The Death Knell

Chapter 4376 Best Friend

Yes, you know there is such a place. "

Wally scratched his head, grinning as if he felt embarrassed:

"But we have only heard about it and know that it is the new home of the Kryptonians, but no outsiders have ever been there. Clark hid it very well, or in other words, deliberately kept his kind away from the awareness of other creatures."

The thing is, a long time ago, Brainiac once stole a city from Krypton called Kandor.

Everyone knows the habit of that green robot, which is that he likes to collect. When the technology was not very mature at first, he put a city in a bottle. Later, it developed to the point where he put an entire planet in a bottle as a display for himself. I'll play around with it from time to time.

When the Kryptonians were on their home planet, because the star in their planetary system was a red sun, they did not have any superpowers and could not fight against Brainiac.

But after a tenacious battle, the perverted collecting maniac was still driven away, and only one city of Kandor was lost.

But then Krypton exploded, and Kandor was a blessing in disguise. It became the only surviving Kryptonian city, and the citizens locked in bottles became the last Kryptonian survivors.

After Clark grew up on Earth and fought against Brainiac, he soon discovered the city of Kandor in the bottle, and in one operation, he snatched the bottle back from the Green Bald Head.

Superman has been responsible for protecting and caring for it, and for a long time he was unable to find a way to restore the city to its original size and could only keep it safely in a special laboratory in the Fortress of Solitude.

But as times changed, and after major events like Flashpoint, Superman finally found a way to restore Kandor and millions of Kandorians back to their correct size.

Strictly speaking, Superman just has a fast brain, but he is not a scientific genius, just a reporter.

But the problem is not big. Some of the Kryptonians in the bottle are super scientists.

Many members of the Krypton Science Council happened to be in Kandor City. Clark only needed to tell them the space knowledge he learned from Batman, and they would be able to save themselves soon.

But after experiencing General Zod's invasion of the earth, Clark knew that he could not be sure that every Kryptonian was like himself and had good intentions towards the earth and mankind.

Especially after the sixth era of Krypton, the Zuo De family, which advocated foreign invasion, was led by the Zuo De family, and contacted dozens of big families to form a hawks faction, which has been preaching to cleanse aliens.

The Hawks' philosophy is very simple, which is to eliminate all backward alien natives, turn the other party's home planet into a Kryptonian colony, and use the endless universe to support the Kryptonians' infinite growing desires.

Therefore, Clark decided not to make the mistake again and to find a new habitable world to resettle the people of Kandor, and the resettlement place must have a red sun.

Unfriendly superpowers are a real threat. Superman doesn't want to be caught between his compatriots and friends again. It's difficult to be a human being on both sides.

In the end, Clark found such an uninhabited planet in the universe called Rokyn. He brought the bottle here and completed the release. He also spent a lot of effort to hide the planet with his compatriots. .

The citizens thanked Clark, Kal-El, for his help and began to rebuild their homes here. They even wanted Clark to rule here again on behalf of the El family.

But Superman said that he is an earthling, his home is on the earth, and he is very willing to be with his compatriots, but the earth needs him more.

So Superman's cousin Van-Zee was elected as the Supreme Leader. He and other members of the Science Council rebuilt Kandor, making numerous architectural improvements that far exceeded the original city.

Many old cities were demolished. During this period, Van Zee discovered the blueprints hidden in the underground vault. They used it to redesign their home and named the desolate planet of Login as New Krypton.

Van Zee is a more standard Kryptonian than Clark. He doesn't have much idealism, but is a pragmatist.

He even recruited numerous villains from Krypton's history from the Phantom Zone, promising them a new life on New Krypton in exchange for their services, as long as they were willing to serve the race and forget about the past.

Generally speaking, New Krypton has been peaceful. Because of the existence of the red sun, the people of Krypton have not yet realized how powerful they are.

Superman and Supergirl sometimes secretly drive a spaceship to Luo Jin to visit relatives and get together with their compatriots. Other than that, they have no contact with them on weekdays. They know that they cannot let these compatriots come to Earth.

"In other words, only Clark and Kara know where New Krypton is?"

Donna looked at Wally and then at Linda who brought up the topic. She understood:

"You are saying that Rao or his spokesperson is probably on that planet at this time, and we don't know the specific coordinates to that planet, right?"

"Yes, it's just like you said, Wonder Girl." Wally stretched his legs and moved under the table a few times: "I feel like I'm committing a crime by telling this news, Slade, you You won’t do anything to Clark or Kara for this information, right?”

"Haha, what are you thinking? How could I attack my friends and torture them for information?"

Smiling, Su Ming patted Wally on the shoulder with his strangulating tentacle across the table, signaling him to relax:

"I already understand what you mean. Now you all suspect that Rao is hiding in New Krypton, and you want to go there to investigate, but you don't know the specific location of New Krypton, so you find it difficult, but this is actually not a problem."

"Oh? You know?" Bobo filled the pipe and pressed the hole with his thumb, seeming to feel that he was not very qualified as a detective: "Your intelligence ability is indeed the best on earth."

Seeing that everyone had misunderstood, Su Ming smiled and waved his hands, shaking his head modestly:

"No, don't rush to brag. I actually don't know, but I have other ways to know. I don't need to torture Clark or Kara. Friends, I don't know if you have heard of the saying, call the person who knows you best, Are they often your enemies?"

"What do you mean..." Xiaofu orangutan understood instantly, and knocked on his knee in annoyance, apparently feeling that he should have thought of it earlier.

Deathstroke just pinched the cigarette butt and put it away. He touched his ears with his fingers:

"Adjutant, pick me up Lex."

The communication was immediately connected, and the shining bald head appeared on the projection screen again. At this time, Luther was shooting at some strange creatures with energy weapons. Without even looking at the screen, he asked:

"Slade, do you want me to return to Earth 0 to help? I have some information that indicates that the Justice League seems to be in a bit of trouble now, hehehe..."

"It's not necessary for the moment. I've called my cousin over to help." Su Ming's expression was calm. He took out a bottle of wine to rinse his mouth and went straight to the topic: "Do you know the specific coordinates of New Krypton? Really? I plan to go there and have some fun."

"Oh, Deathstroke, how do you know that I have been paying attention to that Kryptonian nest? Hehe, I will send you the coordinates. By the way, if any Kryptonian provokes you, don't rush to kill him, let the adjutant send him to I'm here, I'm a little short of experimental materials recently."

Luther smiled crookedly and reported a string of English numbers plus numbers without thinking. He had always known where New Krypton was.

It's just that in order to prove that he is better than Clark, he did not bother to take action against the "ordinary people" of Krypton in the past.

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