The Death Knell

Chapter 4328 Unexpected

Some people may ask, just clean it up like a ghost in the lake, and the lady is satisfied?

But don’t forget the setting of the character of Beautiful Polly. She was a British girl in the early 19th century. Everyone on earth knew what London was like at that time, even though it was not the 16th century kind where you would see excrement pouring from the buildings when you walked on the street. In the era of sudden death from the sky, most people still like to empty the toilet by the Thames.

But buying a toilet costs money, and not everyone has enough money to pay the people who drive carriages through the streets in the morning to collect night fragrance. So what will happen to the inventory in the stomachs of the poor?

First of all, it is known that there were no sewers in London at that time; secondly, think about why the profession of shoe polishing was first born in England?

Even the capital of a country has such a sanitary condition, and Polly's personality naturally has the characteristics of that era. As long as there are no visible feces, which makes it really unsuitable for a lady to touch, she can actually cope with many unhygienic conditions. .

Absolute mysophobia couldn't survive in that era, which was why she was able to reach out and pull the Flash without any problem just now. Even though she was petite, cute, soft and frail, and looked like a wealthy daughter, she was very resistant to shit and piss. Sex is really high.

"Adjutant, launch the space bubble, arrange the multi-dimensional projection system, and play the song list of "Southern Rose Waltz"."

Su Ming issued another series of orders, and a small drone immediately flew in from the window, executing the order on behalf of the adjutant.

The two technologies mentioned are both derived from the facilities at TVA headquarters. The former is a technology that controls the flow of time by constructing a separate pocket space as a partition; the latter was used by Kang and brought Technology that realizes a completely realistic holographic space.

After the adjutant became a human, her emotional intelligence also increased a lot, and she seemed to understand the hearts of girls very well.

"Set up, start up, complete."

After completing the preliminary arrangements, the originally messy study environment instantly changed into a splendid palace interior. If Polly had ever been there, she should be able to recognize it as the famous Versailles Palace Mirror. hall.

At this time, the Hall of Mirrors was filled with well-dressed nobles, and the atmosphere was warm and crowded.

But there were only two people on the smooth and beautiful wooden floor dance floor. The eyes of many nobles around them fell on them, and they also gave them warm applause, as if they were waiting to appreciate their superb dancing skills.

I don’t know if it’s because the Hall of Mirrors is too high-end, or if I’ve never danced in front of so many people. When the crowd gradually quieted down and the prelude of the music started, Polly’s face turned red instantly, but in the bright light Under the crystal chandelier, her whole body felt hot, and she really couldn't resist the man's outstretched hand.

When I saw Deathstroke before, he always looked like a warrior wearing heavy armor, but I didn't expect that he would be so handsome after dressing up a little.

She put her hand on the other person, then raised her skirt and saluted, and then she gradually got lost in the man's strong arms.

As for whether the death knell can dance? That was never a problem; he started out in the brewing business and ran Prohibition-era bars like the Peace Hotel. …

In that era, the definition of a pure man was also very simple, that is, he could drink a bucket or two without getting drunk, he could dance three or four steps, and he could kill five or six people without getting tired.

Su Ming spent a long time at the original base of the bar. He even learned to play the piano, let alone dance.

With Deathstroke's powerful body control, dancing is much easier than martial arts. If he didn't have a few brushes, how could he later teach an apprentice like Dancing Star Lord?

Besides, the waltz is actually the simplest. It’s a bit complicated to form a group and exchange partners, but if it’s two people dancing, it’s just a simple matter of holding their partners and spinning around the field.

Song after song, the girl's eyes became hazy. Listening to the death knell praising her beauty in her ears, the smile never faded from her face.

But something seemed to be wrong with the adjutant, and she began to recuperate. The Hall of Mirrors seemed not to be enough as a dance floor, so she spontaneously changed the venue for the deputy after three songs.

This time the two came to a fantasy forest, with soft and dense grass under their feet. Colorful lights shone from the flowers everywhere, and the audience also changed into cute unicorns, birds, and rabbits. creature.

The little fairy stayed in the sky, and the elves with pointed ears played musical instruments on the trees. Even Deathstroke's tuxedo was replaced by a projection, and he got a luxurious robe in the style of the Middle-earth elves. She also gave the Sheriff a head A gorgeous crown full of natural beauty is added to it.

Maybe it was because the light and shadow effects were too gorgeous, or maybe the current scene fit the fairy tale world in the girl's mind. She seemed to have lost strength in her arms and was completely leaning on her dance partner's arms.

After dancing to the song, the adjutant became addicted to causing trouble. She immediately changed the venue again. This time it was a realistic genre. The stage was replaced by the top of the Sphinx, and the surrounding audience was replaced by Egypt. Mina Yin, the king of all dynasties.

To be honest, a group of Mu Nayin lifted the lid of the coffin and suddenly sat up to applaud the two of them. The scene was a bit scary, but for the girl, she felt that this was an adventure mentioned in a knight's novel, and she felt unprecedented. The stimulation caused me to get closer.

On the arm of the colossus of the Origin Wall, in the huge world canopy, the broken top of the Dark Tower, the burning port of Stormwind City, and the underground of the hive where the virus leaked

The adjutant fully displayed his imagination as if he had seized the opportunity, changing the stage for the two of them to places that Polly had never been to, and the designed audience became more and more outrageous. When he saw the licker and g3 William After being used as an applause group, Su Ming still couldn't help it.


He conveyed silent orders through strangulation, urging the adjutant to act more decently. What was he doing? Did Harley teach her something again?

The ever-loyal adjutant was naturally obedient. She stopped her prank and changed the stage to a Milky Way, so that the two of them could rotate in space to the music, and the audience was replaced by twinkling stars. .

The magnificent light of the universe shone on their faces. Polly raised her head, but her eyes became firm, as if she had made some determination.

Su Ming immediately felt something bad, as if she had gone too far. She originally just wanted to use the shyness of a girl to force Polly away and replace the Virgin, but the diverse scenes made her ignore her shy emotions. Instead, because of these novelty The scene was deeply attracted.

Once the shyness passed, only curiosity and desire remained.

But just when Su Ming was about to say something to explain, Polly took the initiative to distance herself and put the fan into Deathstroke's hand:

"It's time for me to go back. I had a great time tonight, sir."

After saying that, her head hung down, and another personality came online instantly. It was the Virgin who was dressed like an angel oil painting and holding a laptop in her arms. At this time, the mature woman had a narrow smile on her face:

"You're really good, Deathstroke. We haven't seen each other for half a month, are you finally going to attack us? Do you want to ask me to dance too?"

While making noises, she rubbed the man's arm and made a strange laugh.

"Adjutant, come out here."

Speechless, Su Ming turned Strangler back into armor, stuffed the fan into his pocket, and prepared to settle the score with the culprit.

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