The Death Knell

Chapter 4378 Wei's Triangle Killing

"Who is it?! Jie Jie Jie, is it the little penguin? Come out quickly and come to daddy!"

In a dark alley in Gotham, a tall, deformed penguin suddenly turned his head and looked behind him. Dark green mucus spurted out of his mouth, his eyes widened and he smiled broadly.

From just now, he felt that someone was following him, and he even heard the fading sound effect of 'buzz, rub, rub, rub', as if it was ringing in his head.

This got him a little excited.

Yes, excitement, not fear.

As a sadist who lost his home planet, he no longer knows what fear is after being infected by the Laughing Virus. Now he just wants to destroy Earth 0 and avenge his Batman, the Laughing Bat, as much as possible Torturing humans on Earth 0.

What if you were targeted by someone else? That would be even better, there is no need to look for it, the anatomy object will be delivered to your door.

I don't know if his request was really heard, or because the time had come, a tall figure walked out of the darkness of the alley.

The man wore a hockey mask on his face and held a fire ax in his hand. The blade of the ax rubbed against the wet ground, making a harsh sound.

"The decision is yours, Crystal Lake mama's boy! Yikuzou, use the New Year's Axe Technique first!"

Another mean voice came from an unknown location in the darkness. It seemed to be instructing tactics, but also seemed to be making noises. At least Penguin had never heard of any New Year's Axe-type tactics before.

But it actually didn't matter. The penguin's fat tongue rolled the black water back into his mouth. He pulled out a submachine gun from his funny tuxedo pocket and pulled the trigger at the weirdo who was striding towards him.

The fireworks in the sky are still blooming, covering up the sound of gunfire. Scenes like this are staged in Gotham almost every day.

But the strange penguin miscalculated this time. He saw that the opponent was huge, and he only intended to use the gun to make him incapacitated and then torture him slowly. However, he did not expect that the gun would have no effect on the weirdo.

The body of the man in the hockey mask didn't even sway at all when he was hit, as if the bullet was not as powerful as the rain in the sky. He didn't even run, he just walked up to the strange penguin with his long legs, raised his ax and made a crack. Down.

There are no moves or tactics, just pure brute force.

The strange penguin is also a strong man nearly three meters tall. But facing this kind of weirdo holding a melee weapon, he can only avoid the sharp edge temporarily. He dropped the gun and used his umbrella to fight, but the stabbing sword weapon is really not an axe. opponent.

In just a few rounds, his umbrella was chopped like a chicken with no feathers, and became tattered. Even the bones in his hands ached.

"Hehehehe, he can't bear it, can he? Old guys, let me tell you, this is actually the complete version of Space Jason after 11 "Friday the 13th" movies, but it uses the first Are you scared of the original skin in the movie?!"

That mean voice came from the darkness again. It seemed very happy, as if it couldn't wait to see the penguin die on the spot.

But Weird Penguin was once the boss of Gotham on his own earth. How could he be so easy to explain? So despite his desperate resistance, Space Jason, who was not equipped with energy weapons, was unable to take him down for a while.

Under normal circumstances, he would be able to escape any superhero he encountered.

But Deathstroke first defeated the Yongjia people and abolished one of the most important means of space teleportation of 'our lord'. And now it is Deadpool who leads people to capture Penguin. Mercenaries do not talk about one-on-one chivalry. .

After Jason failed to take down the enemy for ten seconds, Deadpool responded to the request of the live broadcast room audience and sent out a second killer.

Nailhead, who was wearing a long black leather coat, slowly walked out of the darkness, holding a square mysterious object in his hand. After whispering a few words softly, the cube suddenly opened, and an upside-down, full-covered object was projected from it. A world of chains and instruments of torture.

There was no special movement on his part. Amidst the chants of depraved hymns, countless dark chains shot out from behind, entangling the strange penguin tightly.

Seeing that the prey had been captured, the other murderers couldn't bear it anymore. Leatherface, Ghostface, and Mike appeared one after another, and kept greeting the prisoners with the guys in their hands.

Mike launched a backstab, stabbing the strange penguin from behind with a kitchen knife so that its feet were off the ground, and he lifted the prey high with one hand.

The victim turned his head with difficulty to look at him, and Mike also tilted his head slightly, looking at the other person with empty eyes. At this time, silence was better than sound.

Leatherface pulled the chain saw and cut off the prey's feet first. He stretched out his tongue and put it to the wound, and began to lick the blood, giggling.

Although it’s not the common idiot meat eaten at home, I haven’t eaten monster meat yet, so I might as well give it a try.

As for Ghost Face, if others' attacks are like a big hammer, then his attack is like a small hammer. He uses an inconspicuous military dagger to cut the flesh of his prey as if dancing.

Hey, he jumped over and gave me a slash. Hey, he jumped over again and struck again from that angle.

He has the lowest lethality, but the most drama. He shakes his head crazily like he has ADHD. His black hooded cloak is tossed like braids, and giggles come from behind the grimace mask.

A lot of classic horror movie characters gathered together to kill one person. Such a scene was so rare that even Wade and Xia Kaila were fascinated by it.

By the time he reacted, pulled out his two knives and trotted from behind the trash can into the crowd, it was already too late. The memorable first prey had already turned into a mess of meat on the ground.

"Wow, my hot mommy, you are too violent, I must seriously condemn you. Also, I have to remember that I will not be able to spend Thanksgiving with you in the future, because you are like most Americans. , I won’t be grateful at all. I obviously brought you to DC to play, but when you kill people, you don’t leave a place for me to cut? What if my cousin sees it, and I don’t even have the process of taking action, he will doubt me. Scam him out of $100,000."

Wade took a few steps anxiously, then turned back, stepped on the meat, and poked it a few times with a knife, indicating that he had done it too, hoping this would satisfy his cousin.

Mercenaries are also in the service industry, customer satisfaction is very important, and my cousin is my big customer.


The murderers didn't say anything, they just looked at him blankly, until Wade felt a little scared in his heart.

He quickly hugged his wife tightly and seemed to find a sense of security after hiding behind Xia Keli. He stuck his head out:

"What are you watching me do? Nailhead, hurry up and use your power to find us the next prey. Ghost Face, go and check the spot. Don't waste time. My cousin is still waiting for good news from us!"

The murderers dispersed to do their work, and then Diana, who had been silently following the team at a distance, sighed.

She discovered that she couldn't get along with this team at all. She was so normal that she was incompatible with her teammates. What should she do...

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