The Death Knell

Chapter 4360 Left-behind Children

There were hundreds of people in the final 52 Space Army. They were left in every corner of Earth 0 after the original decisive battle. They were hiding all day long and carrying out shady plans in secret. It can be said that all of them are talents.

The strongest leader among them is 'Last Day', a superman infected with the Laughing Virus. He is currently absorbing the energy of major stars in the universe. According to the Yongjia people's understanding, it is said that he has absorbed Millions.

These energies have turned him into an extremely unstable super madman, who looks like a ball of burning humanoid lava, and the S letter on his chest is twisted like a ravine dug by sharp claws.

The specific combat strength is unknown. Judgment Day is so powerful that even Yongjia people would tremble when they see it. However, Su Ming is quite indifferent to this.

The aliens are afraid of him because they don't understand the weaknesses of Kryptonians. In fact, no matter how strong he becomes on Judgment Day, he will still have to hide when encountering an artificial kryptonite tycoon like Luther, so his threat level is not very high. And he is not on earth now.

Su Ming was more worried about the guy in the group codenamed 'Doomsday Blues', a crazy Constantine.

A guy with a good mind, ability, and no obvious weaknesses would probably have to be dealt with by another bitch.

In addition, there are two crazy penguins, two crazy lanterns, a crazy Lois Lane, and a lot of crazy Gotham villains in their gang.

It was the Laughing Bat who made them who they are, and now that the Laughing Bat is dead, they're desperate for revenge on their Batman's killer.

If a team is not arranged to delay the enemy's 'L' brigade, Su Ming cannot safely leave the earth to find the Yongjia people. You must know that if the earth 0 cannot be saved, his Sepurk will be equivalent to the bridge missing a load-bearing root. column, the impact will not be small.

Sepulk was created by Darkseid, and most of his stories took place on Earth 0. If Earth 0 was erased from existence, those stories would be gone, and maybe the law of cause and effect would erase Sepulk.

Of course, it was only possible, but Su Ming had to consider the worst case scenario, just in case.

"Tsk, tsk, ugh..." Bobo sucked his pipe hard. He looked troubled, but he quickly made up his mind: "I'll contact the Justice League Dark and Shadow Contract. At this time, we can probably only count on Constantine and Black Alice."

In fact, the original main force should be Zatanna, but Zatanna's soul was damaged in the ancient mansion last time, and she is still in a state of self-cultivation. She can only let Black Alice see if she can copy her reverse magic.

"Ahem, actually we have another option." Donna had already taken out her mobile phone, which was the same model as Diana's, with a beautiful golden-red flip cover, and said: "If you agree, Slade, I will contact you right away. Doom Patrol, I have the contact information of my good sister Elemental Girl.”

Although the Doom Patrol looks like a group of clowns who live in a comedy show every day, and can be said to be a vulnerable group in need of social sympathy and help, that is just the image they give to outsiders.

Regardless of the strength of the film man, the muscular man, and Casey, just one Kai is enough to deal with most types of apocalypse.

Because many personalities share the same body, when someone wants to harm this body, some super powerful personality may pop up to fight back, especially since Kai's symptoms of split personality are getting worse every moment. A new personality is born.

And there's another thing, don't look at the chief who is causing one thing or another, he is like a rubbish burden.

But he is actually very smart. At least his ability to lead a team and make tactical arrangements is not weaker than anyone else. He just suffers from the fact that he is paraplegic and has no fighting ability. As long as he is paired with a powerful thug, he can do better than many people.

"That's what I mean, call." Su Ming nodded and asked Donna to do it. Strangler grabbed a napkin and wiped the corners of the host's mouth. After he finished eating, "The only ones left in the Dark Zhenglian are Zha Kang, Man Bat, Dead Man, Yashiro Fate and Mrs. Xanadu, I feel guilty for letting these people go to the battlefield, because that is letting them die."

If nothing else, Constantine might have killed all of his own people before he met the enemy.

This is not without precedent. As we all know, except for the taxi driver who has 99 lives, all of Constantine's teammates are expendable.

"When I first heard what you said, I thought you were talking about the Suicide Squad." Bobo looked at Donna speechlessly as she went to talk on the phone. He pointed to his nose: "Do you think I look like that black-hearted fat woman Amanda? I don’t want the Dark Alliance to take risks, but when faced with multiverse-level enemies, there are not many superheroes who can really defeat them.”

After hearing this, Su Ming looked at Bobo's face, which was quite dark; and then thought about Amanda Waller's face, it was as dark as her heart.

So from this perspective, the two are really similar, except that one is a chimpanzee and the other is a female gorilla.

"Let the Doom Patrol take care of it first. I asked the adjutant to contact Superboy Prime to help keep an eye on it. If that doesn't work, I can only ask Luther to bring the Legion of Doom back to defend. Let the cleaning work in the Omega Universe go first. It doesn’t matter.”

In addition to contacting Superboy-Prime, Su Ming also silently contacted Bliss and Cindy through Strangler and his adjutant while talking to his teammates, giving them a heads up and discussing some secret matters.

Haven and Barry, who are still on Earth 40K at this time, can serve as a reserve team. Su Ming also has many mutants available.

These are all backup plans.

But it's rare that Donna proposed the Doom Patrol, so respect her opinion and make my sister-in-law happy.

"I don't dare to underestimate the cleaning work anymore." Wally finished showing off the last bit of food on the table, and he touched his slightly bulging belly: "Being brought back by the last 52 Multidimensional Army, isn't it our original post-war cleaning? Didn't you do your job well? It's all my fault, I should..."

"I Have a Picture Book of Ghosts and Gods"

"It has nothing to do with you, no need to blame yourself, Flash, you were still in jail at that time, remember?"

Quickly interrupting this speech, Bobo patted Erfeng on the shoulder wordlessly. Sometimes superheroes have a strong sense of responsibility. This kind of mentality of taking the blame can really kill people.

What is this called... mental internal friction? Do you feel that you are responsible for everything? Even if it doesn't rain in Africa, or your friend's puppy doesn't poop, you have to blame yourself for things like that?

If Wally continues like this, he should go to Arkham to register at noon tomorrow, because sooner or later he will go crazy.


After Wally was reminded, he was stunned for a moment, then slapped the back of his head and stuck out his tongue:

"So this is Batman's fault? Command responsibility?"

Upon hearing his tentative question, Su Ming raised his hands and punched continuously on the spot, giving Wally 32 likes from the air:

"Well said! It's all Batman's fault. If you blame him for anything in the future, you can keep a relaxed mind, and he also enjoys all kinds of torture. It's a win-win situation."

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