Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1849: Tianshen Grass

"So good, the four flying swords and treasures of the earth fairy, hidden wind, start shooting directly, the starting price is half a million immortal stones!" Lin Tianxiao closed the sword, and said in a calm tone.

The starting price was 500,000 immortal stones, and this price was enough to buy a fairy sword from Dixian Si.

But having said that, those above the 4th rank of Earth Immortal, let alone flying swords, even ordinary immortal soldiers are valuable and non-marketable existences.

Basically, as soon as it appears, it will be taken away by the big forces.

After all, the Four Heavenly Immortals are now the top arrogant of Haoran City’s generation.

However, even so expensive, just after Lin Tian's jokes fell, the voices of asking prices rose and fell one after another.

"Five hundred and fifty thousand."

"Hehe, I want to buy a flying sword for five hundred and fifty thousand!? Don't be ashamed, seven hundred thousand!"

"Huh, seven hundred thousand is so much? I'm eight hundred thousand!"

Ling Tian watched the gradually rising and falling voices in the auction house, his expression still calm, and Ling Tian had already met in the lower realm for the flying of the sword.

It's just that the flying speed of Taishang's swordsmanship gradually lags behind Xiaoqing, and Ling Tian is rarely used.

Besides, he has the Qingxu Cauldron in his hand, and he has no plans to change the Immortal Treasure yet.

However, Chi Sanqi behind him seemed a little excited.

"What's wrong, you want this flying sword? If you like it, then take it. Anyway, you have money in your hands."

Ling Tian smiled sideways.

"Well, I really like it."

Chi Sanqi nodded.

She has the mantle handed down from his father in her hand, so there is no shortage of weapons and armor techniques.

But there is no such flying sword.

In the past, every time I saw that Jianzong disciple walk with Yujian, Chi Sanqi was envious in his heart.

Soon, this flying sword was carried to the sky-high price of one million immortal stones.

This is already the price limit of the four fairy soldiers, even if it is the Flying Sword Immortal Treasure, it is worth considering whether it is worth it or not.

Also, one million celestial stones is indeed not a small number.

The Tianjiao present are generally young generations, and most of the immortal stones in their hands are supplied by the family.

There is not much, and this flying sword is still the first lot. Who knows if there is a better one later?

Therefore, there are only a few people left who bid, and they are all well-known families and sect disciples in Haoran City.


Suddenly, a soft drink sounded.

The scene suddenly fell silent.

He directly lifted half a million, which is not a small tone.

However, when everyone looked at it and found that the bidder was Gu Wushuang, it became clear in their hearts.

The Gu family's strength in Fuyun Jianzong is not small.

This financial strength is still available.

As soon as one shot, the warriors of the other sect families stopped talking very wittily.

"Hehe, Gu Wushuang, he has fallen to the point where he still has to fight for the Four Flying Swords in this place." Lei Wanchen from Thunder Valley sneered, disdainfully.

As a swordsman, it is natural hostility and disdain for swords.

The sword battle between Fuyun Sword Sect and Thunder Valley has been around for a thousand years.

Gu Wushuang is bound to win, 1.5 million yuan, the highest price he can offer, in his opinion, no one will bid higher than him.

"Two million!"

However, a voice almost followed his voice, causing Gu Wushuang's face to change drastically in an instant.

Two million, who is crazy! ?

He suddenly turned around and looked over, only to find that the person who bid was turned out to be Chi Sanqi behind Ling Tian! ?

Where did she get so much money?

"Brother, Rushanzhai made a lot of money recently because of that sword like a dream. It is conservatively estimated that there are thousands of immortal stones!"

Behind Gu Wushuang, a disciple of Jianzong said.


"Really, because, because our disciples in the sect go to the most, the tickets for each one thousand immortal stones!"

The disciple replied.


Gu Wushuang slammed a fist on the armrest of the big chair.

Unexpectedly, a broken song could make them so much money!

Thousands of immortal stones, even if it is him, he can't get it out now!

This is a fart! ?

No way, even though Gu Wushuang who learned of the information was unwilling to do so, he gave up directly.

Chi Sanqi's shot, and Gu Wushuang's withdrawal, surprised many warriors.

Lei Wanchen laughed even more, and said loudly: "Gu Wushuang, you are still a disciple of Jianzong, so soon!?"

"You can't fight even a woman? You really give you Jianzong a long face!"

"Huh!" Gu Wushuang's face blushed, but he didn't answer, but he turned around and found a disciple, and said in a low voice, "Look back at home and let my father send me the immortal stone!"

"How much do you want, brother!?"

"Twenty million immortal stones!"

"Today, I will play with them!"

Gu Wushuang gritted his teeth.

With this breath, he has been holding back a month ago, and now he will never allow himself to be insulted by Ling Tian's group of people again!

Not only Gu Wushuang, but the crowd of Tianjiao present who saw Chi Sanqi's wealth, also inquired about Ru Shanzhai's money collection this month, and immediately sent people back to the family to withdraw money.

Otherwise, don't want to find a good baby today.

However, all this is just the beginning.

After Feijian, the lots were brought up one by one. Although the armor, weapons, techniques, and medicine were not as popular as Feijian, they were all rare treasures on the market.

However, what surprised everyone at the scene most was that Ling Tian's group of people who successfully photographed the most lots.

Although Ling Tian didn't take the shot personally, Zhao Min, Chi Sanqi, sisters Ouyang, and even Murong Zining, behind him, all photographed a lot of treasures.

The total value of these treasures exceeds 20 million immortal stones!

Such wealth and wealth is once again shocking.

"Hehe, you can just squander vigorously. You look like a villain, but it's just over 20 million. Now I am afraid that your money has been spent almost!?’

"I will see the real baby come out for a while, what are you fighting for!"

Gu Wushuang had already received the immortal stone sent from Gu's house.

Can't help but sneer at this moment.

And Wang Yangming had never taken a shot, he was waiting for Ling Tian.

From the beginning of the auction to the present, Ling Tian has never offered a price.

It looks like it's totally disinterested in these lots.

Even, it has passed drowsy.

"The next thing that will be auctioned is a rather peculiar medicinal material, Tianpin medicinal material, Rongling Tianhen grass!"

Suddenly, Lin Tianxiao's voice on the stage suddenly became too high, and said with a smile.

However, this sentence is like a tsunami.

All the warriors on the scene uttered bursts of surprise.

There is no other reason.

Tianpinxian-level medicinal materials! ?

how can that be! ?

At these auctions, you can see things of the Celestial Grade! ?

Those are the existence of the gods, and the existence that can only be played!

It seems that it has been a hundred years, and it hasn't appeared in Tianyi Auction House. It's a Tianpinxian-level medicinal material.

This has to be shocking.

Among them, Ling Tian is included!

Almost at the moment when he heard the herbal medicine, Ling Tian's eyes suddenly opened.

No more sleepiness.

Because this Rongling Tianhen grass is the last main medicine of that Yunxia Rongling Pill!

As long as he gets it, Ling Tian can try to refine Rong Ling Pill to improve Zhao Min's physique!

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