The Death Knell

Chapter 4327 Alternative Sacrifice to Heaven

What is a hero?

There are many answers, and in the eyes of different people, there are different heroes.

This criterion is very rigid, but without exception, people who can be called heroes have done some deeds that deeply touched others.

Ordinary people can't do it because these things are often irrational and go against personal interests. If others can do it, they will be admired from the bottom of their hearts.

Wally is a classic superhero. Although he has made mistakes and been confused, he can always stand up at critical moments.

With the blessing of the Speed ​​Force, the world around him slowed down. Most people's movements seemed to be still. Crystal droplets were suspended in the air. His powerful teammates also slowed down and became as slow as a movie screen. action.

Shazam hid the game console behind his back with a face full of fear, probably because he was afraid that the machine would get flooded; Donna jumped out of the window with Yuan Qi, and at some point she had already held a shield in her hand to resist the urine; and the strange muscles The man was very anxious. He seemed to be unable to remember which muscles could help him avoid water.

And when he saw Deathstroke also holding up his eye-opening gun as a cover, covering his face and quickly retreating, Wally understood.

"I'm Wally West and I'm the Flash!


He strengthened his belief as a superhero, and made a major decision in his life in a flash of lightning!

Once again, he used his remaining strength and pressed on the chief's body regardless of his own safety, using his body to block the crazy spray of liquid.

His chest was instantly soaked with warm smoothness. He knew what it was without touching it with his hands, but before closing his eyes, his heart was peaceful because he knew that with his sacrifice, his friends would All safe

Thinking like this, he felt that his soul gradually became lighter. Suddenly, he seemed to see a woman wearing a black dress appearing next to him, stretching out her small white hands to him.

"Is it death? It seems like this is the end of my runway. Obviously, there are still many things I want to do."

He felt a little regretful in his heart, but he still reached out and held the other person's hand, as if driven by an invisible force, because no one can refuse a warm smile, and no one can refuse an extended hand of kindness.

This hand was not cold, and it was different from the feeling of death in his impression. Wally only felt as if he was back in his mother's arms, and everything became warm.

However, these beautiful illusions were broken by demonic voices.

"It's not death, this is pretty polly. I know what you're thinking." The death knell let the strangulating tentacles wrap around the golden pan, quickly stretched out and knocked out the controlled chief, and spoke to Wo from a distance. Lee shouted: "But how can any superhero be killed by urine?! Don't be so pessimistic, go home and take a shower."

Beautiful Polly is Kay's other personality. She wears a black dress and a black parasol from the Victorian era.

At first glance, it does look a bit like death, but she is missing one eye. The blind eye has a black eyepatch with a white x symbol painted on it.

She doesn't have any useful superpowers, at least not visible at ordinary times. Among the many personalities, she belongs to the harmless category, but sometimes she has a young lady temper. …

"Uh, oh." Wally looked down at the unconscious chief. The water flow was much smaller, and there seemed to be only endless dripping. Then he got up from the carpet that was dyed yellow: "The smell of ammonia It was too heavy, I seemed to have some hallucinations just now, I thought I was going to die, my God."

Fortunately, the fish tank helmet given by Deathstroke worked quite well. Although it was a special piece of equipment that only filtered out toxic elements but not odors, at least he didn't get any water on his face.

"I understand, brother, I understand you, orangutan." ** nodded repeatedly. He smoked desperately to cover up the smell: "Back then, I was locked in the same cage with a group of alpacas. I know how you feel, their saliva is a hundred times more stinky than human urine, and now that I think about it, I feel sick!"

"Go take a shower quickly, be careful of getting pickled!"

Outside the window, Donna held up a shield and revealed a head. As a former Titan teammate, she was always very direct when speaking to Wally.

Wally also knew that his situation was not suitable for him to say anything more. Seeing the obviously darker area on his chest spreading rapidly, he immediately took a starting position:

"It may take me a little longer and I need to find someone to do a full disinfection."

After saying that, he disappeared with the light of lightning. Unlike Barry, he didn't seem to be so strict about time, at least he would enjoy some extra benefits.

Well, who knows what kind of disease the chief is suffering from, it would be better if the disinfection is more prudent.

This time the chief was knocked unconscious and became honest again. The chief covered his nose and leaned over to check carefully, while Su Ming looked at the woman in black skirt beside him:

"Polly, can you please call the Holy Mother? I need her help."

"Please forgive me for refusing, sir. Our time is very limited. I have no reason to give it to her. Your request is a bit unreasonable." The woman obviously had no intention of going back immediately. She wandered around the room holding an umbrella, and even He looked curiously at Donna, who had just turned back from the window and was relatively scantily clad.

Facing the rejection of the current personality, Su Ming had already expected it. After all, countless personalities share the same body, and this time contradiction must exist objectively.

Except for Kai, the apparent main personality, who occupies 10 hours a day during the day, the rest of the time is shared by all personalities. In order to avoid the emergence of overly powerful personalities that cause damage to the level of reality, generally the personalities that appear are of similar levels. So the permissions they have are similar.

The Holy Mother has a very strong personality. She is like God's mother in the online world. But without the advantage of the digital network, she has no particularly obvious advantages compared to other personalities.

If Su Ming wanted to let Polly, a girl who had just come out to breathe, go back, she must give her some tangible benefits.

As for what Pretty Polly likes? He knew everything.

The setting of this personality is that of a British minor aristocratic woman in the early 19th century. It is one of the personalities that Kay imagined when she was raped by a priest when she was a child. It represents the idea of ​​a court lady who uses her charm and body to dominate men.

‘Men can use violence to take away my virginity and marriage, but I will also use these weapons of women to manipulate men, while my pure love is reserved for others. ’…

It is probably the traditional European and American court gameplay, similar to the guiding ideology of how a beautiful girl becomes a queen surrounded by wolves, but her blind eye represents the limitations of this idea.

The court ladies of that era, whether they lived in England or France, were all the same. They lived a very realistic life and could use their bodies to exchange benefits for themselves or their families, but they still had a fairy-tale dream in their hearts and wanted to meet a real woman. Prince, so that he can escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

To put it simply, you just need to let her feel the taste of this dream, and use the beauty trick to make her feel shy and take the initiative to retreat.

In the past, women in the old days were always a little thinner-skinned than today. Just control the scale of speaking and contact, and just treat her as if she was invited to act in a musical.

"I took the liberty. Such a beautiful lady, as an apology, can I ask you to dance?" The armor on Deathstroke instantly changed, replaced by a set of high-end tuxedo. The strangulation also secreted a wax-like substance, using Two small tentacles wiped the host's back.

Now let's look at what Li Zizi looks like in "Titanic". The host is more handsome and charming than him.

Beautiful Polly covered the lower half of her face with a small fan, fanning her quickly and slightly, but her big eyes looked at the chief on the ground and the large wet carpet that was stained yellow, as if she was hinting at something.


Su Ming understood instantly. As a gentleman, of course there are many things that a lady does not need to say.

With an order, Strangler threw the unconscious Chief to Shazam and asked him to carry it aside to keep him out of the way. At the same time, his tentacles rolled up the carpet to use as a rag, took out the detergent and wiped the floor, and then threw the carpet out of the window. , followed by throwing an incendiary bomb.


There was a flash of fire, and the screams of mechas seemed to be heard in the courtyard outside the window, but it didn't matter because the lady had already stretched out her hand with satisfaction.

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