The Death Knell

Chapter 4361 Space Ride

After eating and drinking, the defense arrangements for Earth 0 were made, and the information that should be exchanged with Zhenglian was also shared, so Su Ming and his party were ready to set off.

The Yonga people's home ship has been moving in a super-light circular motion around the edge of the single universe of Earth 0. The adjutant has just calculated the location where it may exist now, and Su Ming plans to let Wally drag everyone there.

Using the Speed ​​Force may not necessarily be faster than flying with a cloak, but it will definitely be more concealed to leave from the Speed ​​Force plane. The Yongjia people have a very high level of technology, so for the sake of safety, they cannot use sonic teleportation.

After giving the order to set off, Su Ming opened the window of the lighthouse and sprinkled a handful of Sands of Time outside. He watched the army below fall into pieces like wheat brought down by an invisible sickle, and then he looked at himself. every team member.

Donna put away the phone and picked up the sword and shield. She was very excited, as if she was looking forward to slashing or being slashed.

The cape has been tied around Wally's waist to form a trailing platform, waiting for everyone to ride on it. The second-generation Flash is moving his ankles and doing warm-up exercises.

Shazam reluctantly turned off his phone, because he was not sure if there was any network outside the universe, so he logged in first to avoid data problems.

Bobo had nothing to say. He smiled and hugged the thigh of a certain Supreme Mage and was climbing up.

But what was more surprising was that Colonel Sanders actually came back and was staring at the death knell with a smile.

"Colonel, I thought you just sent Kane to Arkham and then went back to the fried chicken restaurant. Why did you come back again? We are getting ready to leave. Are you here to recycle disposable tableware? Well, do you want it to be so environmentally friendly?”

The colonel waved his hands, leaned forward on crutches, and said with a smile:

"In my factories around the world, tens of millions of cubic meters of water are used to scald chicken feathers every day. The paper used to wrap Mexican chicken tacos would have to cut down a forest. If you tell me about environmental protection, I will tell you. Profit margins and business practices, young people, ho ho ho."

"No, I don't want to know your secret recipe for fried chicken, and I don't want to join a chain." Su Ming quickly shook his head. Even if his Wilson fast food only makes burgers, it's good. The chicken can be fried as long as it's cooked: "But since you You’re not here to chat with us, so are you planning to go on a mission with us this time?”

"Yes, I learned from the last experience."

The colonel nodded, took the initiative to walk towards the flying carpet turned into a cloak, and sat on it:

"The last time the enemy fully invaded the earth, it seriously affected my business, and my employees also suffered heavy casualties, so this time I want to stop the enemy from the earth. And I am not an old man bragging, I am a good hand at dealing with aliens , in the entire multiverse, no alien can eat my fried chicken without giving me money."

It's true, the Colonel has cooperated with the Green Lantern Corps before and sold KFC to every corner of the universe.

To put it nicely, the Green Lantern Corps is the cosmic police, but to put it harshly, it is a violent gang. Of course, no aliens dare to eat King Chicken.

"I know this." Su Ming nodded without thinking too much: "Since you are willing to contribute to the earth, I naturally have no reason to refuse, but you must obey my command, okay?"

Like all businessmen, the old man shook hands with the death knell and said with a smile:

"make a deal."

"Okay, everyone get on the flying carpet and we're ready to go." Su Ming checked the cloak again and made sure it was tied tightly around Wally's waist and wouldn't show signs of loosening halfway, then he took a photo The second generation was so cute: "Run, Wally, run out of a future for us humans!"

Colonel Sanders makes good fried chicken, but when it comes to making chicken soup, Su Ming is better.

Superheroes like to drink chicken soup the most. For humanity, for justice, for hope, for relatives, friends and family, it can make their blood boil and their fighting spirit high.

Su Ming's emotions have always been very reserved, but when it's time to shout slogans, he can also act.

After hearing what Deathstroke said, Wally said nothing. His blood boiled and his face turned as red as his uniform. He started violently on the spot, and everyone entered the colorful Speed ​​Force plane in an instant.


No anti-theft

The connection between time and space is the closest. As long as the speed is fast enough, distance is not really a problem.

Because there is no need to travel through time, it is just a simple displacement, so when Wally quietly stopped on a planet, only two seconds passed. Many of his teammates were still in a state of confusion and did not react.

"This is it, everyone, look above your heads." He reminded everyone that they had now left the Speed ​​Force plane, and the home ship Deathstroke was looking for was right above everyone's heads.

It was an extremely huge behemoth, completely covering the light of stars in the planetary system at this time. It was moving at high speed in the sky like a sun, but from everyone's perspective, the huge body seemed a bit slow.

But what we see now is just the scene when it passed by some time ago, as the light is transmitted to the ground and enters everyone's eyes.

Only when one's own relative speed remains stationary with the other's, or even faster than the other's, can one see its true appearance.

Wally rested here temporarily to let Deathstroke observe the enemy's situation first, because in addition to the huge home ship, the Yongjia people also had a fleet that was as dense and glowing as the sea of ​​stars.

"As expected of an advanced race, does the number of ships in the so-called fleet start at one million?" Su Ming raised his head and looked at the sky. He touched his chin: "The Yongjia people are an egalitarian group. This gives me ideas. , come on, Wally, let’s try to insert them.”

"Well, this word may cause misunderstanding, but I listen to you." Wally took a few deep breaths and prepared to take another step: "Let's start directly from the home ship, okay? I'll find a way to find a hatch to sneak in."

Bobo squatted on Deathstroke's shoulder and was arranging his hair. He added:

"Don't look for the hatch of the spaceship. There are often monitoring methods. They are a fleet. There must be many spaceships going back and forth between the home ship and other ships every day. You can just find a dock and we will go in under the enemy's spaceship. .”

This is a technique commonly used by fighter pilots, which is to hide under civilian airliners to avoid radar scanning.

Of course, the alien's scanning equipment is definitely not a radar, but the tactical thinking is universal, which is to hide as much as possible until Deathstroke finds the conditions that can kill this civilization with a fatal blow.

"Okay, leave it to me! Everyone, sit tight and sit tight. I'll try my best to do a good job. But, Slade, should we give our team a name?"

Wally was doing well, but before he took a step, he suddenly remembered this.

Hearing the simple man ask this question, Su Ming looked at Colonel Sanders and then at the monkey head on his shoulder. He smiled and answered Wally:

"Then let's call it the 'Free Trade Group'."

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