The Death Knell

Chapter 4329 Intelligence closed loop?


The adjutant withdrew his magical power, and everyone returned to the main dimension, standing in the study room where the smell of urine still lingered.

Under the slightly dim light, there was the sound of firewood crackling in the fireplace. The silver-haired girl did not dare to look at the Sheriff's face. Instead, she looked at the ceiling with her eyes wandering, pouting and planning to whistle a tune.

But she had no experience in whistling, so she only made a whistling sound from her little mouth.

"Don't think about being cute. Tell me honestly. Who taught you bad things?" Su Ming grabbed her face and forced her to face him: "Is it Harley? She gave you psychological counseling? "

Seeing that he couldn't get through, the adjutant immediately turned into a liquid state, and reformed again after breaking away from the restraint:

"It has nothing to do with Miss Quinn. It is an order issued by Gin with the authority of the hostess. She wants me to help Sheriff you attract more favors of the opposite sex when certain trigger conditions are met, including but not limited to humans."

"She got sick again. What did she and Xiao Dai communicate with this time?"

Su Ming was speechless when he learned the reason. He knew that Ginjiu had always regarded herself as the mistress of the family, and had never given up on helping him find more women, because this was the custom of the Immortal Palace. In her simple traditional concepts, there was A capable man should have more women.

Sounds like a herd.

The adjutant spread her hands, she smiled and nodded to the Holy Mother, while secretly scanning the latter's body data:

"I don't know. Gin is a master of illusion magic not much worse than Loki. It's hard for me to peek into the things she wants to keep secret. But I'm very sure that it happened when she and Diana were taking a bath together. What negotiations took place, because I would not be monitoring during that time.”

"Okay, let's not worry about it now that it has happened, but next time if she gives you any orders over my shoulder, be sure to let me know."

Su Ming noticed that the Virgin was watching the fun, her eyes turning into those of a melon-eating crowd. He decided not to gossip here, but to add some logical rules to the adjutant's behavior.

"But you said before that external affairs are your responsibility, and internal affairs are managed by Gin, and you won't interfere. Then, she should be responsible for the affairs of the Sheriff's family. You want to deprive her of her authority. ?"

The deputy could do it, but she still gave a reminder, hoping that the chief would consider it carefully.

"No, no need. You're right. Gin is different. Just pretend I never said anything about it." Su Ming waved his hand, indicating that the adjutant could leave. Next, he had to study this thing he obtained from the enemy. In order to avoid the risk of electronic intrusion, it was better to let her leave: "Bobo, bring the phone and give it to Our Lady to study it."

The orangutan was still squatting aside to study the unconscious Chief with Shazam. The big silly boy was really obedient. Deathstroke said he was just casually saying that he was carrying the Chief, but he really used one hand to lift him in the air, like A piece of old bacon hanging.

But because he disliked the other party having urine on his body, the strong boy still raised his orchid fingers and pinched only a little bit of skin on the back of the chief's neck.

Because of the use of time and space bubble technology, Deathstroke danced with Polly for an hour in a separate pocket space. Only a few minutes had passed outside, but it would not have caused the chief's skin to become necrotic.

The orangutan took out his cell phone from his suit and threw it to Deathstroke, while smoking his pipe and saying:

"I have made some discoveries, and I probably understand why the chief has become like this, but I will talk about it later. You should finish the main task first."

As expected of a detective, as long as he was given enough time, he would always find something on the victim. The orangutan called others to help him, tied the chief with a rope, and then found the wheelchair.

Everyone in the patrol team was busy with their work. Only Donna was leaning against the window sill in deep thought. She seemed to have heard some secrets just now. The key was Gin.

Catching the mobile phone flying in mid-air, Su Ming placed it in front of the still smiling Virgin:

"Don't just watch the fun, come and help me research the phone. First, restore the text message mailbox, and then, preferably, track the location where the text message was sent."

"It's such a simple little job, why don't you let your AI do it? There's no need to look for me." Our Lady took the phone. Even without the battery, she could light up the screen and scroll through it casually: "You are very Weird, tell me from the beginning, I still have time anyway."

As she said that, she pulled Deathstroke to find a sofa, and after judging that there was no urine on it, they sat down together.

Since you are looking for help from others, of course you must meet their requirements.

So Su Ming briefly talked about what he could tell, which meant that Deli got help from a man named "my lord" and tried to replace himself.

"My lord, that sounds like a hacker codename."

Not paying attention to the possible existence of electronic information viruses, Our Lady directly plugged the phone into her laptop and started typing quickly.

Her hands were still so small, but visually it looked like hundreds of fingers had grown on each palm. The characters on the screen spread out like a waterfall, and the phone suddenly made a squeaking line overload sound.

"I can't tell, anything is possible. I even suspect there is a fake God." Su Ming lit a cigarette and took out a bottle of drink to prepare for Our Lady.

She was not polite, drinking water and typing on the keyboard, and replied with a smile:

"How about I leave for a while and replace you with Seraph among the sisters, and you can ask her? But I don't think it is possible. An existence like God cannot be replaced so easily."

"Forget it, your angel personality is a fictitious black angel. It is Miranda's fantasy of bloodthirsty justice that kills the priest. If she comes out, we might have a fight first. I'm busy now and don't want to waste it. Physical strength is there.”

"Well, there really is a hidden digital virus. It's not the same as the one that controlled Cyborg last time, and it's not the model of Apokolips." The Virgin suddenly laughed. She adjusted the display screen of her laptop and showed it to Deathstroke: " It’s nothing to me, but it’s the right choice for you not to let your AI come into contact with it. This is a killer specially designed for highly intelligent AI, and the designer is very talented.”

But Su Ming squinted his eyes because he saw nothing else on the screen. The answer decoded by the Holy Mother was a sign, a symbol, a symbol that would never be mistaken for a traveler.

That's a huge red eye, which is the symbol of Brother Eye, Batman's AI system.

"Tsk, what kind of trick is this? Is it to provoke confrontation between me and the bat? Or is there another plan?" He did not rush to make a judgment, and decided to take another look: "Beauty, put aside the virus for now, have you restored your SMS mailbox? ?”

"Yes, here." She handed the mobile phone plugged in to Deathstroke, and the text message box had been restored.

When I opened it, I found that the information inside was exactly what Deli had confessed, and the sender marked L had indeed communicated with him as described.

"Then where is the location where these messages are sent?" Su Ming took out the cigarette, lit it and took a puff.

The Holy Mother, who had finished her work, was already ready. She moved her fingers and leaned on the sofa, showing off the charm of a mature woman lazily. She also reached for a cigarette, holding it in her mouth gracefully and leaning her head towards it. , let the death knell light it for her:

"The sending base station is in Bludhaven."

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