Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1848: Flying Sword Fairy Treasure

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to gossip like that too." Zhao Min squeezed Ling Tian's big hand and smiled: "You'd better not talk about this in front of the Aoxue Pavilion disciple."

"Because no one knows who their father is. Aoxue Pavilion had disappeared twenty years ago. After returning, they gave birth to these two daughters. Pavilion Master Xue is another strong man with an extremely weird temperament. Because of this incident, she has already killed a lot of people."

Ling Tian shrugged after hearing this.

"People in the city really know how to play, and they bring this kind of thing."

Ling Tian murmured, and did not ask any more.

At this time, all the Tianjiao of Haoran City were almost here.

The huge auction hall was full of seats.

But the chief disciples of the three great immortals were very tacit, and none of them showed up.

"Hehe, it seems that they are very concerned about the banquet of Tianjiao."

Zhao Min suddenly smiled and said: "It doesn't even look like the Tianyi auction will come. It will take two months to retreat and practice hard, and only wait for the arrogant feast to arrive that day!"

"Well, not only the chief disciple of the three great immortal sects, but also the strongest of the four generals, the Zhang family and the Cao family, did not come."

"They are determined, they want to show off their demeanor at the feast of Tianjiao."

Ling Tian suddenly raised his eyebrows, "I heard that I want to go to the Central Region only through Haoran City's teleportation formation. Is that related to this Tianjiao feast!?"

Chi Sanqi shook his head, saying that he didn't know, but he pointed to Murong Zining, who was holding his arms on the other side of Ling Tian, ​​who seemed to be angry.

The meaning is very clear.

The eldest lady of Murong's family knows everything.


Ling Tian stunned Murong, but the latter stood still.

"Ahem, that, Murong, there seems to be something on your face."

Murong Zining's expression changed, touched his own face, and said in amazement, "What's there?"


Murong Zining, Chi Sanqi, Zhao Min, brother and sister Ouyang: "???"


Murong snorted coldly, but still said lightly: "It is necessary to pass through Haoran City's teleportation formation."

"Except for the people in the City Lord's Mansion, outsiders who want to use this large formation must be approved, generally those designated by the three major immortal sects are eligible."

"Basically, every year the three major immortals and the city lord's mansion will hold a Tianjiao competition, and the top fifty will all get a teleportation qualification to the middle domain."

"But the location of the teleportation is random. Only when you get the top ten can you teleport to the vicinity of the holy city."

Ling Tian nodded, this was similar to what he thought, "Other than that, is there any other way?"

"Yes, that's crossing, but the journey is extremely long and difficult and dangerous. Even if it goes smoothly, there is no three to five years, but I don’t think about Zhongyu. This is also the way many caravans choose. They have maps in their hands. After all, the cost of transmitting such a long-distance array is too high."

"Why, do you want to go to Zhongyu?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, "Of course."

"Hehe, okay, very good, then you can perform well at the banquet of Tianjiao. I heard that there will be people coming from the Holy City this time. You are going to select some outstanding disciples in Xijiang and train them specifically."

Murong Zining smiled.

"Oh, that doesn't matter, I just want to go to Zhongyu. As for the so-called training, I don't like it." Ling Tian turned around and stopped asking.

Murong Zining also shook his head, and did not continue to explain to Ling Tian.

The person selected by the holy city is what many warriors dream of.

In the Middle Territory, the gap between genius and genius will be even more terrifying. Without the cultivation of the holy city, it will soon be eliminated.

Of course, she didn't need to talk to Ling Tian now.


Suddenly, the entire hall suddenly became dark, and immediately followed by a muffled sound, a brilliance shot directly on the high platform in front of the hall.

And there suddenly appeared a middle-aged warrior.

A plain white shirt, standing with his hands behind.

The gray hair is tied behind his head, it looks very free and easy.

However, when Ling Tian saw this person, his pupils shrank.

The nine peaks of the earth immortal!

Just a little bit worse, you can be inferior to the Heavenly Immortal Realm and become a giant in this western Xinjiang.

And these powerful men are just here to preside over the auction.

It can be seen that Tianyi Auction House is indeed a success.

"Haha, I'm still the chief auctioneer of Tianyi Commercial Bank, Lin Tianxiao. This auction will still be hosted by me. Let's talk less about it. It is because this auction has brought a lot of good things to everyone. Eye-opener, it won't come in vain!"

On the auction stage, Lin Tian laughed and haha, and then he thought about it and flipped his hand.

The next moment, a ray of light manifested in his palm, slowly flying.

It was a small sword that was only three inches long.

"The first auction item, a magic weapon of the Fourth Grade Flying Sword of the Earth Immortal, is named Yinfeng!"

"As everyone knows, the Flying Sword Thunder Immortal Treasure is extremely rare. It not only has a tyrannical attack, but also allows the sword to repair the imperial sword, and the speed is far faster than other flying fairy!"

"This treasure is the work of opening the door, from the hands of everyone in the middle field!"

Lin Tianxiao turned his fingers, that delicate little sword skyrocketed to more than ten feet, blooming with a faint cyan sharp edge. Although it didn't look very dazzling, the sharp edge hidden in the air was fully exposed.

As soon as this Feijian Immortal Treasure came out, it attracted a lot of martial artists to exclaim.

Especially Jian Xiu, his eyes were fierce.

Feijian is the treasure that every sword repairer dreams of.

And only with kendo powers above the Jinxian can one refining the sword of one's life into the body, thus becoming a flying sword that can be changed in size at will.

It is also very demanding to become a sword weapon for flying swords.

It must be at the top of the Celestial Immortal Sword to become a flying sword.

But the human craftsman invented the fairy treasure flying sword method, which is to refine the fairy treasure in the form of the flying sword, and it can also be incorporated into the martial artist.

Although the attack and flight speed are far inferior to the natal Flying Sword, the available threshold is extremely low, and the Earth Immortal Warrior can use it.

The sword sect disciples like Chen Yiran, whom Ling Tian had met in Shuofang City before, used this kind of flying sword fairy treasure.

Now that Lin Tianxiao took out from his hand, the rank reached Dixian Fourth, it was already an extremely good Flying Sword Immortal Treasure.

Even among the Sword Sect Tianjiao, it is extremely rare.

Its price is even higher than the Fourth Grade Fairy Sword!

When Ling Tian saw it, he couldn't help taking a breath.

The secret way of the Tianyi auction is really not small, and the Fairy Four Flying Sword Fairy Treasure of the Four Immortals is here to open!

Sure enough, after the flying sword was put away by Lin Tianxiao, the warriors in the field made a big uproar.

Especially those sword repairers, already eagerly eager.

Even Gu Wushuang looked like he was determined to win.

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