The Death Knell

Chapter 4377 Transaction Completed

After learning the specific coordinates from Bald Head, the adjutant immediately locked onto a starry sky.

It looked like a gorgeous background of the universe, and there was no planet there, but Luther could not be mistaken. New Krypton should have been obscured by technological means.

The teammates were a little eager to try and planned to take action immediately, but Su Ming was not in a hurry and asked the bald head again:

"Lex, one more thing. Do you know a person codenamed 'Remnant'? He is very similar to you and likes to wear green clothes."

Luther grabbed a monster in his hand and used the armor's palm cannon to wash the opponent's face.

These Darkseid creations in the Omega universe are quite durable, with black blood splattering everywhere and light flashing until the enemy's head is whittled off like a pencil.

"Haha, what is this? Is this your new cold joke? Then you should talk to our old friend Hal. In the universe, there are many people who like green more than me, and I don't know that there is a fraternity. I don’t even know the person you’re talking about.”

This is reasonable. Luther is not omnipotent after all, otherwise he would not have lost before.

Deathstroke nodded, put the orangutan on the seat, and walked towards the bathroom at the back of the restaurant, waving his hands to signal everyone not to follow.

Everyone only heard him asking Luther:

"How much artificial kryptonite do you have in stock? What colors do you have..."

He said this and wandered out of everyone's sight, not knowing what Luther's response was.

Bobo touched his chin, as if he was interested, because he had never seen Deathstroke going to the toilet in the past.

This man always said that he was an ordinary person, but in this respect he was more like an angel or a god.

"Ah, what should I do? Deathstroke asked Luther for a large amount of artificial kryptonite." Watching Deathstroke's back disappear around the corner of the corridor, Wally was panicked. He scratched his head and asked everyone for help: "I said New Kryptonite Could it be that it harmed them?"

"Didn't Linda mention it first? You are an accomplice at best."

Shazam pointed at the waitress, who was still distracted.

What Sunshine Boy means is that even if something happens to New Krypton, such as genocide or massacre, Wally will not be primarily responsible.

I learned the word accomplice from a TV series. It’s a rare word that I don’t usually use. When I said it today, I felt cool.

"We have to talk, Wally, come out with me!"

But someone was unhappy, so Donna grabbed the second generation and dragged him out of the door, saying as he walked:

"It was Slade who got you out of prison and gave you a chance to become a hero again, but you keep questioning him today? Don't you think you are going too far?"

"Oh, I didn't mean that. Let me go, you violent woman, let me explain."

Wally struggled helplessly, but in terms of strength, even a hundred of him could not compare to the second Amazon princess.

The struggle was ineffective, and he was dragged out like a sack of potatoes to talk. This can be regarded as a tradition in the Flash family, everyone is afraid of being talked to.

"Well, they won't start fighting, right? Should I stop them?"

Shazam was somewhat worried as he watched Wally being dragged away. He hoped that everyone in the team would be harmonious and there would be no disputes.

"Fuck~~~" The orangutan crossed his legs and blew out a puff of smoke, waving his hands casually: "It's okay, Wonder Girl and Lightning Boy are teammates of the Titans, and it has long been customary to fight and fight. Do you want a drink? I'll give it to you. Buy a Coke?"

"No Coke." Linda came back to her senses now, and she ordered the menu: "It's either beer or orange juice, nothing else."

Deathstroke had already turned back at this time. He obviously did not go to the bathroom, because at this time Damian and Suizhen were followed behind him, and the girl was looking around with a suspicious look.

"What are we talking about? Soda?" Su Ming pointed at Linda, letting the mixed-race girl communicate with the person she suspected to be her mother. He picked up the orangutan and put it on his shoulders: "It's time for us to set off. If you want to drink soda, I'll give it to you on the way. "

"The little dwarf wants to join us?" The orangutan lowered his head and looked at Damian, who was standing with his arms crossed. The boy was looking at Shazam with a sinister look, as if the other party had taken away something that belonged to him. .

Even though Shazam is much bigger after his transformation, Billy is a good boy. How can he withstand the scrutiny of a bad boy like Damian? Immediately he became timid and trembling.

When Dami heard what the orangutan said, he just rolled his eyes. He didn't even bother to answer, because it was an obvious thing, right?

Accompanying his teammate Crushing to come over to recognize his relatives was just a drop-in, but he came to help Deathstroke deal with the Kryptonians.

There are not many people on the earth who have experience in using kryptonite tactics, including Luther and Doomsday, but the one with the most experience is Batman.

Kryptonite smoke bombs, kryptonite chewing gum, kryptonite batarangs, kryptonite shoe soles, etc. all once made Superman Clark miserable.

I have been with Batman for so many years, and I have also been teammates with Superboy and the Kryptonian boy, and I also have a lot of use for kryptonite.

Whether it is natural kryptonite or artificial kryptonite, no matter what color it is, and what kind of tactics to deploy, Damian has a good idea.

Although his father, Deathstroke, was strong, he had never used kryptonite to deal with an enemy before, so he had to help him.

It's just that the Shazam in the team is a bit of an eyesore, as one of the minors is obviously enough!

"Well, Kandor has been hidden by Superman and his compatriots. It's like a secret place in the universe. I want to take my children to open their eyes."

Su Ming smiled and rubbed Damian's head, leaning his little body against his thigh:

"While you're young, you have to travel around a lot. What's the future of hanging around in Gotham every day? The best you can do is just take up Batman's cape and become a psychotic leader."

Da Mi nodded repeatedly, obviously deeply convinced.

"Ahem, don't say that." Bobo took a sip from his pipe and frowned: "If Batman hadn't been watching over the city, the lunatics in the city would have been everywhere, how could we survive? Peaceful days?”

At this time, Donna also finished talking to Wally. When she saw her teammates standing up, she simply stood by the door instead of walking into the fast food restaurant. She took a curious look and sat there without saying anything. When he looked at Linda, he was crushed and realized that there was a generation gap between himself and the little girl.

I can’t understand what this sit-in demonstration is doing at all.

Crushing is indeed a mixed-race Zainian, but now she is 1.8 meters tall at the age of 13, and her muscles are more developed than Wally's. She looks like a good female warrior material, and Donna likes her very much.

Wally, who was following Donna at this time, looked listless and obviously had no opinions.

"Okay, then just as we said before, crush it, or crush it. If you want to go back to New York on Earth, just call the adjutant to the sky and she will send you back. Now we have to get down to business."

Deathstroke confessed to the pale-skinned girl, then walked out of the fast food restaurant, took off his cloak, asked everyone to come up, and went straight to Kandor this time.

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