nine-day Xuanxian, and the two of them are not the seventh layer of the ordinary nine-day Xuanxian, but with the back of the piano pair leaving the back of the chair, the body slowly Sitting upright, they felt a bit of pressure in the hearts of both of them.

How can this be?

Their cultivation is a little higher than the piano, and they are not ordinary monks, they are the arrogance in the arrogance. It is not bad that Qinqin can hold back their pressure. How can it be that they are under pressure to both of them?

“Day Purple City Big Ratio?”

Xu Luo Xue slanted and glanced at Mu Chong, Fu Ziyue and Zhang Zining. The gaze was not underestimated, nor paid attention to it. It was like watching a very ordinary stone, just look at it at random.

This is a kind of disregard!

"I remember that there is a slogan in Tianziyuan that is important to participate?"

Deep in the garden, Haikuotian and Ding Wei’s look changed slightly, as if they didn’t pay attention to this side at all, and did not hear the conversation here. It’s just that the heart has reached the extreme.

Every time, Tianziyuan’s performance in Tianzicheng Dabi is very stable, ranking in the 35th place. After another Tianzicheng Dabi, the master who led the Tianziyuan was the same. After the defeat of the strongest college in Tianziyuan, the Taoist heart was also defeated. When it was run, he said such a sentence and was regarded as a shameful shame by Tianziyuan.

Mu Chong, Fu Ziyue and Zhang Zining's face rose red, and the eyes flashed sharply.

Xu Luoxue did not care about the eyes of Mu Chong, but looked at the piano pair and said faintly:

"Piano double, keep this important in the state of participation. Otherwise, the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, the weak mind, and the collapse."

There was a questioning color in the eyes of the piano, and I couldn’t help but turn my head and looked at Mu Chong.

Xu Luoxue is also a look at it. It seems that Qin Double does not know the words of Tian Ziyuan. However, Qin double does not know, Mu Chong knows them! This is undoubtedly in front of them, humiliating them. The body of the victorious month is slightly forward, giving a sense of oppression.

"Shu Luoxue, are we practicing?"

Xu Luoxue did not go to see the years, just looking at the piano, a smile on his lips:

"Qin double, let's first take a look at the history of Tianziyuan. You don't know too much about it. Maybe you don't want to participate in Tianzicheng when you know it."

Qin double looked back from Mu Chong's three people and looked at Xu Xuexue.

"I don't understand the history of the Big Purple City. However, the so-called history is a thing that has already passed, and there are many possibilities in the future. I hope that after the Big Purple City, the Snow Man can still be so light."

Xu Luoxue stood up!

"Qin double, you are very good. But the identity of the distraction limits your horizons, you don't know the family, and you don't know our top families.

That is a feeling of despair!

I am in Daby, waiting for you! ”

When the words fell, Xu Luoxue turned and left, Ren Pingsheng also stood up, with a gentle smile on his face like a jade, the language was sharp like a knife:

"Qindaoyou, I advise you not to participate in the Tianzicheng ratio, do not participate, you will go very far on the road. Participate, your mind will collapse, and the way has broken."


Mu Chong, Fu Suiyue and Zhang Zining all stood up, but Qin Double was a wave of hands, stopping the trend of three people violently. Looking at the back of Xu Luoxue and Ren Gaolin who had already turned away, said faintly:

"You are more stressed!"

Xu Luoxue and Ren Pingsheng's footsteps are still not ill, the face is not well, but the heart suddenly jumps, and the two of them really feel the pressure from the body of the piano. After walking in the snow, Xu Qinghong suddenly stopped his footsteps and turned to look at the piano pair.

"Pressure? Does Tianziyuan have that qualification?"

The piano double stood up slowly and condensed: "Because I am here!"

"You! Ha!"

Qing Honglou also wanted to ridicule a few words, but found that there was no one around her, because Xu Luoxue and Ren Pingsheng did not stop, and those people followed them both. At this time, the calm look of the piano double seems to be telling a truth, so that she suddenly has a language.

The garden was quiet, and the eyes of countless people looked at the piano pair. The piano double sat down slowly, as if a button was pressed, and the voice gradually became heard in the garden.

"Qin Shimei, do you really want to participate in the big ratio?" Zhang Zining looked at the piano double whisper in surprise.

"How? Zhang Shijie thinks that I can't get into the top five of Tianjiao Peak?"

Zhang Zining’s heart really does not think that Qin Shuang can break into the top five of Tianjiao Peak. Don't look at the two thousand fronts of the piano, as if they had smashed the past. However, there are still eight thousand monks on Tianjiao Peak, one stronger than one.

After all, Qin double is only the sixth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian!

The volts of the year is a pair of eyes watching the piano double: "Well, I am waiting for you to come to me."

A figure stood in front of the double piano, and the piano looked up and looked at it with a smile on his face:


"Sister Qin, my father asked you to go."


The piano is a double, I don’t know why Xu Mo is looking for her. But he quickly stood up and followed Xu Xuyin to a quiet place.

In a peach forest, Xu Mo was standing under a peach tree. Xu Luoyin brought the piano to the back of Xu Mo, and Xu Motou did not return:

"Go ahead!"

"Yes, father!" Xu Luoyin turned and left.

"I have seen the patriarch of the Xu."

When Xu Mo waved his hand, he set up a ban and wrapped two people in the middle. The piano doubles in the heart and looks at the back of Xu Mo.

"Qin double!" Xu Mo turned and stared at the piano double: "The prohibition I set up is that Xian Wang can't hear the conversation between the two of us."

Qin and a heart are tense. Does Xu Mo already know that I use the broken space to blow up the secrets of his family?

"You don't want to be nervous! I just ask you a few things."


I am very grateful to Bai Zibing (100), seaphay (100) for the reward!



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