The Death Knell

Chapter 4330 Not Gotham

"It's not Gotham?"

This is an answer that is beyond Su Ming's expectation, because Bludhaven has almost no sense of existence in these years, let alone any stories related to it.

When Nightwing and Batman were separated, there was a scene in this small town. To put it simply, the reason was that Nightwing disliked Bat and had to control him in everything. He had no freedom at all and felt suffocated.

He felt that he was already 20 years old and could be considered a third-year student. He was still being shrouded in the dark shadow of Big Daddy. He felt aggrieved, so he decided to break up the gang and go to Bluhaven, 140 kilometers away from the southern suburbs of Gotham. , I want to start a career of my own.

The quarrel was quite tense at the time. Nightwing expressed something like, 'Even if he starved to death in Blüdhaven and jumped from the tallest building in that small town, he would never be able to return to Gotham and eat Batman's meal.' mean.

He opened a cake shop there as a cover, and invited Barbara and others to accompany him. After all, young people all want to make a name for themselves.

The results of it? As soon as the Infinite Crisis incident happened, if the Justice League hadn't taken action, all of these people would have been trapped in Blüdhaven.

The incident in Infinite Crisis happened long before Deathstroke crossed over. During that battle, Luther detonated a new concept nuclear bomb called 'chemo' in Blüdhaven. A giant living radioactive contaminant, its explosion caused the city to be filled with radiation and turned into a large pit with green slurry.

In the end, Nightwing was forced to follow the True Fragrance Law and returned to Gotham.

The Flashpoint incident, which occurred a few years after Infinite Crisis, restarted the multiverse and at the same time brought Blüdhaven back a little bit. Although there was still radiation left, it was at least habitable.

But that city has become too dull. There are no decent superheroes, and there are no particularly big-name super criminals. They are all small and small, just like a third-tier city that does not deserve to have stories.

It is geographically sandwiched between the three largest cities in New Jersey. Nearby New York, Gotham, and Atlantic City are all more attractive than it, so it cannot retain 'talent' at all.

After all, if you have a good skill, why not try your luck in Gotham and make a lot of money?

"Why does it have to be Gotham?"

The Holy Mother was a little puzzled. She leaned back on the sofa with a cigarette in her mouth. It was a rare occasion that she came out to feel the temperature of the main dimension.

"Gotham is a destined cesspool, a shelter for all the darkness in the DC universe. It exists to attract big events to happen there." Su Ming explained his point of view to the woman. He sighed and held it between his fingers. The smoke swung around a few times: "Rather than letting evil spread everywhere, it's better to find another madman to look after the madmen."

"I see, I asked why the military hasn't used nuclear bombs to blow up Gotham yet. How many crises have erupted from there." The Holy Mother understood. She gained new knowledge from Deathstroke and felt in a good mood.

As a genius computer hacker, her abilities in other areas are not outstanding, but everyone is curious.

The information you possess must be put to use, whether it is to enrich yourself or not.

"Oh, the military has thought about this more than once, but the fat black woman from the Sky Eye Society is not a fool. That woman knows some of the truth about the world." Su Ming did not go into more depth on this topic, but handed a bottle to the Holy Mother. Liquor, said: "You helped me this time, what do you want as reward?"

This is Su Ming's style. When he helps others, he must reap the benefits; and when others help him, he must pay them the remuneration they deserve.

He didn't like the vigilante style because it was too unstable.

In his opinion, people who become heroes only because of their righteousness or kindness may become evil at any time because of some 'misunderstandings' or 'frustrations'.

Suppose a person always uses his superpowers to do good things, but people never understand him, and the government wants to arrest him for anatomy experiments. In this case, how many people can guarantee that they will always stick to their true intentions?

Yes, Spider-Man is originally such a positive example, but how many Spider-Man are there in the multiverse?

"Well, is it a reward? I really didn't expect it at the moment." Our Lady touched her face and looked up at the crystal chandelier on the ceiling: "You also know that we live on platforms in the dark, passing through Line 8 To get in and out of psychology and reality, the main dimension can give us nothing but mental trauma, at least not for me."

"I understand, you can bring your memories." A tentacle stretched out from Su Ming's shoulder, and he touched the little black snake with crescent eyes: "Then I will give you copies of all the movies that my family has made over the years. One copy, and this year’s latest “Resident Evil 71”.”

With that said, without giving the woman a chance to refuse, Strangler bit her wrist directly and poured these videos into the memory of the Virgin through the neural network.

Maybe it was because there was too much information, so she rolled her eyes a little, looking like she had been spoiled.

However, as a hacker, her brain is not too bad. She recovered within a few seconds and looked at her wrist with teeth marks with a bit of resentment:

"Why are you still buying and selling by force?"

"Haha, aren't you saying that you are so miserable? Since you can return to the platform with mental trauma, you can carry the memories with you. These memories will be given to you to relieve your boredom. As for whether you want to invite that sister personality to come with you? Look, it’s all casual, maybe this can help you win over some people in this boring world.”

Su Ming knew that dozens of Kai's personalities had the ability to retrieve memories, and poured the memories of the movie into the Virgin's mind. When she returned to her station, she could easily find someone to retrieve them again.

Information and intelligence are always hard currency, much harder than gold and jewelry, and almost equivalent to souls.

But how much benefit can be obtained from intelligence depends on the brains of the people who control it.

"Information as payment?" Our Lady nodded and took a puff of her cigarette: "It's a very good idea. Thank you for your kindness, but are you sure you really don't want me to watch it with Beautiful Polly?"

As she spoke, she had a "funny" squinting expression on her face.

No one knows why she, a young and mature woman who looks gentle, generous, dignified and beautiful, is still a master of beauty, but she obviously likes to gossip about all kinds of things.

"I will find a way to solve her situation in the future."

Su Ming had no expression on his face. He pinched the cigarette butts in his hand and put them away. Then he took back the mobile phone from the Virgin, threw it to Bobo and asked him to put the battery back:

"Okay, Monkey Protector of the Country, can you tell me what kind of disease the Chief has? Did we discover a new type of virus called rabid cat disease today?"

Bobo was no longer too lazy to argue that he was not a monkey. He borrowed the phone that was thrown back, took out the battery and plugged it in:

"Is this a curse, or a blessing?"

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