Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1847: You don't look good...

Sure enough, the auction hadn't even started, just when the martial artist guests were seated, Ling Tian felt a few fierce gazes projected towards him.

That feeling, I really want to give him to Fa-rectification on the spot.

However, Ling Tian had been in Rushanzhai for a month, but he was not really afraid of them.

It's just about making money in secret and improving your combat power.

Therefore, when those few gazes came, he still looked back at the past without hesitation.

However, the first thing I saw was the person from Thunder Valley.

Among them were the thunderbolt who had been humiliated by Ling Tian in Shuofang City, and the yin yin young man who was a threefold earth fairy.

At that time, when Ling Tian was staying in Yunlu Xianju, these people had ridiculed them.

After that, they disappeared, but now I’m seeing you again, only to find that this group of people is still so unkind to him.

It seems that he hates Ling Tian.

However, Ling Tian didn't care about these little pleasures.

I heard that the shameless guy, named Lei Song, was also one of the original awe-inspiring seven shows, but he was originally ranked seventh. After Ling Tian became the new top spot, this guy was squeezed out.

No wonder, so hostile to Ling Tian.

Soon, after Lei Song arrived, the other awe-inspiring seven shows appeared one after the other.

Among them are Na Gu Bai and Luo Ranmei.

These two golden boys and jade girls, originally in Haoran City, were not so beautiful. They were suppressed by Ling Tian's sword like a dream a month ago, and they have not been relieved.

When he saw Ling Tian sitting in the first row, his face turned purple when he was so angry.

Of course, in addition to these three, the other four shows, all from the four generals under the city lord mansion.

Very average, there is one person in every general mansion.

However, these four young teenagers, seeing the side after Ling Tian, ​​did not have much resentment, but disdain and contempt were still inevitable.

No way, who made Ling Tian no background.

However, the two people in front of these four young generals looked at Ling Tian's eyes, but they were very unkind.

The same people are familiar.

The son of the General Zhao's Mansion, Zhao Tai, and the king of the General Wang's Mansion became famous.

Ling Tian had heard that no one of the generation of Tianjiao in the four generals' mansion disliked Murong Zining.

Of course, if anyone can marry Murong Zining, he will become the son-in-law of the City Lord's Mansion, and the interest relationship is also a very important reason.

Therefore, the two people hated Ling Tian as if they hated his wife.

This is Ling Tian hiding in Rushanzhai, otherwise he will never be assassinated once he leaves the city.

Wang Yangming and Zhao Tai were qualified to sit in the first row, so after they came in, they first came to Murong Zining to see them.

"Subordinate, meet Miss Murong."

The two handed over.

Murong Zining nodded slightly, as she saw it, she pointed to her face and smiled coquettishly: "Ling Tian, ​​what do you think of my makeup today? Does it look good!?'

Ling Tian: "???"

King Zhao Tae became famous: "???"

After a long while, Ling Tian grinned under the eyes of Zhao Tai and Wang Yangming that almost burst into flames, "It doesn't look good..."

Murong Zining: "???"

King Zhao Tae became famous: "???"

Damn Ling Tian!

The two were almost furious.

Ling Tian had occupied Miss Murong by herself for a month.

Now I dare to say that Miss Murong's makeup is not good! ?

That's already like a fairy, isn't it? ?

"Ma De, even if Wang Yangming is going out to borrow money today, I definitely want Ling Tian to be discredited at the auction!"

"Yes, Brother Wang! But, you can borrow money from me. I don't have enough money. I'm still preparing for the grand feast that day!"

Wang Yangming: "???"

The real Tianjiao arrived one after another.

The cultivation bases are all above the four layers of the Earth Immortal.

However, Lan Yunche and Zhou Ningshuang, who had a close relationship with Ling Tian, ​​did not come.

The disciples of Fuyun Jianzong sat in the first row under the leadership of Gu Wushuang.

After that, it was the arrogance of the thundering valley.

The leader, wearing a thunder light armor, is burly and powerful.

From the looks of it, it is even more rough and dark, and it is not close to the handsome.

However, the thunderous aura of that body and the nine-ringed broadsword on his back were full of evil aura, and it was shocked when people glanced at it.

"Then Gu Wushuang, you should know him, the first genius of the Gu family, but he can only be ranked third in the Fuyun Sword Sect."

Murong Zining had a black line on his face, and stopped talking to Ling Tian, ​​and Chi Sanqi was introducing Ling Tian.

She has lived in Haoran City for so many years, nothing she doesn't know.

"Oh? Just ranked third!?" This made Ling Tian a little surprised.

This Gu Wushuang was on the Tianjiao list, but he was ranked tenth.

Moreover, it is also the cultivation base of the Earth Immortal's fourth layer, although it is not as good as that of Lan Yunche, but Ling Tian originally thought he was only under the former.

"Of course, Fuyun Sword Sect is among the three immortal sects. Although it is not good at alchemy and implements, it is recognized as the strongest combat power."

"In addition to that first arrogant, there is another person named Yuan Meng, the four-fold pinnacle realm of Earth Immortal, only under Lan Yunche, this person is extraordinary, although he is ranked as the second arrogant of Fuyun, his combat power is actually It's not much worse than the chiefs of the other two immortal sects.

"However, this person has a bad temper and is not good at socializing. He is always interested in the sword. He has never been interested in such worldly things. However, when you wait for the arrogant feast that day, you should be able to see it. Very interesting Guy."

Chi Sanqi smiled.

"Oh, Yuan Meng, this name sounds like Lan Yunche, two styles."

Ling Tian pinched his chin.

"As for the guy in Thunder Valley, his name is Lei Wanchen, the second arrogant of Thunder Valley, and the second son of the Valley Lord."

"His eldest brother, who is also the chief of Thunder Valley, Lei Wanqing, is the eldest son of the owner of the valley and has a strong combat power."

Ling Tian watched that burly fellow sit down, like a thunder mountain, indeed very domineering.

However, because of the battle in Shuofang City there, Ling Tian didn't have the slightest impression of Thunder Valley.

In this thunderous valley, he will have a battle sooner or later.

Finally, Aoxue Pavilion's disciples arrived.

Also attracted the attention of all the warriors present.

No way, who is all women's martial art.

Moreover, all the disciples I visited were extremely superior in appearance and temperament.

Even wherever he goes, there is the fragrance of herbs, which makes people extremely comfortable.

Aoxue Pavilion is indeed a pill sect.

However, this time the disciple from Aoxue Pavilion was not the chief Zhou Ningshuang, but a dignified woman in a light blue dress, Ling Tian didn't know him.

"Hehe, sure enough, this time it's Zhou Yunqi, the second disciple of Aoxue Pavilion. She is Zhou Ningshuang's younger sister and the daughter of Aoxue Pavilion. She is still pretty good, much better than her sister!"

Chi Sanqi stuck out his tongue and said.

"What, daughter of Pavilion Master Aoxue, who is their father?"

Ling Tian asked suddenly.

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